View Full Version : GC: How to prevent from corruption?

Jun 23, 2003, 08:06 PM
I've heard that many had their characters corrupted from online/FSoDs. Isn't there any way to prevent a character from corruptions? I don't want a risk to lose my HUmar. Thanks.

Jun 23, 2003, 08:15 PM
The way would be to use a Nintendo card (from what I've heard) and to stay off of the more crowded blocks.

Jun 23, 2003, 08:17 PM
That's still risky as the population in a lobby goes up and down.

Jun 23, 2003, 08:17 PM
My memory card has never been corrupted although my friends has twice. May be cause of sucky memory cards like said in the last post.

Jun 23, 2003, 08:26 PM
i have had no problem as of yet with my memory card corrupting, but I have had FSOD happen. I dont use a nintendo mem card, i use one by pelican

Jun 23, 2003, 08:38 PM
I have a method of backing up your character using only two normal mem. cards but sorry its seems posting it would get me band

Jun 23, 2003, 09:37 PM
i know that method

Jun 24, 2003, 01:49 AM
Why would you be banned for something like that?

Jun 24, 2003, 02:12 AM
Because appearantly to some of the higher powers on this message board, it is considered duping..... im surprised they arent against splitting slimes to get a red.....k ill shut my mouth now = D.....btw i dont dupe, and i dont consider this duping

Jun 24, 2003, 02:39 AM
ehhh, is there a way? I used to think so, but on my official nintendo memory card 59 (which is supposedly better than the 251 b/c it saves faster) on an scarcely populated lobby on a router that is firewalled... I was FSODX after joining the game.

*shrug* corruptions are inevitable, sort of like script kiddies, dupes on pso, and cringing when you see a picture of Janet Reno.

Jun 24, 2003, 12:49 PM
There are ways. I don't know really about preventing corruption. Simply don't rely on 3rd party memory cards. This logic dates back as far as V1. I myself use the Nintendo Mem Card 251. It still holds more room, and despite early rumors that that could be subceptible to corruption, it hasn't failed me yet.

I do know a possible prevention method on FSODs/BSODs/Eternal Lag for Gamecube. This isnt duping in any way as far as I can see, this is simply to preserve all the items on your person when you get affected by the following conditions...

FSOD/BSOD: Don't panic. Think calmly. Now, open the lid of your GC, as so the disc stops spinning. You should get a message that the lid is open. Now, pull out the memory card from its socket. Now, reset the system. Put back in the Card, and go to the character selection screen. You character should be as it was before you went online. Naturally, you'd lose all exp and whatnot from the time that you were on during that session, but your inventory on person should not be harmed. However, since the game saves constantly, I can't be sure...

Eternal Lag: This one's easy. Just pull out the Phone Cord from the BBA (should work with a Dial-Up Modem as well). It will give you the disconnected error, and you simply are forced to save and quit as usual.

Jun 24, 2003, 08:34 PM
I only play offline and was getting an error when I saved some times. I was told a file was corrupted and it wanted delete all files.It turned out the memmory card was not in all the way. So may be if some others get this they may try switching off and pulling the card out and replacing it. Try it before letting the game erase you hard work.

Jun 24, 2003, 08:40 PM
On 2003-06-24 10:49, NeoPhatnutz wrote:
There are ways. I don't know really about preventing corruption. Simply don't rely on 3rd party memory cards. This logic dates back as far as V1. I myself use the Nintendo Mem Card 251. It still holds more room, and despite early rumors that that could be subceptible to corruption, it hasn't failed me yet.

The only thing I've noticed between the 251 and the regular 59 is that the 251 saves a bit slower. I've noticed a 1 second difference in PSO. Not sure if that matters or not, but I did get corrupted on my 251. I've recently put my chars on a 59 and no corruption since... not that I'm saying the 251 is easily corrupted, i believe it's one of the safets cards, except for the fact that it keeps asking me to reformat... Though it never needs it.