View Full Version : red slime and nar + mil lilies

Jun 16, 2003, 09:36 AM
do red slimes and nar and mil lilies really exist in the dreamcast v2? i've been playing for 60 hours with each character and have only run into 1 nar lily and it was on normal mode. so it dropped a regular lily drop. is the pc version better to play then dc?

Jun 16, 2003, 06:22 PM
Yes they do exsist in the DC and PC games, but the apperence rate as well as there drop rate is horibbly low. Your best shot is to TP trick for one, but play on spending a while at it if you want to get the enemy to appear. =/

Jun 17, 2003, 01:57 AM
i heard pc ver is like dc v2..
dont know cuz never played it http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif

Jun 17, 2003, 06:45 AM
pc version can be easily hacked... dc version as well though - with the right hardware extensions.

both are by now hopelessly outdated, i'd say, and the rare rewarding system is mean - which means that you wont find something really rare for ages...

so far in 1700 hours i found a bunch of red handguns, some few ancient sabers, lots of imperial picks and 4 or so yasminkov 2000s - oh yes and a cool heart of robochao. everything except the robochao could be called common rare.

Jun 17, 2003, 09:29 AM
hrm not kewl guess i'll just have to buy it for gamecube