View Full Version : sick of the "ban them all" crap

Mar 16, 2001, 03:41 AM
Ok, I am tired of all this shit about how serial numbers can get banned for gameshark and xploder use, well you know what, they can't, it is illegal. . You know why?
#1, Unlike everquest, there is NO terms or conditions to agree to when you log on. Not even anything in the manual. Therefore, you did not agree to not use a device.

#2, the game itself is in NO way being altered, therefore no intellectual property of sega is being altered/ changed in any way permanately (unless you wanna call duping altering/duplicating, then your really grabbing at straws, like Verant/Everquest).

#3 the servers are in no way being altered, you may say, yes they are! But NO, they are not, all client files, graphic files, everything, is stored on your cd, it just reads info provided by the server and translates it.

So what does this mean? If sega decided to ban a serial number for use of a cheat device by scanning save files. they are breaking the law, it is illegal to scan/detect/use a home users software/hardware without previous aggreement, notification.

No other company has EVER tried to do away with cheat devices. As long as the people are playing thier games are happy. Why do you think Gsccc has been around so long?

This is my first post in this forum and my last, I don't use a cheat device, but you know what, if I ever lost everything, I would have my happy ass in a car omw to get a gs in a hurry. So everyone in here can sit and be self righteous about cheating, but if it came down to it, everyone would do the same.

If you don't like the cheaters, get over it, how they hurt you? You pissed because you can't trade for a weapon you want? Get over it, as k a duper, I have seen more of them come into newbie games handing out armor and such. But god forbid anyone make this game a tad bit more enjoyable.

And as for the spells in the lobby thing, they obviously aren't hurting everyone..And from what I understand, Codemaster and everyone else at Gsccc made sure they disabled spells that would crash people.

Oh well, just my opinion, please, lets stop with the damn witch hunt, I miss having people to play games with online.

-Mighty Tikigod
(flame away, never setting foot in this forum again)

Internet Privacy act - http://www.epic.org/privacy/internet/hr_98.html

Mar 16, 2001, 01:11 PM
I really agree. I mean the other day when I logged on I had all of my items erased... Why did this happen? I have no idea. Did anyone inform me of why no? Before this incident I really looked down on dupers but with only a saber and a level 5 mag the first thing this policy made me want to do was to casll my duper ffriend. Then instantly i had retrieved all my item sthat I had previously spent over 30 hours trading for. Waqs this all done because I accepted a levlel 99 mag from someone? Did I even use a gameshark? SEGA is being ridiculous and in the end their going to end up being screwed. Ii hhvae LOTS of friend s who are totally against cheating yet they still have lvl 999 mags. Did SEGA ever send a message to everyone saying that this is bad and that it would have a consequence? No they didnt. I actually didnt even know it was a cheat till a few days ago. If SEGA wants to do this bullshit then at least tell us and next time try and design the game better without random item loss and without such large loopholes. If they're ARE dupers then its noones fault but SEGA's.

Mar 16, 2001, 06:03 PM
Finally! Thank you for being the first other sane people that I have seen talking about cheating on any of the message boards. I totally agree with everything that you are saying, and you sound like the kind of people that I could play with and trust online (meaning that you are not constantly complaining about cheating or condemning other players) . Sega isn't really doing anything about cheating, other than what they have done to stop backup saves, so don't worry. I have seen many, many people still cheating and not getting booted after Sega's propaganda about cracking down on cheaters.

Look for me online, I am honest and I won't steal your items/screw you with bad trades. I can usually be found in the Ariel server, and my character is:
Mega Man
level 89 HUmar (blue costume, of course lol)

Mar 17, 2001, 03:54 AM
i use code offline to dup can i be banned
Good to hear that it is illegal to ban the user
I have reason to dup it because i have many thing to do if i must online all day to play
i straving....

Mar 17, 2001, 05:35 AM
Sega owns the servers... you play on them... sega could change the rules on the servers if they want. You can cheat as much as you want offline...

I have no problem with duping if your a high level character like me (lvl90) since you already put so much time into it, but when I see some level 13 guy running around with a chao mag over his shoulder talking about trading his egg blaster for something else, it annoys me.

Mar 17, 2001, 07:36 AM
not always true about low level with many rares is dupper because u can switch character to keep items. so u can see low
level guys with sp noodle(needle)

Mar 17, 2001, 08:07 AM
you stole the words right out of my mouth.
i'm on your side.
i agree...sega's completely fucked up.
i'm going back to playing my PS2 now.

Mar 19, 2001, 02:44 PM
Well, it goes to show you: law comes from chaos.

I don't agree totally with Sega's policy, but there are those who abuse the aspects of cheating to harm others. This seems to be what Sega is trying to prevent.

I will say that I do condone cheating. I don't condone it in all its forms, but I do condone it.

Even in my work environment, the rules are lax: no dress code, has a hammock to sleep on, $.25 snacks and sodas. However:

What if someone decided to raid the soda machine in one day, go to work butt-naked, hack the servers, and other things. This is chaos. Clearly, what'll happen is that we won't have all that anymore.

When PSO was made, everyone was given priviledges. A select many abuse them, therefore, everyone suffers for it.

Is what Sega is doing illegal? I'm not sure. It is their server and their product. They should have had some explicit terms and conditions. Then again, this is the legal department of a console game, which online play is a rarity...until now. With Everquest, the legal department is well-versed in the risks of online play. Sega's legal-department is all but ignorant to such.

Mar 19, 2001, 02:46 PM
No other company has EVER tried to do away with cheat devices. As long as the people are playing thier games are happy. Why do you think Gsccc has been around so long?

Actually, there are two who actually have:

1) Nintendo, back in the day of the NES.
2) Sony, who claim that using a Game Shark will void your warranty...

Mar 20, 2001, 12:59 AM
Knew I'd find this post sooner or later. Good god! Sega's protecting their honest players?! NOOOOO! Stop! Please, please, don't! We're just innocent little cheaters! We only want to ruin it for everyone else! We're innocent! Yep...and I'm Charlotte O'Hara. And I love these numbered things, they put my bashings in order! Whoo! Okay, here goes.
1) True. No terms or conditions...and? It doesn't garuntee your rights if you use one either.

2) The game...IS being altered. By definition. With the duping code, you're adding items that shouldn't be there to the game. You're...altering it. ESPECIALLY if you spread it around, as most dupers do. You're decreasing the rareness of a item...you're ALTERING it. And it is permanent, the item doesn't magically turn to dust.

3) You're right. You're not altering the disc. Nor the server, because the server just carries the game. And you alter the game. Your argument? Moot.

Here's the big mistake all you anti-banning people are making: That Gameshark or Xploder gives a damn. They reallllllllllly don't care if cheating is outlawed in PSO. They make codes, they don't protect cheaters. They want money. Plain, simple, duh. So, Gameshark's not going to sue Sega. Are you? Good luck.

Mar 20, 2001, 06:16 AM
Amen, amen and let it ride...

By using the GS and Xploder to alter the server environment the item dupers and other assorted cheats haven't a leg to stand on in this situation. Dishonest players are mucking around with the worldwide game balance of the servers degrading the quality of play.

I say hanging's too good for em.. Feed em to the BSOD Beast.. http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/icon_wink.gif

Mar 20, 2001, 10:01 AM
started a new topic...

take a look express your ideas

i agree w/ tiki so what if they erase me... i will have anopther char with in a minuit