View Full Version : Does anyone bother using Extra Attack?

Jul 8, 2003, 10:57 AM
Hi, I have just finally found out today that using Extra Attack with your weapons will allow you to use the special features it mentions in its description such as freeze attacks. I'm currently Level 57 and I must be so crap if it took me that long to figure that out.

Well anyways, does anyone bother using them? I remember one weapon, either the Grass Assassin's Arms or Musashi which allowed me to take twice as much HP off enemies but I kept losing HP at the same time so I never used it again. That was the only thing that I knew Extra Attack did. Now I have found that you can use the freeze attacks of lightning attacks to full effect against enemies such as in Mines. But I still prefer using Heavy Attack instead to finish enemies off and don't want to risk wasting time, like on bosses.

So, what are your opinions? Helpful or waste of time?

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: jediknight007 on 2003-07-08 08:59 ]</font>

Jul 8, 2003, 11:13 AM
personaly, my HUmar is all power, just look at my mag down there. i find the extra attack does less damage than my hard attack most of the time, so i dont care to use them. sometimes they look cool. but turn out to be a waste of time. but thats just with me.

Jul 8, 2003, 11:14 AM
actually i use the special attack every now and then but only with certain weapons as soem of them are just a waste of time and lead to me getting my head knocked off

Jul 8, 2003, 11:15 AM
i only use it on guns

Jul 8, 2003, 11:21 AM
Very rarely do I ever use the extra/special attack on my weapons. More often than not I find that the extra/special feature just is not special enough ( ie. it does less damage tha a heavy attack ) for me to even bother especially when it is alot less accuarate than a heavy attack. And in the case of my Musashi I liked the extra power that the special/extra attack delivered but I hated he loss of HP so I never really used it much other than to show off.

Jul 8, 2003, 11:23 AM
depends on what the special is.

For my charge vulcans I use them all the time and they work extremely well.

Jul 8, 2003, 11:30 AM
I find that many of the specials can be extremely useful, especially on rifles, with their high accuracy. My RAmarl doesnt use the regular attack,and I have the special programmed to the A button. she uses frozen shooter, hell vulcans (35 hit) a dark laser, and a justy, and occasionally a varista. the burning and tempest class specials are indeed useless, but all the rest work very well with my characters (holy ray special pwns)

Jul 8, 2003, 11:30 AM
My *****, only berserk and freeze and chaos and charge are good.
i learnt how to do it at level 18.

- Want to keep up this language? That's your choice but I'm not going to tolerate it. Keep it up and you'll get banned. This is warning #1 so far, but it might only take 2 warnings to get you banned.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Saladwood on 2003-07-08 14:25 ]</font>

Jul 8, 2003, 11:46 AM
On 2003-07-08 09:30, Dan_theUltimate wrote:
My *****, only berserk and freeze and chaos and charge are good.
i learnt how to do it at level 18.

Whoohoo! We must celebrate then!

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Saladwood on 2003-07-08 14:23 ]</font>

Jul 8, 2003, 12:03 PM
I can't believe this topic exists O_O

ofcourse isn't the attack I use more often but I use it always. Play PSO without the extra attack is miss a great part of the game. I compare it to play without using Y menu and the F hotkeys and Z to open menu. Or play without changing weapon depending the occasion.

It adds fun, it adds strategy, it adds value in high %hit weapons. Well the principal purpose of high % hit weapons is use the special attack properly. To land normal and hard attacks not much ATA is needed.

I couldn't beat ultimate at low lv without the special attacks. Demons, hell, charge, gush can compensate the lack of level. I cleared Ultimate offline with 190 dex mag and using special attacks.

Jul 8, 2003, 12:13 PM
On 2003-07-08 09:30, lain2k3 wrote:
the burning and tempest class specials are indeed useless

I guess you've never played an android. Those special can be useful when playing android with enemies that can be resistant to physical attacks. Call me impatient, but I don't like standing there waiting for them to become vulnerable to physical attacks again.

Jul 8, 2003, 12:24 PM
I have played a HU and RA cassy, but I just totally forgot about falz #3. and I guess seabed would be hell w/out them. oops

Jul 8, 2003, 01:09 PM
I use it to steal TP and add damage. It's pretty good.

Jul 8, 2003, 01:13 PM
wow- yeah, if you're not using the special attack you're missing out on a big part of the game. power isnt everything.

you know what i miss? seeing the damage done with a demons attack. you want to see massive damage? a demon attack that takes the enemy down to 1/4 their hp or a heavy attack? do the math, demon can make a big difference in the game.

gush- or any hp drain- absolutely essential for droids or anyone who cant resta for whatever reason. i also find it a great help to see how far the enemy is from dying. great help at the boss.

ive had lots of fun just using special attacks to help my friends level up. with the exception of hell specials, you can get your exp, make sure your teammates get exp and have lots of fun doing it.

im all about using special attacks. ive played in a lot of games where all i have is an arrest raygun with 50 hit. people think its odd that i dont use rares but man, special attacks can be so much fun.

Jul 8, 2003, 01:14 PM
If you play a character legit, the special attacks are a way of life (not saying dupe users don't need or use special attacks, just a little more crucial when you're legit).

A good example is when you just beat the forest, and have to go into the caves. Most people are pretty weak to jump right in the caves (level 5), so getting a weapon with a special becomes very crucial (especially for a RA).

I think the best example is doing challenge mode; when you find a attributed weap it really helps out (like a shock handgun in C2).

Jul 8, 2003, 01:26 PM
i use xtra all the time!
my fomar survived on stealing tp..
stealing exp w/my hucasey on ult is also sweet!

Jul 8, 2003, 02:18 PM
Gotta love the Hildeebear Cane's special attack(Yes, I know I added another e...)

Special attacks rock!...In the right hands.With the right special attack...with the right weapon...but Yeah!!!

Jul 8, 2003, 02:43 PM
back on DC it was BIT more worth using the special attacks on weps, but now its worse, and as it was mentioned, ALL the fire elements are absolutle USELESS, the MOST useless element, the element mostly use is Bezerk, thats the element your you sacrifice HP for a strong attack in case your wondering, those musashis u mentioned are HELLA useful on bosses, IF u know when to heal in time, its also useful for weps that hit mulitple enemies like Gigush (strongets partisan to get variable elements), Caliburs(stronget sword 2 get Variable elements), and Arms(strongest Shot series wep 2 get variable elements), other good elements for Arms, are Blizzard, Arrest, Chaos, and Demon, good elements for Calibur and Gigush are Gush(steals more TP that Brionic), and drain, i forget which one of the 9star mechs use the bezerk element since i dont use them and havent use then since i last played on DC, but i can guess that the Bezerk Vulcans do more damage, for some reason the variable weapon specials r more affective than the 9 star, a Kings Arm steals more Exp than a Final impact even tho their both still kinda shyt weps lol with Rifles i sport the Bezerk Laser(the special does more damage than a MAX grinded Red HG) and Demon laser, and own ULT with my Ramar lv from lv 58 and up, as well as a Bezerk handgun i tend 2 sport lol i would use Soul eater moore if they didnt make it all weak now, only grinds up 2 9, so lame, my bezerk calibur does more damage, they turned yet another wicked wep in2 a novelty, Bezerk Rippers r also very tight weps, alot of the other like lightning, Ice, paralysis, and confusing elements are better used with the shot series, preferably Arms. *nods*

Jul 8, 2003, 02:52 PM
On 2003-07-08 11:26, Dhylec wrote:
i use xtra all the time!
my fomar survived on stealing tp..
stealing exp w/my hucasey on ult is also sweet!

I guess that's a good reason. I need all the experience I need to beat Dark Falz on V.Hard.

Jul 8, 2003, 02:55 PM
I use it with most of my chars but I only do it w/ weapons where the special is going be really effective. Like with my Hildebear cane, it is kinda funny to see a force do more damage with a "physical" attack than Kireek(sp?) on that first mission. That's also the only way my force ever gets to use her PB.

Jul 8, 2003, 04:14 PM
I always use charge vulcans with good hit%. I do up to 1500 damage with my lv 194 humar, of course thats with the help of some good Shifta and deband. and also RAcasts should use these if you have the money to waste ^_^

Jul 8, 2003, 09:11 PM
if the special rox hella yes i use it... if it sucks.... u do the math

Jul 8, 2003, 09:21 PM
I only use Extra Attacks When my FO's Weapon cast spells only.

Jul 8, 2003, 09:43 PM
Charge vulcans? I don't like those things. They take away a lot of meseta. I hit with one and it took 10000 Meseta away from me... GRRrrr...

Jul 8, 2003, 10:15 PM
Gigush (strongets partisan to get variable elements)

You mean Gugnir bro, Gigush is the second level sword my friend!

Usually i only use the Extra Attack for a weapon, if the weapon has add hit %'s. And then only if it is something like a Hell element. Mainly against Pan Arms and Death/Dark Gunners. Gush only really comes in handy against Bosses, or when your really hurtin for HP in like Ultimate mode or summin. But then again, to each his own right?

Jul 8, 2003, 10:31 PM
Dim is usefull for force characters.. I remember one time in the caves, I had a dim handgun.. I was out of mana and fluids, but I didn't feel like telepiping..
so I went in the room, and one by one, took them all out.
( Dim = % chance to kill instantly )

Jul 9, 2003, 12:10 AM
I always use the specials on my weapons, if they're of any use to the character.

For example, up until Ult. my FOnewm used Mahu's TP drain special to replenish lost TP. Basically I'd stomp through tougher enemies and then use the special on easy enemies until I was full again.; I very rarely carried any fluids.

Now my FOnewm carries his Hildebear's cane into the Ult. Forest and Caves to bitch-slap enemies who are vulnerable to Foie-type techs. The special foie blast never misses and I do a average of 300 damage. Which works out to about 5~6 special attacks to kill the enemy if I melee it only. Sometimes I'll blast them with a Rafoie or two and then do one combo to finish them. Saves TP and makes the mindless task of leveling a little more exciting.

Jul 9, 2003, 12:31 AM
Spell specials are nice. Even if my Foie on my FOmar is higher level, I mostly use Hildebear Cane special, because it doesn't take TP and always hits so long as you aim right. Also, a good deal of the enemies are not wholly resistant to fire as some of the other elements, so I couple it with a few high level GiFoies.

As for HUmars, can't go wrong with Spirit. Although I haven't necessarily used it in the GC version much, Spirit in DC was put to good use, as you'd mostly only use Shifta/Deband/Resta with a lot of TP free for using.

You might want to get a Hell gun of some sort, and then upping the Hit%. This can be easier if you have the element type and decent Hit% before you Tek it, and then keep trying until you get +10% and Hell, as opposed to say lesser Dim types.

Also, as you use Berkserk/Spirit, the lower your HP/TP gets, the less likely it will hit, so make sure to keep those up. And, *ahem* a high Confusion elements does wonders in Ultimate, where places like Seabed make Zoas do 900+ to Deldepths and the like. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif

EDIT- As for my HUmar, I can mostly kill guys in a single combo offline, and can tank online, so I don't really need too many specials in that case.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Mixfortune on 2003-07-08 22:34 ]</font>

Jul 9, 2003, 12:54 AM
Well on some weapons like a staff the extra hit is pretty useless, but on other things they do come in handy.

Jul 9, 2003, 01:29 AM
On 2003-07-08 11:14, Vantamiath wrote:
If you play a character legit, the special attacks are a way of life (not saying dupe users don't need or use special attacks, just a little more crucial when you're legit).

A good example is when you just beat the forest, and have to go into the caves. Most people are pretty weak to jump right in the caves (level 5), so getting a weapon with a special becomes very crucial (especially for a RA).

I think the best example is doing challenge mode; when you find a attributed weap it really helps out (like a shock handgun in C2).

well you cant necasarly say that i never used a special until i got into the higher levels and then i just used it to see if it was any good. you dont need special attacks at all they are just an extra and what does being legit have anything to do with using the special? and besides offline you should be past lvl 5 when going to the caves like 7

Jul 9, 2003, 01:33 AM
Going straight through forest you should be level 4 at Dragon, then become level 5 when you beat him. So yeah unless you skip a bunch of guys the earliest you can start caves is level 5. And at that point you can do decently without extra attacks.

Jul 9, 2003, 05:16 AM
I find special attacks most useful on guns. As for melee weapons, I've used them more on daggers or double sabers. Generally, I don't bother too much with them. Why bother, when you can already kill the monsters.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: AxemPunanny on 2003-07-09 03:27 ]</font>

Jul 9, 2003, 05:20 AM
special attacks are good on certaain weps. like my zanba, or vjya.

Jul 9, 2003, 07:30 AM
Indeed, specials rule!
My Ramar uses a Justy, and during an East Tower quest I really helped those Twinkers (argh) by cutting the enemies Hp to 1/8th of normal.
My NEW Racaseal uses a Fire Sniper and she does more damage with a special then a heavy attack on Evil Sharks.
My Friend uses Draw Lockguns and keeps himself alive.
My Humar uses Drain, but he often dies because he misses the first couple of attacks.

Jul 9, 2003, 10:36 AM
if the special is reliable, i use it - vjayas special for example, or that of a hell gun with hit percentages. its like with throwing megid as a force - you never know if it connects.

but usually i rely on power.

Jul 9, 2003, 11:12 AM
If you've never seen the kind of destruction that Charge Vulcans can dish out, you don't know what you're missing.