View Full Version : Angel Wings

Jun 17, 2003, 02:47 AM
Last night a character I was playing with was kind enough to give me a Level 200 Angel Wings mag to help me along. I can't remember any of the stats but Power was very high and the last two were 0. The player also gave me a couple of weapons too. Is this mag a legit item ? How can I tell ? Should I be using it ? Ha, it helps a lot and enables me to use weapons that I couldn't previously use but I'm concerned about using duped items

Jun 17, 2003, 03:33 AM
They're all dupes, I'm afraid. He wouldn't give away a worked up mag with a mag cell you can only find once a year, and a bunch of other rares for free? At very least, the cell used on the mag is a dupe.

Jun 17, 2003, 03:44 AM
you cant be concerned about using dupes you didn't dupe it you cant stop duping by not using it

Jun 17, 2003, 03:55 AM
The problem with duping is that it skews the price for items, and promotes that everyone conform and have the same mags, same weapons, same armor... Instead of going out rare hunting, you can just get a dupe for free and save time. Which means that even the frequently played areas are the same. Nobody does Episode 2, because it's tough and the rares there are no incentive.

While not using duped rares doesn't solve the global problem, it will get you a certain respect and allow you to better enjoy the games MANY features, instead of just using a BKB like everyone else.