View Full Version : The "Uber-Twinked" Legits

Jun 22, 2003, 10:39 AM
Okay, first you hear some guy bragging about how he never uses hacks, dupes, or anything of that sort. (I meet alot of different people online : Hackers, Dupers, Thieves, you name'em!)

So yea, this lil lvl five goes to play forest and you tag along with you lvl five character. First thing you notice is this guy has a Sato Mag, and a rare weapon. you go into the first room of monsters, but before you could even strike one, he/she uses Rafoie and with a massive lvl 30 tech explosion, they all die. You get no experience, you didn't strike one.

These people piss me off!!! X@

Jun 22, 2003, 10:53 AM
I never knew inter-character-item-swap was some sort of Taboo, but shit man, I know what you mean. A level 15 hunter is better than my level 94 ranger. That pisses me off beyond bounds.

I trade here and there, you know, varista, bloody art. I mean hell, my ranger doesn't do much good with a staff, so you have to trade it off. But I never, NEVER trade off mags or rare armor. I start off with simple items and work my way up.

It's a lot more fun that way, says the Lendri.

Jun 22, 2003, 03:45 PM
Yea I know how you feel. I met a Legit Hucast who was joined by a ...

Racaseal/Ramarl with a Yas Rifle. and a Dreamcast
A Hucast with a Staf Cutlery. AND A Dreamcast. And 3 God/Powers. And a God/Body....

Jun 22, 2003, 05:29 PM
Yeah, I really hate the "uber-twinkers". I don't mind a better weapon (example: lvl 2 with a brand or lockgun). I only hate the lvl 1's with lvl 200 mags and BKBs and the like.

Jun 22, 2003, 07:06 PM
I twink like mad, but that's because I'm offline only and face it, Normal and Hard are boring, and VHard offers a couple of nifty things to find, but that's about it. So I twink, blast my way through Normal and Hard, dig some stuff up on VHard, and then poke my way into Ult as soon as I feel like it. I need to get a Skyly levelled so I can farm God/HPs to get to Ult sooner. L52 isn't early enough for me. I must do the insane. I'm thinking of trying for the mid-30s, assuming I can get to VHard Falz that early. Whatever's the lowest level I can get there at... Mwah. I have no life.

If I played online, I wouldn't use new chars until they had Ult unlocked and could survive there, so probably around L60 or so, when twinking begins to wear off and you'd have a L200 Mag and decent equip anyways. >P

Jun 22, 2003, 07:36 PM
It's really disgusting how things like this have gotten at this point. I recently played in a random Very Hard game where a LV60 HUnewearl was packin' a TJ-Sword, while the LV60ish FOnewearl was slinging all LV30 spells courtesy of a Dark Bridge. If they want to destroy rooms like that, they should stick to offline where it's much easier due to lowered enemy stats.

But it's truely ridiculous when you see a LV12 FOnewm in Normal Mode with high level techniques.

Jun 23, 2003, 07:57 AM
Stop your damn bitching! Enough Said. People dupe, people hack, people cheat. If you dont like it, withdraw your hunter's license and go home.

Jun 23, 2003, 09:51 AM
lvl 30 techs on a 5 lvl? what a waste of TP - must be a real moron then ^_^; never play with people like this again.

i mean, i also tweak my characters - why not? i found that stuff, i found better, so why should it rot in the bank?
but online its simply rude to kill everything and use too strong weapons. if someone wants to level as fast as possible he or she could also do that offline.

Jun 23, 2003, 10:57 AM
Why does everyone have to stop there bitching about cheating and hacking? They started it, we wouldn't be complaining if those assholes could just take the game as is.

Jun 23, 2003, 11:33 AM
On 2003-06-23 08:57, Nocturne wrote:
Why does everyone have to stop there bitching about cheating and hacking? They started it, we wouldn't be complaining if those assholes could just take the game as is.

Threads like this proves that you'd still have something to complain about, as it doesn't really involve any duping/hacking/lechering.

Jun 23, 2003, 12:00 PM
The problem isn't so much the twinking, it's the fact that people who have twinked characters should know better than to play with other people at lower levels.

Twink all you want, but go solo. You'll get all the exp, blast your way through the stages, and not have to worry about waiting on your team.

If I twink my lower level characters with stuff from my higher ups, I'm not going to make a game anyone can join, because they'd just end up being mad at me.

Jun 23, 2003, 12:02 PM
On 2003-06-23 05:57, Rljohn wrote:
Stop your damn bitching! Enough Said. People dupe, people hack, people cheat. If you dont like it, withdraw your hunter's license and go home.

*coughs and mumbles* and you wonder how people are going to take this, HUmar N00b?
how about you stop and you go home o_O.

yes, as those Situations read. those were dups, and aren't really tweeking.
my diffinition of Tweekage is.
giving a lvl 1 character uhh lets say a HUnewearl.
A. a fair grown mag, lets say a lvl 30 or so mag with random stats even but random.
B. a nice weapon. say a VERY nice brand for the time being but owrking up to a DB saber.
the worst tweeking was
"i was doing like i usually did online when none of my buds were on, Newbie training ^n.n^ so as i found a really nice RAcaseal at about level 13 i asked her if she would like me to walk her threw normal, she agreed (EU server rocked at this time)so after a few minutes of Mines a RAmar joined, level 9 i piped him down, and what did i see. the RAmar was using a Spread Needle. and some mag. i'm guessing G/arms also. and he was killing robots in 2 hits not even letting me, a level 115 FOmar get hits. i kindly asked him to put it away. he did not." it basically goes down from here and the rest is more of a rant.
the RAmar claimed he got it in Forest somewhere. i doubt it greatly.

i say this Tweekers.

"make you characters only strong enough to be Useful to everyoen on the team. not Super Strong, it's annoying, come on Hunters of PSO. we've got to be considerate of others. messing with each other isn't gonna help. we're in this together

Jun 23, 2003, 08:57 PM
One main thing remains the same:

Alot of these Uber-Twinked like to show off how superior they are compared to you, to they destroy everything in they're paths.

Jun 24, 2003, 12:45 PM
On 2003-06-23 10:00, ShieldDragon wrote:
Twink all you want, but go solo. You'll get all the exp, blast your way through the stages, and not have to worry about waiting on your team.

This why you mostly see me alone with my new characters. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_razz.gifPP LIL LIL. But soloing sucks. It's hecka boring. Oh well.

(on what Rena-ko said)

Learned the hard way NOT to learn high level techs at a LOW level. It seems like a grand idea, but on the flip side, your TP and money will be crippled for a very long time.

I uber twinked..so I can't talk...but I'll say that having experienced room clearing twinkers, it's annoying.