View Full Version : What is this

Jun 21, 2003, 01:45 AM
What is this Al Rappy unit peopel are talking about, I don't even see it in the item database. If it is real how do you find it?

Jun 21, 2003, 01:49 AM
Al Rappy is a rare version of the Rag Rappy. It's only seen in the Forest, and since it's "rare", it's "rare" to find it.

In Ultimate Mode, the Al Rappy is replaced by the Pal Rappy. In VR Temple, the Love Rappy dominates as the rare version, no matter which difficulty.

Jun 21, 2003, 01:56 AM
I know that, but in a pic it showed an Al Rappy Unit and then I was in another thread and someone said somethign about having Al Rappy units equiped.

Jun 21, 2003, 01:57 AM
slicer meant Al Rappy Unit, Shapiro, and I'm not sure I've even heard of that item, slicer.

Jun 21, 2003, 01:58 AM
Found it look at the Fast Hunter weapon thread. That dude talks about it in the last post

Jun 21, 2003, 03:00 AM
Al Rappy Units are Labeled on the game under Mag, the descriptiuon just says Al Rappy.. I'm not sure about GC but on XBox, Al Rappies are completely hacked.. You equip them like you would a god/power, but weraing one Al Rappy is like wearing 5 god powers. It adds 250 ATP.. On Xbox now, the Al Rappies are being duped so much that everyone has 5 or 6 of them.. Level 10 chracters are pulling off 500 damage with their J-Swords and saying that their chracter is just so good. But if they did not have the Al Rappies, they would be weak again..

In conclusion, Al Rappies are very cheap and totally hacked..

Jun 21, 2003, 03:04 AM
Ah ha ok now that won't bug me any more.

Jun 21, 2003, 05:50 AM
Teehee... I imagine creating a game with my pitiful 20-something FOnewearl, and watching a level 10 HUmar with child's voice, and an inability to use a sentance without three to four explatives in it waltz in. I would say "Hello" and he would respond "What the fuck is up, nigga?" I would give my normal response of "Not Much." He would then challenge me to see how fast each of us could clear a room in ruins. I empty a room with a several shots of Foie, and then ask the kid to show his stuff. He then proceeds to annihilate everything, up to and including Dark Falz.
I sit there in awe of his overpowered character and ask him "Where did you learn to do that?" and he replies "Al fucken Rappies, bitch."

Just my idea of how games with people who use hacked items might go over. I'm really stereotyping hacked weapon-users, and for that I'm sorry. But when I think of Non-Uber-God(Without them Diablo 2 would have never been fun, dammir) "h4x0r5" I tend to think of children with foul mouths.

Jun 21, 2003, 02:59 PM
Hahahaha omfg thats funny.