View Full Version : Talis Vs Mahu

Jun 17, 2003, 12:19 AM
Which is better - for stealing tp. The card Mahu or Talis? I have Talis and I'm getting +25.. what about Mahu? Mahu seems to do more damage, but I don't know about the TP stealing.. please tell me. Thanks.

Jun 17, 2003, 01:38 AM
my fomar uses mahu for more power.. plus % bonus
2 talis i have r weaker & no %..
of course both can steal tp.. u knew that!

Jun 17, 2003, 09:13 AM
Mahu has slightly more ATP and ATA, but I believe the TP stealing is identical.

Jun 17, 2003, 09:25 PM
Neither. Cards are too slow and low on the ATA department to make them effective for stealing TP. If you want a good TP stealing weapon, find yourself a handgun-class weapon with a TP steal special (Geist Raygun) and a hit bonus. A plain ol' Double Saber also works okay for stealing TP, but you have to get right up in the face of your enemy to use it. I recommend scrapping the idea for a TP stealing weapon all together and just use fluids. Money is easy to come by and using TP steal weapons just slows you down.

Jun 17, 2003, 11:19 PM
A mechgun type also works well. My 12th FOmar uses Mind Mechguns and can refill his TP in (I think) 5 3-hit combos. He hardly ever uses fluids except when chain-casting (spell spamming?) is necessary. Bosses, and when the rest of the team needs his Resta-y goodness and such.

Jun 17, 2003, 11:19 PM
A mechgun type also works well. My 12th FOmar uses Mind Mechguns and can refill his TP in (I think) 5 3-hit combos. He hardly ever uses fluids except when chain-casting (spell spamming?) is necessary. Bosses, and when the rest of the team needs his Resta-y goodness and such.