View Full Version : Manual character info

Jul 4, 2003, 09:26 PM
i believe this is incorrect, for instance Forces, in my opinion, are not the hardest to use, HUmar may not be the hardest to use but he certainly isn't the easyest, ect ect
What do you think

Jul 4, 2003, 09:29 PM
Im a HUmar, main set back, they get knocked down soo easy. I mean, put on some concrete shoes if you got to!!!

Jul 4, 2003, 09:30 PM
Depends on everything, how good you are.. items.. of course a character is easier to play with better items.. But it all depends.. alot of it is also opinion, but for the most part, I think the manual is partly right and partly wrong.. I like forces, and in some instances they're hard, because I always die ( just because I suck ), but also other characters are hard too.
My opinion, hunters are the easiest.

Jul 4, 2003, 10:03 PM
First off, I voted wrong. I meant for vote for the manual being right, but voted for it being wrong, but that I disagree with you.

IMO, the manual IS right, but simplified the issue.

Hunters are the easiest to start with, but at high levels, are very hard to do well with.

Rangers aren't as easy to start with, but at high levels, do better than Hunters.

Forces are very hard to start with, but at high levels, are the best.

So, like the manual says, for a novice, the Hunter is the best, with the Ranger in second. To be good with a Force, you need to know what you're doing, pay attention, and use the right items.

In the end, the Force is the best (generally), but the road to that "end" is a lot harder with the Force.

Of course, this is mostly opinion.

Jul 5, 2003, 02:19 AM
that guide is so frikken ---, i can find errors on in for almost every page. they range from spelling errors, to corrections they didnt make from the dc version. if you want i can put them all up http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif

*edit by Abdur*
Read the Forum Rules. I'm sure you can think of a better word to use than that. Verbal warning.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: ABDUR101 on 2003-07-05 09:18 ]</font>

Jul 5, 2003, 05:59 AM
On 2003-07-04 20:03, Skankhair wrote:
First off, I voted wrong. I meant for vote for the manual being right, but voted for it being wrong, but that I disagree with you.

IMO, the manual IS right, but simplified the issue.

Hunters are the easiest to start with, but at high levels, are very hard to do well with.

Rangers aren't as easy to start with, but at high levels, do better than Hunters.

Forces are very hard to start with, but at high levels, are the best.

So, like the manual says, for a novice, the Hunter is the best, with the Ranger in second. To be good with a Force, you need to know what you're doing, pay attention, and use the right items.

In the end, the Force is the best (generally), but the road to that "end" is a lot harder with the Force.

Of course, this is mostly opinion.

for the most part I agree with you, i have never played a ranger past normal but I found that after caves normal Force became much easyer than hunters, and in Ultimate HUmar is useless because he's magics crap and his defence and attack should be much better, i'd say in Ult the easyest Hunter would be HUcast.

Jul 5, 2003, 06:40 AM
I've only played two character classes to anything approaching a respectable level: FOnewearl and RAcaseal.

For me, I play RAcaseal when I want an easy, relaxing time of it.

Playing a Force means: constantly juggling techniques and technique shortcuts, changing technique-boosting clubs/wands, and madly resta-ing after every hit, since just about everything does more damage than 50% of your health. It's pretty much constant switching this, that, running around, panicing after freeze, etc.

Also starting a force means no meseta until level 20, being unable to afford to buy a resta disk, or feed one's mag. And always running back to Pioneer 2 to buy fluids. At the start, forces are very very slow going.

Forces may be very effective, but they're far from 'simple'.

Playing the RAcaseal means for me: not worrying about traps (that can kill a force outright), having enough HP not to panic after every hit, not having to juggle techniques, not having to stock antiparalysis, antidotes, etc., not having to worry about the elemental resistances of 738438 different critters. It's simply: shoot the bad guys, pop some mates. It doesn't get much more simple than this!

Android rangers may not be as effective, but they're far easier to play, in this sense at least. They're also much easier to start, and have much more meseta free to pay for mag food and mates.

In summary: from a 'ease of play' point of view, rather than raw effectiveness and speed at high levels, forces really do seem to be the most challenging of characters.

Jul 5, 2003, 10:18 AM
Playing a Force means: constantly juggling techniques and technique shortcuts, changing technique-boosting clubs/wands, and madly resta-ing after every hit, since just about everything does more damage than 50% of your health. It's pretty much constant switching this, that, running around, panicing after freeze, etc.
It's not that tough of a job. High level Jellen/Deband negates any possibility of an enemy taking more than 1/2 your HP in one shot. (Unless you're playing a LV80 something FOnewearl in Ult Ruins or something else equally stupid.) And for switching clubs, etc., you don't have to attack things. You can simply be a support force and keep the S/D/J/Z/R/A flowing, with random bouts of Rabarta to further support. All the while never having to use any menu, since all can be customized, and never having to switch weapons.

Also starting a force means no meseta until level 20, being unable to afford to buy a resta disk, or feed one's mag. And always running back to Pioneer 2 to buy fluids. At the start, forces are very very slow going.
I had plenty of Meseta while raising a FOnewearl without any twinking and only using found items. Nor did I ever have to run back to town for the fluids, the nurse, or be unable to afford techniques in the shop.

Forces may be very effective, but they're far from 'simple'.
It's based on skill, I assume. Forces, nor any character on PSO, is extremely difficult unless you probably lack.. skill.

Jul 5, 2003, 11:52 AM
I had plenty of Meseta while raising a FOnewearl without any twinking and only using found items. Nor did I ever have to run back to town for the fluids, the nurse, or be unable to afford techniques in the shop.
What, before level 20?! I have to ask: how? I have played a number of force characters at early levels, and every time, without gifts from other characters, early meseta has been nearly impossible to acquire.

Tell me the secret, please! I know it can't be: not use techniques, 'cause a FOnewearl at early levels hasn't the HP, DEF or ATP to melee, and hasn't the ATA to use a handgun. So where do you find your monofluids?

Unless of course you are a very patient soul, and will happily go make a cup of tea every second room while waiting for your TP to regenerate. In such a case you have my admiration, but you'd have to concede it's very slow going.

It's not that tough of a job. High level Jellen/Deband negates any possibility of an enemy taking more than 1/2 your HP in one shot. (Unless you're playing a LV80 something FOnewearl in Ult Ruins or something else equally stupid.) And for switching clubs, etc., you don't have to attack things. You can simply be a support force and keep the S/D/J/Z/R/A flowing, with random bouts of Rabarta to further support.

I have to ask: how do you find your high level deband and jellen? My latest force is level 71, whose jellen is at 13, and who has only just found a deband 16. And she's in Pinkal, too. Admittedly, with the recent deband find, it's not as tough as before, with a bartle only hitting for just over 1/4 hp after jellen and deband http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif Nastier creatures though still pack quite a whallop, and one naturally has to be aware that critical hits aren't that uncommon.

The biggest problem is of course solo play. You have no argument from me that playing a support force is much simpler than soloing. However team support play is only part of the picture. Further, at low levels, a support force doesn't make much of a difference save for resta.

You would have to admit that it can be tricky juggling three elements, resta, jellen, and area effect spells, especially against large mixed packs of fast moving enemies.

Are you certain you haven't been passing on items from other characters to your budding Force?

I don't want to claim that playing a Force is awful, or impossible, etc.. If I thought that, I wouldn't play them. They're great fun, and probably the most interesting character class to play. But they are much more complicated to play than a RAcaseal (for example) ever will be. That's why I play my RAcaseal to relax http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif

Jul 5, 2003, 01:10 PM
I agree with Skankhair on this one, the mannual is right, but it is also very much simplified. It gives you a fair enough idea on how each class ( and each character for that matter ) handles in the beginning of the game but it does not go into enough detail to properly prepair you for what these characters are like in the long-run.

Jul 5, 2003, 09:01 PM
I forgot to mention I'm only offline, anyway offline Hunters are hard to use while forces attacks such as RAzonde can cover all around you and GIzondi can easily tackle RAL DA LIE or what ever, while hunters are forced to wait for it to land on deck or switch to a gun when it's in the water because there magic is too weak to help them. I have a strong opinion that the best offliners are Robots or Force.

Jul 5, 2003, 09:34 PM
What, before level 20?! I have to ask: how? I have played a number of force characters at early levels, and every time, without gifts from other characters, early meseta has been nearly impossible to acquire.

Tell me the secret, please! I know it can't be: not use techniques, 'cause a FOnewearl at early levels hasn't the HP, DEF or ATP to melee, and hasn't the ATA to use a handgun. So where do you find your monofluids?
Haha, I just realized I looked at your avatar without looking at your name. The main reason I "came down on you" was because I thought you were someone else. But anyway.. it's not that hard. I did nothing special, I guess one thing I did to save TP was to use Jellen on enemies rather than an attack technique on each monster. Other than that, I did nothing out of the ordinary, and still was able to maintain mag feeding and never running out of fluids.

I have to ask: how do you find your high level deband and jellen? My latest force is level 71, whose jellen is at 13, and who has only just found a deband 16. And she's in Pinkal, too. Admittedly, with the recent deband find, it's not as tough as before, with a bartle only hitting for just over 1/4 hp after jellen and deband Nastier creatures though still pack quite a whallop, and one naturally has to be aware that critical hits aren't that uncommon.
I recently beat Ultimate Mines offline, and along the way, managed to find both Jellen and Deband at LV28. (My force is currently LV98.) Now, everything in Ult forest online, sans Hildelts, deals 10 damage or less to my FOnewearl.

You would have to admit that it can be tricky juggling three elements, resta, jellen, and area effect spells, especially against large mixed packs of fast moving enemies.
I don't find it as a task at all memorizing the extremely minimal amount of technique elements, (only 5), in PSO.

Are you certain you haven't been passing on items from other characters to your budding Force?
Why else would I play the character that I specifically made to raise only using what I find on that character.

Jul 5, 2003, 09:50 PM
Humars are easy for me ^_______^

[OFFTOPIC]Trikstr, are u really banned?:( or is that just ur title?

Jul 5, 2003, 10:47 PM
That is a hard call to make for me, I haven't been in the game as long as most people merely because not owning an Xbox is ga....er....not cool

Jul 6, 2003, 12:28 AM
On 2003-07-05 19:50, Stinger08 wrote:
Humars are easy for me ^_______^

[OFFTOPIC]Trikstr, are u really banned?:( or is that just ur title?

no I'm really banned

Jul 6, 2003, 12:34 AM

Jul 6, 2003, 03:47 AM
*laughs at self*