View Full Version : dang yasha, so hard to find

Jun 21, 2003, 11:40 AM
ok i want a yasha beings i have a sange and am a pretty big fan of double katana weapons. anyways, i have a viridia and a skyly with access to ultimate, and i was wondering, what would be easier to drop it, an indi belra or a melqueek. either seems like a pain in the butt. well ive got my work cut out for me, wish me luck. also how do i combine the 2 if and when i get the yasha. and which special does it have and which percents does it take or is it reset? well anyways, thanks.

Jun 21, 2003, 12:20 PM
i have those same colors on ult and im looking for it also. i think it would be easier to look for it on melqueeks. But my friend found one from a indi belra by huge luck im sure.

Jun 21, 2003, 01:12 PM
I would personally try the Melqueeks, simply because thre's more of them available.

Jun 21, 2003, 08:40 PM
There's more Melqueeks, but they have arguably one of the stingiest drop rates. It's estimated that they drop an item (any item) 15% of the time (that's roughly 1 in 6.66~ kills will give you some kind of item). The Indi Belra has a higher drop rate, but yes there's less of them. Personally, because of the drop rates, I think it'd be easier to get a Yasha off an Indi Belra. I can even make an example for this using different critters with similar drop and appearance rates. With Purplenum I tried literally for months to find a Spread Needle from a Merlan. Lots and lots of Merlans, but they're stingy enemies. I got my Redria rolling and decided to try with him instead. It only took me a couple days to get a Spread Needle off a Dark Bringer, which are low quantity but have something like an 85% item drop rate. Same can be said of my recent flood of Kasami Bracers. It took me roughly 30 Purplenum runs through the Mine to get one from a Canabin, and yet it only took around 10 and then another 3 Yellowboze runs to get two Kasami Bracers off of Sinow Blues. Anyway, enough rambling from me.

If you can ever get online I would suggest playing either Lost Ice Spinner for Melqueeks (tons in there) or Maximum Attack 2 for Indi Belras (quite a lot in there). One of these days I'll probably go after the Belras, but it's not advised to do that alone since they gang up on you. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/anime2.gif

Jun 21, 2003, 09:47 PM
Do you have a link to the guide that tells the item drop rates for certain monsters?

Jun 21, 2003, 10:01 PM

Jun 25, 2003, 03:36 AM
Yeah I hear ya Vulpes, but consider how long it takes to get to those Belras also. In the time it takes to clear ruins through to the belras you can kill a helluva lot more melqueeks, especially if you're item searching on your own.

If you're in a team, then yeah sure go for the Belras, not sure it's the best one solo though.

Jun 25, 2003, 10:46 AM
The Yasha drops from Temple Belras, not Ruins ones. If you're online, you can play Maximum Attack 2 and easily get to a good sized group of Belras.

Jun 26, 2003, 11:32 AM
well im offline and since i have to go through temple one to get to any indi belras, i think it might be a better idea to go for melqueeks. i can play quests for them and get a lot. the only problem is, is that there so darn stingy. im not sure if this is a good idea to go for them above indi belras but im gunna give it a shot. when i play from now on ill just swich off between the 2 so i dont get bored.

Jun 26, 2003, 11:37 AM
Let's not forget Indi Belras hurt. -_-;; Even at Level 126 as a HUcaseal, I am still getting knocked down with critical hits.

I recommend that anybody who's looking for Yasha in VR Temple, save your Pillas. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_razz.gif

Jun 30, 2003, 12:00 AM
I've killed 400 belras with my Skyly and I got a PDrop once...