View Full Version : Which hunter?

Jul 9, 2003, 01:24 PM
What one shall I choose?

Jul 9, 2003, 01:27 PM
....i forgot

Jul 9, 2003, 01:31 PM
Depends which you want more..

HUnewearls have less Hp, though they are faster with their close range combos.

HUmars, are balanced and can be very strong.

Jul 9, 2003, 01:38 PM
I dont know what the hell is wrong with 80% of the pso population but WTF is up with guys making girls ! I dont understand it if its for a mag I understand that and if its a hunwearl cuz theres alot of cool anime females but other than those 2 reasons whats wrong with this picture!???!

Jul 9, 2003, 01:51 PM
I made a huny cause i like being able to cast some tecks once in a while, and though they are slightly weaker, lvl 20 shifta Deband Jellen Zalure make them much stronger in the long run http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif

all aboput da stats man

Jul 9, 2003, 01:54 PM
On 2003-07-09 11:38, Frozt wrote:
I dont know what the hell is wrong with 80% of the pso population but WTF is up with guys making girls ! I dont understand it if its for a mag I understand that and if its a hunwearl cuz theres alot of cool anime females but other than those 2 reasons whats wrong with this picture!???!

Just because you're a guy doesn't mean you HAVE to have a guy character. The different classes were made for a reason, and that reason is not "Guy's need to use guy characters and girls need to use girl characters".

The HUnewearl is one of the most balanced Hunters along with the HUmar. The difference is she has level 20 techs which can come in handy since she has S/D and J/Z. I have a HUnewearl and it's not because of the looks it's because of the stats.

Jul 9, 2003, 02:06 PM
well if people play a certain character just because of their stats then they might as well have a *** looking clown on there that has the best stats out of all the classes.

Its stupid how you pick a character that has the most prosperous stats than just picking something you would actualy feel good about just because you picked that class not the fact that a certain class has the best stats.

No one has to agree with me on that but if thats the case it surely is a screwd up reason to be a cross dresser.

No wonder most of the forces are ***, and I have a force cuz I like them but now I bet other people mistaken me for someone of that stature.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Frozt on 2003-07-09 12:09 ]</font>

Edit - please use a different word to convey your meaning. Your previous words used are considered offensive.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: IceBlink on 2003-07-10 02:38 ]</font>

Jul 9, 2003, 02:35 PM
On 2003-07-09 12:06, Frozt wrote:
well if people play a certain character just because of their stats then they might as well have a *** looking clown on there that has the best stats out of all the classes.

Its stupid how you pick a character that has the most prosperous stats than just picking something you would actualy feel good about just because you picked that class not the fact that a certain class has the best stats.

No one has to agree with me on that but if thats the case it surely is a screwd up reason to be a cross dresser.

No wonder most of the forces are *** , and I have a force cuz I like them but now I bet other people mistaken me for someone of that stature.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Frozt on 2003-07-09 12:09 ]</font>

You are completely wrong. I like the characters I play because they are either cool looking or just because they have good stats. If someone wants to play a character that looks like a clown that is there choice, now plz be quite because you are just being stupid and annoying.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: IceBlink on 2003-07-10 02:40 ]</font>

Jul 9, 2003, 02:36 PM
Frozt, I look at it this way - my characters are just characters. They are in no way a representation of who I actually am. To me, picking a character that has the set of abilities (and stats) that are best suited to how you want to play is the best reason to pick a specific character. If you just play the game to look cool... well, to each his own I guess http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif

Jul 9, 2003, 02:45 PM
I made my RAmarl because she looked cute. And to hold all my rare items. Now, when my friends ask to trade and whatnot, I have everything set and ready on one character.

Jul 9, 2003, 03:57 PM
On 2003-07-09 12:06, Frozt wrote:
well if people play a certain character just because of their stats then they might as well have a *** looking clown on there that has the best stats out of all the classes.

Its stupid how you pick a character that has the most prosperous stats than just picking something you would actualy feel good about just because you picked that class not the fact that a certain class has the best stats.

No one has to agree with me on that but if thats the case it surely is a screwd up reason to be a cross dresser.

No wonder most of the forces are *** , and I have a force cuz I like them but now I bet other people mistaken me for someone of that stature.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Frozt on 2003-07-09 12:09 ]</font>

It's not that the HUnewearl has better stats, in fact she has quite low ATP compared to all of the other Hunters and I don't think her evasion compares to well with the others either.

It's the style of play, it's different from the other hunters. When you have a HUmar you are uing the all-around character, the one that has good all-around stats (obviously his MST is not going to be amazing). Same with Androids, which are a completely different level of play since they have no techs but have traps instead.

It's not about cross-dressing and if you were to pick a Hunter because of the stats the best (I believe) is clearly the HUcast.

I didn't pick the HUnewearl because she was "hot" or because I would rather play as a female character, it's all about the style of play. Although some people may do it due to looks or preferrence, why should anyone else care? It's their decision.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: IceBlink on 2003-07-10 02:41 ]</font>

Jul 9, 2003, 05:46 PM
Hey Joe Jack ASS Azlin whatever umm I can go along witht he other peoples posts but you can either shut your fucking mouth about your stupid attitude against me existance or you can either get your ass in an english class and learn the meaning of fact and opinion.

Im not wrong at all infact I never made a statement saying people need to do this or that I simply asked and stated what I thought about different sexes playing the opposite , by you saying im wrong is your opinion so leave it at that.

Now playing a ramrl because of the fact that she looks cool is something I totaly agree with.

Jul 9, 2003, 05:57 PM
I agree and dis agree with Frozt. Im a guy and I just cant make a female char.. I dont know why. Also I think the male andriods look cooler any way. But my bro. Has made a female char alot. I dont know why he just does. So I dont think guys should stick to guy chars but I dont think they should make it because they think the girl char would be sexy. Its pixels. But I would say HUcast even though it wasnt on the poll. Because if you want to be a hunter for the strengh. Go with HUcast. If you want hunter for extra str but you still want to cast then its up to you.

Jul 9, 2003, 05:59 PM
I'd go with Humar, very well rounded.

Jul 9, 2003, 06:18 PM
On 2003-07-09 15:59, umbrella wrote:
I'd go with Humar, very well rounded.

Ya if ur lookin for the easy way out. Go for the HUnewearl if ur lookin a challenge...

Jul 9, 2003, 06:38 PM
I totaly agree and its up to you if you want a challenge in your characters.

Jul 11, 2003, 10:50 AM
I will probably make another HUmar, they are just more suited to me.

Jul 11, 2003, 11:05 AM
HUnewearl. Ya gotta love that lvl 20 shifta deband zalure and jellen.

Jul 11, 2003, 01:07 PM
A good thing to keep in mind is that there are also some exclusive female and male, weapons and armors.I would go with the HUmar, my MAG gives me all the Shifta and Deband I need. ^_^

Jul 11, 2003, 01:32 PM
HUnewearl. Very sexy and can cast Shifta/Deband.

Jul 11, 2003, 04:30 PM
Sexy is not a criterion for picking a character. -_-;

Anyways. Your choice of the two depends a bit on whether or not you plan on twinking them, or playing them straight, without any high-level Mags/weapons/tech disks/whatever. If you're twinking, probably the HUnewearl, S/D are indeed your friends. I personally think the L20 techs are overrated, though... Her MST isn't ever going to get anywhere -near- a FO's, and your techs still aren't going to be all that effective. Plus there are her inferior stats to take into consideration... Sure, her -max- ATA is just one point below the HUmars, but it's usually going to be a while before you can max it, or even get close, and untwinked at low levels, a HUnewearl can have trouble actually hitting things. A HUcast is even worse. All that power, and he can't hit the broad side of a barn because of his poor ATA. An untwinked HUnny will either need to do a lot of fancy dodging or take nasty hits facing Hildebears in Normal Forest, because unless you stand around putting DEX on her Mag for a while, she won't be able to use a Handgun until sometime in Caves. But if you're twinking her, go for it. *shrug*
Now, untwinked, I would go with the HUmar. They're just easier to raise, and at high levels, they're easier to max out the stats on, too... 250 mats instead of 150 is a big help in that. HUnewearl has decent max stats, but you'll likely never see most of them, unless you anally plot everything out -just- right, and raise a Mag to take care of what needs taking care of... A HUmar also has good natural ATA, second best of the Hunter class. He can use a Handgun from L1 and you'll never be waiting long to use new levels of Handgun, especially with DEX on your Mag... Which you can even get away with not having much of, the Mag my L103 HUmar uses only has 8 DEX, but he almost never misses, and he doesn't use any /Arm units, either. The L15 techs are more than adequate, how often do you pretend you're a Force anyways? The lack of Shifta and Deband... Well, S/D is nice, but it's not -needed-. It's a crutch. Besides, if you have Mylla and Youlla on your Mag, that's better S/D than a HUnewearl's right there. And even with the HUnny's L20 techs, it'll be a while before you can even learn them... *shrug*
It also depends on if you play offline or not, if you've a good Force on your team with high-level techs, your HUnny's S/D becomes worthless, and the HUmars utter lack of it is also moot as well.
I personally would say to throw sense to the winds and make a HUcaseal, because I love mine, but that's just me. =)
...But all things considered, I'd really just go for the HUmar, especially online. Just don't wave around a BKB or TJ-sword like an idiot and get killed every five seconds, there are enough bad HUmars already, from what I hear. ^_-;

Jul 13, 2003, 03:32 AM
Hmmm, I suppose, I never really liked the HUnewearls low ATP anyway.
My friends level 130 HUCast uses no god arms and has 20 dex on his mag and never seems to miss with his sange and yasha...

I think techs are stupid unless you are a force and as the HUmar i allready have, i only use resta and zalure.

On ult, techs are useless unless you are a force and for that reason the extra MST doesn't attract me.

Jul 13, 2003, 07:40 AM
I personally wouldn't pick either of them. I tend to not use magic in any RPG where I don't get to control a party. And I tend to think of techniques as a waste of time unless you're a Force. If you're going to be a Hunter, hack stuff up. Leave the magic to real magic-users. Besides, a HUcaseal looks cool as hell with S-Red's Blades and you can get S&D from that. That's only if you're playing offline. If you play online, it's even more foolish to take weaker stats in exchange for the ability to use techniques when you could just play with a Force instead. Besides, androids in general look cooler than Humans or Newmen/Newmans/whatever's the proper plural form, and traps are an annoyance I'd rather not deal with it. Especially at the cost of something I don't really like to use anyway.

Jul 13, 2003, 10:03 AM
On 2003-07-11 11:32, jediknight007 wrote:
HUnewearl. Very sexy and can cast Shifta/Deband.

thats what I was going to say http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif

Jul 13, 2003, 10:22 AM
I allready ahve a RAcast anda HUcast.

Jul 13, 2003, 11:40 AM
I have a lvl 107 Hucaseal that I stopped playing because of no Resta. At ultimate bosses, not having Resta just doesn't ... fly.

Other than that, I have a lvl 120 HUmar and a lvl 42 HUnewearl in progress. I'm not yet sure which one I'll end up taking to high levels, but lvl 20 resta, Shifta, Deband and Rabarta is certainly making me pay very close attention to the HUnewearl. So far I'm liking the HUnewearl better, but I'll see she fares on Ultimate before I decide.

I mainly made her because I needed a SKyly so I could get a J-Sword, but what do you know, she rocks.

Don't pick a HUnewearl because you want a challenge as someone said. A HUnewearl overall has an easier time than a HUmar, unless you consider casting S&D and the odd Rabarta a challenge.

Also, someone said the HUmar was better rounded. That's just plain wrong. The HUnewearl is obviously the better rounded character, probably the best rounded character in the game.

One thing though. Choose a HUmar if you don't want people to ask you for S&D :P

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Callous on 2003-07-13 09:51 ]</font>

Jul 13, 2003, 02:59 PM
Frozt, thats really annoying saying that crap, i go for chars for power and looks, i try to make them as cool as can be, like my FOnewearl,im a guy, but i like playing her because how powerful she is, and i made her look cool with her black costume and darkened eye and white hair and stuff..