View Full Version : (Battle mode) People who lie about lag

Jun 28, 2003, 10:30 AM
This is the MOST annoying goddamn thing on PSO. Forces, ever had this happen? You hit a person with a spell they CANNOT dodge, like zonde, Rafoie, whatever. You SEE it hit, and no damage occurs. Why did this happen? Because of the other person's slow connection.

That is NOT what annoys me however. What annoys me is the people who then DENY that they ever lagged. They can't SEE the spell, so they say it didn't hit. Anyway, today my FOmar got challenged by a HUne. I'm a sucker for battle, so I agreed, but asked the HUne if they had BBA. This person said "No, but I never lag."

OK, whatever, I thought. I reckoned I would fight anyway. I often fight with people on slow connections. They beat me easily, but I laugh about it when they ADMIT to this. It's just a bit of fun. They don't call me a loser and get all high and mighty.

Now let me say for the record, that if you SAY TO ME YOU NEVER LAG, and you are on 56K, then in future my rule is that I am NEVER GOING TO FIGHT YOU, NOT EVER, you go on my blacklist of "People never to fight ever, not ever at all".

I don't MIND if you acknowledged the lag. But this person, he/she ran all over the place, so I hit them with rafoie. Like 7, maybe 8 times, I saw rafoie or zonde hit SQUARE ON and this person got unscathed. After a while of this I just stood in the corner. I was SORELY tempted to dc, but I didn't want that black mark on my name (thanks for that sega, sometimes it's NECESSARY to quit on a fight).

Me: My spells aren't hitting, hardly any of them.
Them: That's because I'm dodging, heh, I do that all the time.

Yeah, like SURE YOU ARE - dodging when I see them hit! I knew they weren't going to believe me because they said they didn't lag (who am I to explain that they can't see the variety of lag that stops my spells causing damage?) This person was convinced that because they can run all over screen, see themselves animated perfectly where others are just 'warping', that they did not lag. Pardon me while I die laughing. I've been told on a few occassions that I was lagging, hitting monsters and causing damage when the other person couldn't see me standing there. I wouldn't do battle on a day like that though. YOU CAN'T SEE YOURSELF LAG IN THIS WAY! Your GAMECUBE is updating your animation, not the frikking server! You only see OTHER PEOPLE lag, not yourself! ARGGHHHH!

Anyway, I made a half hearted battle, swearing at the screen when I didn't hit them. They totally kicked my arse. Then asked if I wanted another go. I just said "lobby." After that I pretty much ignored them. I warped to a lobby with one of my friends in, and then I basically did this, I am ashamed to say:

"OH MY FECKING GOD! OH MY GOD! I HATE 56K USERS! I AM NEVER GONNA PLAY BATTLE MODE WITH THOSE LOSERS AGAIN!" (pretty much ironically, to my friend - looking desperately for some sympathy.)

THEN, this lying 56k user, this arrogant, self obsessed "I win only because I'm good, I NEVER lag" HUnewearl warped into the lobby, and called me a poor loser and told me that I sucked.

THEN the whole lobby took his/her side and started flirting with their AVATAR, and calling me a wuss, and saying that they didn't lag, etc etc.
I swore a lot, called them names, went into the whole "I hate everything" routine, this HUne was saying "What are you, 5?" and everyone was laughing at me. Yep, I got a flash temper. I can't stand liars and people who think they are good when they are not. I SUCK at battles, yes, I do - I'm a pure beginner and I'm first to admit it, my teams are all called "I'm such a wuss" and "Beat me... BBA only", but when I don't get a fighting CHANCE then that's plain unfair. I got angry because they failed to acknowledge that I hit them and it caused no damage, NOT for losing. I want the few hits I got in to be acknowledged! I'm WELL used to losing, thanks.
And I got called a poor loser, my GOD that's funny.

Then the HUNe said (in response to me calling *it* a bitch) "I am a guy."
Then *I* (FOmar) said "Actually, I am not."

Guess how much support they got then? Whole OTHER rant in itself.

- Shimarisu

Jun 28, 2003, 10:41 AM
Swearing that the screen? It's just a game! When I battle people I don't care if I win or lose I just like to play and have fun. Also if some started cussing me out because they lost (for whatever reason) I would think they were 5 as well.

There is no need to get mad at all the 56K users just because a few people act that way. I know alot of BBA useres that I hated playing with.

Also, calm down. It's just a game!

Jun 28, 2003, 10:52 AM
This reminds me of the whole anti-JP users thing, back on the Dreamcast. They refused to battle those outside of their country, because of the lag. Of course, there were morons that thought it was racism. Funny stuff.

Jun 28, 2003, 10:58 AM
BAM. I knew you would reply. I can't help acting immature sometimes. I have a brain disorder that makes me act this way. That was NOT the point. Did you catch the 'I'm ashamed to say'? I don't WANT to be this way but I'm not gonna change because you told me to. It is NEVER going to happen and it will always be a plague upon my existence. Please my god, that was NEVER my point that I acted like an asshole.
I used this ranting forum as an opportunity to get a RANT off my chest. Of course I was childish. We all are sometimes.
But I'm not ANGRY at the game, I'm angry at the arrogance of people in general. I usually play with friends and we can ALL be mature when there's a problem, BUT you can't go telling me you don't get angry when somebody is so arrogant. No matter WHAT the situation, how trivial it is - I get angry that there are people like that AT ALL. They are going to upset people no matter how serious the scenario, like let's say - if a friend of somebody died, they might for instance say "I don't care, I don't know them?" Just a thought. Something you have actually done of late. Well I don't care about you because I don't know you, please get off my case. PLEASE, really, get off my case, I never can ditch an argument online, and if you carry it on I really will end up banned.

And BTW, my friend told me he called me ALL MANNER of names when I beat him, he yelled at the screen and like, I don't care? We're GAMERS. We need to let that anger out once in a while. If it doesn't go on the game it goes off at somebody in real life and REALLY, which is better?

- Shimarisu

Jun 28, 2003, 11:05 AM
Well, I hope you've chilled a bit. It was a bit stupid of Ness to say what he did, as this is YOUR rant. I also find it humourous whenever somebody says it's just a game, as most of those that say it have post-counts in the thousands.

Seriously, it's an online game. Shit happens, especially to do with lag. You'll know what I mean if you've played some FPS games.

Jun 28, 2003, 11:15 AM
The point was anyway, I didn't call them names directly. I left them, and went off to see my friend. It's not my fault they ended up in the lobby by coincidence, caught me saying "They claimed I didn't hit them, and I SAW IT!" Which was perfectly true, but they saw that as me getting to them. They refused to believe that they lagged. These are the worst kinds of people to argue with. I got called a poor loser, and when people stuck up for the other player purely because their avatar was female - I couldn't help ranting. That's all. Yep, I said a lot worse, but only after they goaded me. I then got worse and worse because a certain person IRL who was stood behind me yelled at me for arguing. I then came up with some especially horrible things, just to annoy THAT person, who I have issues with. I regret that, but my point here is not to carry on hating myself. It's about these people who deny lag. The worst thing is I honestly think the HUnewearl was unaware that he was goading me. He really was convinced of his ability to dodge rafoie every time. That's extremely arrogant, and annoys me far more than getting called childish.

- Shimarisu

Jun 28, 2003, 11:23 AM
Hmm. But then they will lie about being on BBA? Can't suggest you don't battle at all, since you're hooked on it.(As I read) Uhm....Now I know how some people be getting like 100 wins on BA and all that. They use lag to thier advantage. Pfft - lame.

Jun 28, 2003, 01:15 PM
Ok. I admit it.


*runs away in fear*

Jun 28, 2003, 01:59 PM

Please don't think I have any issues with you, I love playing with you, and yep, my ISP sucks too, but I don't go in for pretending I'm any better at battle due to lag. It's those people that annoy me. And there have been a few of late... no-one yet followed me to the lobby and called me a loser though.

- Shimarisu

Jun 28, 2003, 02:31 PM
I don't know if this would work or not, but how's your Gifoie? As far as I know, that tech doesn't even have to target to hit, and it's fairly powerful in a FOmar's hands... plus it keeps the Hunters away from you. Just an idea, and here's hoping you have better luck next time. ^_^

Jun 28, 2003, 03:39 PM
lag and 56k go hand in hand.

i have a slow connection even for a 56k user, but, that doesn't matter much, as the types of games i play online (when i AM online) are pretty simple (or did happen to be, when i played online last)

then again, the games i played where serverside mostly, so, that doesn't really count. i still lagged on those, though.

still, back to the point. this isn't intended as a personal attack or anything, but, as they say, the best thing to do when you are in a situation is to keep your cool, otherwise you're leaving yourself not just open for attack, but you're holding a sign up reading 'punching bag' with a target painted on your face. so to speak at least.

Jun 28, 2003, 04:28 PM
On 2003-06-28 08:58, Shimarisu wrote:
BAM. I knew you would reply. I can't help acting immature sometimes. I have a brain disorder that makes me act this way. That was NOT the point. Did you catch the 'I'm ashamed to say'? I don't WANT to be this way but I'm not gonna change because you told me to. It is NEVER going to happen and it will always be a plague upon my existence. Please my god, that was NEVER my point that I acted like an asshole.
I used this ranting forum as an opportunity to get a RANT off my chest. Of course I was childish. We all are sometimes.

I'll tell you something that gets me angry: people balem thier tempers on brains disorders, astrological signs, and other people. It is not just you that has done this; I have gotten this from several people. Of course you won't change because Itold you to; it has to be something that you want. But it can be controlled nonetheless. Just don't act like you are a victim at it's mercy.

But I'm not ANGRY at the game, I'm angry at the arrogance of people in general. I usually play with friends and we can ALL be mature when there's a problem, BUT you can't go telling me you don't get angry when somebody is so arrogant.

I will admit that arrogant people automatically get one my badside, but I don't flame them. If I think they are being arrogant to me then I will say," Let's not get arrogant now." or "Don't e so arrongant." but I'm not going to start shouting out insults.

No matter WHAT the situation, how trivial it is - I get angry that there are people like that AT ALL. They are going to upset people no matter how serious the scenario, like let's say - if a friend of somebody died, they might for instance say "I don't care, I don't know them?" Just a thought. Something you have actually done of late.

I said what I said because that's how I actually felt. I also thought is was amazing how everyone else cared more about that statement than Trickstr (the creator of that thread). I also remeber saying that if it was a father, mother, grandparent, or sibling it would be a different story because just about everyone can relate and sympathize about those things. But how many of you guys know Podric from Austrailia? Or Katie from Texas, in my case?

Well I don't care about you because I don't know you, please get off my case. PLEASE, really, get off my case, I never can ditch an argument online, and if you carry it on I really will end up banned.

You have flamed me pretty hard a couple of times, but I won't get into that here. I'm not out to get you because had someone else had said this they would have gotten the same reply. I seriously think it is just a game and is nothing to get mad about. I have had many people take punches at me and I ignore most of them or respond with something that isn't a flame. You don't have to argue with everyone. Why don't you just PM me like I PMed you?

And BTW, my friend told me he called me ALL MANNER of names when I beat him, he yelled at the screen and like, I don't care? We're GAMERS. We need to let that anger out once in a while. If it doesn't go on the game it goes off at somebody in real life and REALLY, which is better?

I'm a gamer too, but you don't see me yelling at the screen. Maybe I'm just different.

Jun 28, 2003, 04:35 PM
I would also like to ask what does post-count have to do with sportsmanship?

Jun 28, 2003, 04:43 PM
On 2003-06-28 14:35, Ness wrote:
I would also like to ask what does post-count have to do with sportsmanship?

Directed to me, yes? If not, set me straight.

Well, you're confused again. I don't believe I mentioned a thing about sportsmanship. I referred to your comment of "It's just a game." You're an idiot if you say that, because you have been here almost three years, and you've almost made three thousand posts on this message boards. If you don't get it, I give up.

Jun 28, 2003, 04:43 PM
I know what you mean... Once several others weren't pleased at all with my lag.

Back when I was a battle n00b (and still am a bit, I don't battle much), I entered PSO filled with lag, on one of those days you stay 5 minutes waiting for the ship list to pop up.

I didn't know that lag was beneficial to yourself, and I thought no hurt would come on entering a Battle game.

The minute I entered they all started greeting me, some even *shook my hand for entering*, because they had been waiting for someone to come and play with them on a 2 on 2 match for some time.

I thought... "This will be fun, I think".

I teamed up with a FOnewearl against 2 other HUmars. We were battling it out, I suffered of tremendous lag. I thought lag would penalty me and me alone, so I kept playing.

And damn! I kept being flamed at for being lagged, being called everything on the book (except for the FOnewearl, who was ironically "Cheering me".

I honestly thought they were suffering from lag too when I saw them standing still.

I didn't understand why they were so mad at the time. I thought the lag would slow down our game but that was all. When fighting I remembered some concepts about the lag when I figured it all out.

I had no idea about the effects on lag on battle, and when I did, I immediatly thought it was better to disconnect, I didn't like the idea of winning just like that (And I couldn't take more of those HUmars whinning "JIN AND HIS G*Y LAG!"). Luckily the time ended just when I was about to disconnect.

The HUmars refuse to remember me on the lobbies, which I'm not sorry about. The Force, on the contrary...

So, whenever you know you played well, whenever you know you lost due to their lag, whenever you have a hunch on a false win, don't worry too much about it. That was something I was constantly was flamed at, when I didn't know.
You know how most people are, most will refuse it, most will brag about their battle skills, so it's no use trying to change their stubborn minds and get yourself in trouble.

By the way, next time somebody enters a fight on the side of the HUnewearl, it might be a good idea to swap chars. The tables will turn, guaranteed =P

Jun 28, 2003, 04:57 PM
Ahh, one thing: I don't think this is Just a game either, because since they introduced the ability to communicate with people around the world, this became something more than that: Just like IRC is more than a program.

If you're referring to the sense of when someone loses items or loses a game or anything of the sort, then I think we can see this as a game.

Jun 28, 2003, 07:29 PM
On 2003-06-28 14:43, WWWWWWWWWWWW wrote:
Directed to me, yes? If not, set me straight.

Well, you're confused again. I don't believe I mentioned a thing about sportsmanship. I referred to your comment of "It's just a game." You're an idiot if you say that, because you have been here almost three years, and you've almost made three thousand posts on this message boards. If you don't get it, I give up.

I still don't see what having 3000 post on a messageboard and saying PSO is just game have to do with each other. It's not like your post count is set to zero if you get corrupted. Nor does losing in a batlle match affect you reputation here on the forum.

Jun 28, 2003, 08:29 PM
Sonic Team should've:

a. Further revised the Battle Mode so that there would be no lag. A game like PSO should not be lagging like that.
b. Removed the mode entirely.

I don't play battle mode. Ever. First time I tried it, that lag annoyed the hell out of me. You just can't play with lag.

Jun 28, 2003, 09:06 PM
On 2003-06-28 09:23, Silhouette wrote:
Uhm....Now I know how some people be getting like 100 wins on BA and all that. They use lag to thier advantage. Pfft - lame.

Over 4 BAers have 1000+ wins on the GC version-myself now one of them. (Most "hardcore BAers do rule 6...infact, about every BAer over 1000 wins hasn't even done other rules besides 3)

As for shima and not hitting people...


There's ways to avoid any tech...

Plus, I'm not sure how much knowledge you have on the subject, but invulnarability takes affect after someone gets hit (and knocked over), and lasts for nearly 3 secs.

Jul 1, 2003, 04:43 PM
I know about the invunerabilty, I always wait to hit them.

And as for dodging techs, this person did not know how to dodge, their argument for no lag was that they were animating fine. Haha.

And Ness, you would disagree with people for blaming their inability to walk on their having no legs? Half my temporal lobes are missing, pal. I'm also high functioning autistic, profoundly deaf in one ear due to brain damage and I get full working disability for it. And yeah - if you see me ranting I'M GONNA POINT IT OUT, because when I'm back in full control (my intelligence can override it when I'm feeling calm) I KNOW that was not my normal self yelling at you.
I have a right to stand up and tell people what&s going on in my head, and when I couldn't (before I was diagnosed) my life was HELL and I was a much angrier person. Don't take away my right to explain myself, and it's not a fricking excuse - excuses are something you WANT to make which benefit you. I didn't ask to be like this and if I could not make the 'excuse' (as you charmingly put it) the government would have locked me up years ago. I got kicked out of college as a teenager and now I have this diagnosis I can go right back to college and get all the help in the world. I suppose you think that's wrong, seeing as all I have is an 'excuse'. That you actually dare to compare to people who blame things on their star sign.

You are an unfeasibly mean person, Ness. Your world view reflects only what you yourself have experienced and you have no empathy, none at all.

- Shimarisu

Jul 1, 2003, 07:04 PM
Hmm! PSO Lag is worse the Starcraft Lag!

Jul 1, 2003, 09:36 PM
This is the MOST annoying goddamn thing on PSO. Forces, ever had this happen? You hit a person with a spell they CANNOT dodge, like zonde, Rafoie, whatever. You SEE it hit, and no damage occurs. Why did this happen? Because of the other person's slow connection.

I hate that. And not only that, but they are so arrogant that they accuse you of lagging. Thats why I hate battle mode. People brag and say "you suck" a lot when you loose due to this.

Jul 2, 2003, 01:00 AM
I remember the day you were very angry about the whole BBA vs 56k battles and that you also were ranting about it in the lobby. Don't worry, I sympathized with you and I still do.

Hey Shim, you know I use a BBA, and I told you that day you can challenge me anytime you feel like it.
I'm not that good at Battle Mode, but it's time I should learn a bit about it, and gain some techniques from it.
Here's to our next meeting and a great fight! http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/anime1.gif

Jul 2, 2003, 07:17 AM
On 2003-07-01 14:43, Shimarisu wrote:

And Ness, you would disagree with people for blaming their inability to walk on their having no legs?

No I wouldn't because despite popular belief, I'm not some cruel person.

Half my temporal lobes are missing, pal. I'm also high functioning autistic, profoundly deaf in one ear due to brain damage and I get full working disability for it. And yeah - if you see me ranting I'M GONNA POINT IT OUT, because when I'm back in full control (my intelligence can override it when I'm feeling calm) I KNOW that was not my normal self yelling at you.

Well I apoligize. I thought you were just another BSer. I've had to deal with several people that said, "it's because of my atrological sign" or "It's because I have ADD, ADHD, Bi-Polarity, etc." or "I have brain problems."

I have a right to stand up and tell people what&s going on in my head, and when I couldn't (before I was diagnosed) my life was HELL and I was a much angrier person. Don't take away my right to explain myself, and it's not a fricking excuse - excuses are something you WANT to make which benefit you.

I'm not taking away your right to do anything. Like I said above, I thought you were a BSer.

I didn't ask to be like this and if I could not make the 'excuse' (as you charmingly put it) the government would have locked me up years ago. I got kicked out of college as a teenager and now I have this diagnosis I can go right back to college and get all the help in the world. I suppose you think that's wrong, seeing as all I have is an 'excuse'. That you actually dare to compare to people who blame things on their star sign.

And don't forget those that blame their tempers on other disorders too! Seriously, I apologize because I didn't now that you weren't using it as an excuse, but still it's all about choices. You choose to get angry or choose to be sad. The best way to prevent your insane anger is to not get mad. I have ADHD, but I managed to get it under control.

You are an unfeasibly mean person, Ness. Your world view reflects only what you yourself have experienced and you have no empathy, none at all.

Why am I mean? Just becausae I think differently than you or most people makes me mean? I'm sorry for being my self. Doesn't everybody view the world in relfection to their own personal experinces? That's how you learn. Also I do have empathy for other people. When Abaddon lost his brother, I showed sympathy for him.

Jul 2, 2003, 11:13 AM
On 2003-07-02 05:17, Ness wrote:

On 2003-07-01 14:43, Shimarisu wrote:

And Ness, you would disagree with people for blaming their inability to walk on their having no legs?

No I wouldn't because despite popular belief, I'm not some cruel person.

If it's popular belief, then you are a cruel person. What you are here is based entirely on other peoples' (people's? Forget it) perceptions of you. You always have to watch how you present yourself, particularly when whomever you're talking to can't see you. There's a reason I avoid flaming people.

As for mental disorders? I've been diagnosed with everything in the book before they finally decided on mostly-Asperger's-except-missing-a-few-symptoms (they used a different term, obviously, but I don't want to look it up). Even slight things like that can have a bearing on how you react. I hate eye contact and I prefer "talking" to people online then actually talking to them. As for Bi-Polar people: I don't see how you could even think that people who have it are simply using it as an "excuse". My mother is bipolar. Some days she's the nicest person in the world, and other days I avoid her the entire day because I don't want to be screamed at. Don't write off everyone you've met that claims to have a mental disorder as a BS-er, there's a reason they bother classifying them at all.

ADD and ADHD, on the other hand, aren't quite so personality affecting, but they can still be issues depending on the severity. Astrological signs mean nothing, though.

Jul 2, 2003, 02:31 PM
On 2003-07-02 09:13, LamerPanda wrote:
You always have to watch how you present yourself, particularly when whomever you're talking to can't see you. There's a reason I avoid flaming people.

If only more people would really understand the meaning of these words.

Jul 3, 2003, 11:13 AM
On 2003-07-02 09:13, LamerPanda wrote:

If it's popular belief, then you are a cruel person. What you are here is based entirely on other peoples' (people's? Forget it) perceptions of you. You always have to watch how you present yourself, particularly when whomever you're talking to can't see you. There's a reason I avoid flaming people.

As for mental disorders? I've been diagnosed with everything in the book before they finally decided on mostly-Asperger's-except-missing-a-few-symptoms (they used a different term, obviously, but I don't want to look it up). Even slight things like that can have a bearing on how you react. I hate eye contact and I prefer "talking" to people online then actually talking to them. As for Bi-Polar people: I don't see how you could even think that people who have it are simply using it as an "excuse". My mother is bipolar. Some days she's the nicest person in the world, and other days I avoid her the entire day because I don't want to be screamed at. Don't write off everyone you've met that claims to have a mental disorder as a BS-er, there's a reason they bother classifying them at all.

ADD and ADHD, on the other hand, aren't quite so personality affecting, but they can still be issues depending on the severity. Astrological signs mean nothing, though.

I said what I said about excuses because alot of the people that have told they had mental disorders were lying.