View Full Version : Rare droppin'

Jun 23, 2003, 09:27 PM
Everyone always says that Luck has nothing to do with rares dropping, but I've been experiencing something interesting with Sammael and Nyare.
Sammael, my lv.137 Purplenum FOmar w/ 20-30 Luck, never has any luck finding rares. I thought that I wasn't finding anything recently because he was in Ult... ya' know, Ult has better rares and therefore they don't drop as often.
Then Nyare, my now lv.98 Greennill HUnewearl w/ 100 Luck, gets into Ult and starts putting Sammael to shame. My favorite run so far was while I was doing Soul of a Blacksmith. Nyare found 6 red boxes, two rare enemies, and one of those enemies dropped their rare (a Rappy with a Guard Wave) the first time I ever saw one with Nyare. Given that some of these rares were 9 stars, but even with that in mind, Sammael barely ever finds 9 stars.

Thoughts, comments, answers, cake?

Jun 23, 2003, 09:40 PM
just random luck..
most players admit LCK affects hit rate not rare drop rate..