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View Full Version : THE GREAT PSO ver. 2 THEORY

Mar 17, 2001, 12:45 AM
i know exactly whats going on. Sega thinks there so smart, but I know exactly whats going to happen, read carefully and pay close attention.

So much hype has already surrounded the release of PSOver2. this is the reason behind it: Sega is ripping us off. The reason why PSO has a double CD case is because the game is 2 CD's long. but since they didnt have enough time to release the whole game, they released the 1st disc and a demo. BUT, were not susposed to know this. So Sega is trying to be smart a release a Ver.2 disc that should really be the second disc of the original. Therefore they are selling us the same game and getting more money from it.

We're all gonna lose our SA2 demos and replace that CD spot with our new PSOver2 disc.


This is what is going to happen. your gonna unlock ultimate mode then try to play it then the game will say ''Insert disc 2'' HAH!!! it should say ''Insert PSOver2 disc now'' but it wont because THEY ARE THE SAME GAME!!!

Disc 2 is being created to jam an alternate game into pso, Ultimate mode. My theory is that it changes every level, forest to temple, to an alternate world. All monsters weapons and all that crap changed. Monsters will take on a new race, gaining abilities. I bet you'll see a double delsaber buster, just like the screenshot shows a 3 clawed photon claw.

Basically, Sega is releasing the second half of the game. In order to meet the deadline, they released pso with a SA2 demo where the PSO ver.2 disc should be. Case closed(yes, im bored)

Mar 17, 2001, 01:10 AM
Come on this is SEGA taking of cores there going to rip use off they been ripping us off sense the SEGA CD days and they will rip us off some more with something else.

Mar 17, 2001, 01:10 AM
Come on this is SEGA taking of cores there going to rip use off they been ripping us off sense the SEGA CD days and they will rip us off some more with something else.

Mar 17, 2001, 01:12 AM
You're semi-right, but there's gonna be a whole lot more content than that. 2 new level designs, heck, I'd get it just for that (and that beautiful forest sunset setting)

But they did say they didn't have enough time for everything to make it in (in pso ver 1). The producer even said they left out /NINE/ classes!

Mar 17, 2001, 01:18 AM
They arn't trying to rip you off. PSO version 2 is going to be only one disc. The reason those additions arn't on PSO is because they wanted to get it out and not have to delay it again. Sega isn't forcing you to buy it.

Mar 17, 2001, 01:18 AM
Damn 2x post what the hell

Mar 17, 2001, 01:41 AM
you ass, you stole my post word for word from gamefaqs.com

Mar 17, 2001, 01:44 AM
But they are ripping you off you said it your self that the reason those additions aren't on PSO is because they wanted to get it out and not have to delay it again but they should of just delay it for two more months and sold it with both CDs now if we what to finish the game we have to pay who know's what on a ver. 2.

Mar 17, 2001, 01:53 AM
they didnt leave out 9 classes. there were male/female option for each class, but they cut half of them out. they basically got rid of 9 models.

Mar 17, 2001, 02:02 AM
oh really? Didn't know that, sorry for the misinfo.. that would've been keen though, more customization the better imo.

Mar 17, 2001, 02:29 AM
All I have to say is Sega is ripping you off no less than most of the other software companies. Take microsoft for example, they release newer copies of each of their programs, and eventually you will HAVE to get those as to use the rest of your newer programs. If you dont like sega and complain and theorize about how they are "ripping us off" then dont support their cause by buying their games ever again and let them die out as a company so they will never terrorize us gamers ever again. It is so trivial to me why so many people complain about games that are ALREADY made and nothing can be done about it at all, they will just have to live with the game the way it is. And i do not believe they are trying to "rip us off." I believe that they released the game earlier with less features as originally intended (which have now appeared in PSOv2), so that they could make sales and continue to make the game in the future. Did you notice that soon after they released sega started to flourish once again, but they did have to stop manufacturing the DC itself, if they would have released it later, not as many people would have bought it (especially in everywhere BUT japan). What they did was a strategic use of time, not a deliberate attempt to "rip us off." sorry for the extra long reply but i felt it was warranted. Thank you for reading.

Mar 17, 2001, 02:48 AM
sorry benny not true... pso v.2 isn't the second disc of the game u dont disc 1 to play it. It is a standalone expansion.

Mar 17, 2001, 02:52 AM
If you feel Sega is ripping you off, then don't buy their product, PSO. And if you don't buy PSO, what are you doing here? Just a thought.

I rather have gotten PSO back in January then a updated version in May (at least in Japan)

<img src=http://gambitx2k.homestead.com/files/sig3.jpg>
PSO: Glider [Puck.5/Puck.9]

Member of The Sonic Team [TST]

<font size=1>[ This message was edited by: Glider on 2001-03-16 23:55 ]</font>

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Mar 17, 2001, 02:53 AM
sorry mj23thegoat not true... pso v.2 isn't the second disc of the game u dont disc 1 to play it. It is a standalone expansion.