View Full Version : action palette layout

Jul 3, 2003, 03:23 PM
just a fun, quick little question. What is your customized button layout and what is your mag's pb layout

I'm on Gamecube
A=Light Attack
X=Heavy Attack
R+A=Special Attack
X=Pilla(purple rain of death)

Jul 3, 2003, 08:39 PM
I'm a Force and I change my buttons depending on which area I'm playing (ie Mines, Ruins, etc).

I play the XBox version. This is what I use for Ruins: (keep in mind that my Grants and Megid are to weak for me to consider using them at the moment)

A: Zonde
B: Rafoie
X: Rabarta

R&A: Resta
R&B: Difluid
R&X: Foie

I use my quick access R&Y menu for everything else.

Edit: My mag's Photon Blasts are utterly useless, seeing as how my PB bar never even reaches 20 (I'm a Force so I avoid getting hit and kill things from as far away as possible). My Ila only has two Photon Blasts. One heals me and the other casts Shifta and Deband. I might care about how crappy they were if I ever was able to use them heh.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Wufei on 2003-07-04 07:49 ]</font>

Jul 4, 2003, 05:25 AM
X box version.

I'm a force so i keep Grants on me all the time, it seems to work well in very hard ruins.

A: Rafoie
X: Resta
B: Grants

i dont know the names so i'l describe them

A: the two healing things
X: The raindeer
B: Death needle rain