View Full Version : adding new weapins! blah blah blah

Mar 17, 2001, 03:03 AM
Tonight I went on pso and only 5 of the servers were on the list. I went in puck9 as usual and asked what was going on, and people told me they were adding new weapons to the servers. I told them that it was impossible as there was no place to store the information for them locally, but they just kept repsonding 'yes they can' and giving me brilliant examples as the lavis cannon and pan arms blade. I found about 30 people who truly believe it is possible to add this stuff to the game. A few of those people even told me that PSO world said it was possible, and that it was all over the front page. I can only guess that these fools think that the append disc is being uploaded to the servers or something. What causes people to think this? Why do they think 'server maintenence' is the same as 'adding lots of new stuff?' And where do they think the info is stored!?

Mar 17, 2001, 03:08 AM
It could be possible if sega has locked items already in the game. I don't think it's possible for them to just make any item and put it out (I did read from a site that it was possible thougth)

Mar 17, 2001, 03:13 AM
its possible that they could unlock items, but the item list has been dumped, and there isnt anything on it that hasnt been deiscovered and duped to worthlessness by now.

Mar 17, 2001, 03:39 AM
actually yes we can load thoese directly in to the server... however i belive its security software today to stop duping with game shark... more to come on that. (your getting it as fast as we are)

Mar 17, 2001, 03:56 AM
Wait, SegaGameplay, can you explain that a little more for me? I dint quiet get you... Software saftey wha?

All i want to know is IF sega IS going to release more weapons, can n e one give me a solid yes or no? (cough*SegaGameplay*cough)
whao that was the weirdest cough thats ever came out of me....hmmmmm.... http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/icon_smile.gif

Mar 17, 2001, 04:17 AM
ok We are adding security to stop duping. Weapons do get released but that works diffrent. No i cant give you a time when its done. That is all handled out of japan.

Mar 17, 2001, 04:21 AM
well segagameplay is there any way that we can know when something is released or even what it is when it is released? like maybe a list of things currently available or such, so it would be a little easier to tell when something exists and when someone is making an item up

Mar 17, 2001, 04:27 AM
ok We are adding security to stop duping. Weapons do get released but that works diffrent. No i cant give you a time when its done. That is all handled out of japan.

Mar 17, 2001, 05:31 AM
You know, that is right.

Mar 17, 2001, 06:10 AM
hate to tell u this segagameplay but yall need to get ur s*** right. No offense but that whole security thing sux because i couldnt join in on a game b/c my items were duped. But did I have ne idea that they were duped, of course i thought a few could be b/c u cant trade these days without getting a duped item here or there and now u are gonna keep us honest traders out there from playing. Well u wont keep this trader from playing cause that whole security thing is easy to get around and u dont have to hack or ne thing just a little procedure. I am sure ppl know about it considering its not that hard to figure out so u and the ppl at sega need to figure out a way to stop those dupers where it wont hurt me and the other honest players. I meant no offense in this sorry if it comes across that way.