View Full Version : Psycho gun/wand question

Jul 7, 2003, 10:37 AM
I was wondering, do these 2 weapons have something in common? Like the guns fire spells like the wand? Also, what is the best ID and Place to find the guns? Thankies in advance!


Jul 7, 2003, 10:40 AM
Those aren't the only 2 psycho weapons i think... not sure though. I think they both steal HP for a powerful attack, but thats just an educated guess.

Jul 7, 2003, 10:43 AM
Ok, I wonder what the other psycho weapons are.....
pssst anyone know?

Jul 7, 2003, 10:52 AM
The Psycho Wand is based off Rune's/Lutz Psycho Wand from PS IV. Can't remeber if it was in the older ones too, think it was in PS I, and in PS II he had a crystal instead.

Jul 7, 2003, 10:56 AM
Thanks, but what about the guns and the other ones mentioned above? Or are there only 2 psycho weps?

Jul 7, 2003, 10:59 AM
Those are the only 2 PSycho weapons, My bad.

Jul 7, 2003, 11:05 AM
Yes those are the only two. I also pretty sure the Guns are named that because they use psychic energy to fire. If you read the description it says that, but it's not effected by MST I don't think. This is why androids can't use it though, no psychic energy. More flavour text then anything if you ask me.

Jul 7, 2003, 11:06 AM
Aaaah. Cheers! Thankies, and, thanks!