View Full Version : The percents of the weapons

Jun 28, 2003, 06:21 PM
I was wondering what the percents of the weapons mean and if they have something to do with the hit power it does with certain enemies.

Jun 28, 2003, 06:35 PM
Percents on GC and Xbox PSO work like this. If you have a weapon that has a base ATP of 100 points, in other words, it raises your atp by 100 points, and it has a boost 20%to native. This will add 20% to the atp of your weapon when you attack a native creature. So if you hit a booma, you will be attacking with an effective ATP of 120, as apposed to the weapons stock 100 ATP boost. Hit percent is based off the weapon ATA as well. If you have a weapon that gives you 50 ATA, and you have 50% on it, it will boost your weapons ATA to 75 points.

Jun 28, 2003, 09:03 PM
Actually, you're wrong about Hit percents. It isn't a true percent like the others, it's just a raw number. You get a BONUS extra ATA in the amount of the hit percent. So if the weapon gives 50 ATA and has 50% to hit, you get 100 ATA from the weapon. NOT 75.