View Full Version : Opinion: Greenil Or Viridia RAmarl?

Jun 22, 2003, 11:58 AM
which ID is better? need biased opinions

Jun 22, 2003, 12:45 PM
viri has a more balanced chance of normal ranger weps
green is similar but has harder times finding shotguns
to see what id-sepecific rares u want more then decide..
for a ramarl in either id.. u can get a rukmin as ep2 mag

Jun 22, 2003, 01:39 PM
Do you really, really, really like rifles? If the answer is yes, pick Greenill. By the time you get to Ultimate you'll be able to arm your own RAnger battalion with just the Wals and Justys you've found.

I'm not an RA, but i am Greenill and so far (lv142) it's been pretty decent, aside from the fact that i find about 5 Justys per day.

Jun 22, 2003, 01:52 PM
Well Greenill finds more and better guns then viridia does. Viridia can also find some good armors and shields im not sure what else greenill can find, but if your wanting just good guns then I would sya greenill.

Jun 22, 2003, 02:00 PM
Yeah, Greenill & Viridia have their own perks...

Greenill has Rifles out the azz. Viridia is Shot-Oriented, and has armors and shields to boot. Also is the easiest ID to claim a Red Scorpio.

Jun 22, 2003, 02:01 PM
greennil are good for finding rifles (i know i have found both the wals and the visk with one)

Jun 22, 2003, 09:21 PM
I wish my Viridia RAmar was Greennill...he's way farther along than my Greennill RAmarl. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_frown.gif

With Greennill you can get Guard Waves off of Pal Rappies, Frozen Shooters off of Hildetorrs, Spread Needle off of Merlans, Holy Ray off of Da Ral Lie, Hero/Abilities off of VH Nar Lilies, Cure/Paralysis off of VH Pouilly Slimes, Yasminikovs from various Ultimate critters, S-Berril arms from any difficulty (except Normal, to my knowledge)...

Viridia gets Red Scorpios off of Pals, Red Sabers off of Hildetorrs (much easier to get with Whitill or Pinkal, BTW), crappy Flame Visit off of Merlans (sorry Bernie, your weapon sucks), Gae Bolgs off of Da Ral Lie (which can be dropped from far too many critters, just like the Final Impact), Devil/Battle off of VH Nar Lilies, and God/Power off of VH Pouilly slimes.

In short, both IDs are useful, but for a Ranger Greennill has some pretty durn useful finds.