View Full Version : "beats"? What is that?

Jun 19, 2003, 09:49 AM
Have the "beats" some relation with rare weapons?

Jun 19, 2003, 10:21 AM
The .beat system is just a universal chronograph. Unlike the common time system used worldwide where it's split into 24 time zones, the .beat system is stable. It's the same .beat time everywhere in the world. There are two weapons that .beat time effects, and those are the Heaven's Punisher and the Morning Glory. For more information on .beat time view the following...


Jun 19, 2003, 12:01 PM
Certain times also affect the amount of rares dropped. If you go to the forest while doing a quest Rappies drop rares like crazy. I remember my FOmar ran through the forest one time doing the fake in yellow. Every single rappy dropped a freakin Flowen sword. It gets annoying after you pick up the same weapon 15 million times!

Jun 19, 2003, 07:44 PM
That's just a rumor (and in my opinion a false rumor). There is no proof that beat time effects item drops.

Jul 2, 2003, 02:58 PM
Ah It is true. At 052 with my whitill in v.hard I found a Yamoto. I spent the rest of the day looking for one because it had been the best weapon I had found until that point. Nothing. Next day I went back same time and I found another one. Again I went looking for another one. Nothing...until the next day. Either it's just coincidence or it's set to that time.