View Full Version : PSO Obituary

Mar 14, 2001, 10:17 PM
This section is for all the lost souls........

Class: Hunter
Level: 98
Date lost: 3/14/01

He was a valiant fighter, a noble and caring teammate. He always helped me in times of need, with weapons, armor and items. If any of you have played with him you know.
Please, just a moment of silence.

Thank you,

P.S. On his deathbed BORIS told me that he will never give up, that his soul will be re-incarnated into a ...... Force character...... named MAYA.

Continue with the obituary, if you or a friend lost someone you spent untold time with, bonding, laughing......Killing......... leave a "shrine" so to speak, for them.

Mar 14, 2001, 11:51 PM
*Sniff* *Sniff*
Boris will always hold a special place in my heart.
He leaves behind 2 daughters, a Son, and a dog; Spunky.

Mar 15, 2001, 01:26 AM
*Sniff* Maya? *Sniff* That is close to my characters name, Mayi, *Sniff* good... good *Burst out crying*

Mar 15, 2001, 03:30 AM
*begins to cry, but tears short circuit head unit, which promptly bursts into flames*

"Po**r... BoOOo**risss..."

Mar 15, 2001, 05:30 AM
Yeah heres some more casualties...

lvl 100

Nice guy who just got bored with the bullshit.

Been fun guys I really enjoyed the game with everyone I played with...

Ill definitely be back when the new expansion is out*

Mar 15, 2001, 04:14 PM
I would like to bow my head and remember..

Tristan, RAmar

His presence was borne of the same day as the US release. He witnessed the joy of the first Dbl Sabres, the big HUGE Hearts, and whispers of Lv 100 characters.

He passed into oblivion at the hands of the BSOD at the tender age of Lv40 He haden't even loged into a Vhard game yet. It hapened moments after sucesfully trading Delsabre's Right arm for a Dbl Sabre. Niether of us knew what a delsabre was, or how I got it's arm..but alas. it was done soon after...

Mar 15, 2001, 07:37 PM
A clairvoyant message from the Electronic Grave:

This is Boris?telling all I am OK, after my unfortunate WTF Death (pulled the controller out of the socket while online). Even though I spent 250+ hours I did not have, shit happens! The Divine Electro Essence has revealed my reincarnation to me. My rebirth will not be a full force character like my spiritual brother Big D (read first post) had anticipated. My new body will take elements from Boris (R.I.P.) and also use gifts from the force. Without any further delays, I present to all ?Maya The HUnewearl ?. The one thing that will never change is my signature ?Trust and Respect, till the end!?


<font size=1>[ This message was edited by: Boris on 2001-03-15 16:42 ]</font>

Mar 16, 2001, 03:09 AM
I have a real battle story...

I was with my PSO team, Team Katana, and one of my guys and I went into a game with two thieves...

WE finally caught up to them and we broke away from each other to go to seperate rooms and DeathLock2k1 (my partners name) found them both...

When I finally arrived they were all, including the thieves, dead ont he ground. I mean DEAD. Their stuff was lying there too. I tried to talk to them all, but no response...

Suddenly they just vanished and a few hours later my partner came back on as a new charachter (DeathLockX)...he lost his guy in the fight when they all BSODed or something...sniff...

R.I.P DeathLock2k1 and your services will never be forgotten...
