View Full Version : PSO = Waste of Life?

Jul 11, 2003, 10:43 PM
I've logged well over 1000 hours on DreamCast PSO

Well Oever 800 on GameCube combined

and well over 500 on Xbox Combined....

Now i couldve used this time to get better grades, get into shape, fixed up my social life

rawr how do you feel about PSO?

not like i regret it or anything but, you know.

Jul 11, 2003, 10:49 PM
thats why i never hit over 500hrs on a game i have a life http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif

i'm at like 300hrs right now but i think i'm gonna go work on some RPGS those usually take a while and dont get boring maybe by the time i'm done PSOX will ahve some good quests!!!

Jul 11, 2003, 10:53 PM
I dunno, it seems like PSO is the most time consuming game EVER. I mean, I thought I had played FF7 and FF Tactics a long time when I reached over 100 hours, but I'm already past that on PSO and it doesn't seem like it's been that long.

Plus it's Summertime, so i don't have anything else to do, especially since my deck snapped. *stupid skateboards.....stupid 8 stair....*

Jul 11, 2003, 11:09 PM
you got both pso?
soon xbox live will be $5 months

Jul 11, 2003, 11:24 PM
some of us have no life.. like me. hell, i only left the house like once this whole summer.. so yeah. pso is a life kinda thing for me now.

Jul 11, 2003, 11:39 PM
On 2003-07-11 20:53, Tsudo_Plat wrote:
I dunno, it seems like PSO is the most time consuming game EVER.

you need to play some of the MMORPGs out there, PSO is not very time comsuming at all compared to some of the games i've played *shudders* theres games out there that can takes litarally a month just to level up ONCE.

Jul 11, 2003, 11:44 PM
I limit my time on PSO like only 10 hours per week so it dosent get in the way 2 much.

Jul 11, 2003, 11:50 PM
When i played through FFX (and had it to near completion; mind you not 'beaten' but rather 'mastered') at 70 hours or so...i thought "wow...so fast?"

I've played wayy too much PSO, and not nearly as much as you guys have (about 1000 or so give or take 100 combining dc and gc versions).. i don't even know WHY i've played so much. There is just something evilly addictive about finding secret boxes with magically rare items. It's worse than pokemon!

In terms of my 'favorite' games, PSO is on the list but not near the top. I wonder sometimes why i am so drawn to leveling up on this game, knowing it won't get me much of anywhere. There is no big ending, there is no magically delicious FMV to watch, no voice overs and i can't even type because i am too lazy to import a keyboard. Yet i play...

I am usually very adamantly against people that talk trash about the (video) gaming industry, but when i learned of the story that said a study found that videogame playing leads to lowered Beta or Alpha waves in the Pre-frontal Cortex of the brain (something like that) i thought of PSO and for once i agree.

I sit there like a zombie and press essentially one button and watch the colors move around on screen. My only goal is to make a green or red reticule pop up on screen, and then hit the button. I get angry, i get hot (in an otherwise cool room) i get anxious, and why?

I don't know, it has some kind of weird addictive effect (in my opinion..). Not saying its bad if you control yourself, but therein lies the challenge.

I was happy to quit my job a year or so ago so that i could play more pso. I promised myself id never play another "MMORPG" or ANYTHING similar to whatever u call pso....online cooperative action melodrama super action shooter....whatever.

Sorry for this scatter-brained post that went everywhere and nowhere, but for some reason this topic brought out a range of emotions and ideas from me.

Jul 11, 2003, 11:54 PM
On 2003-07-11 21:39, Squeee wrote:

you need to play some of the MMORPGs out there, PSO is not very time comsuming at all compared to some of the games i've played *shudders* theres games out there that can takes litarally a month just to level up ONCE.

in 1 mmorpg, it takes almost 1 year to get the last level up.

Jul 11, 2003, 11:59 PM
Wow, you have no life at all, thats going to suck when ur older, no life, and how you sopposed to get a girlfriend or boyfriend, depending on ur sex, i mean, i play video games, but at least i hang out with my friends a lot more...
>:D mostly girls

Jul 12, 2003, 12:01 AM
On 2003-07-11 21:54, googles wrote:

On 2003-07-11 21:39, Squeee wrote:

you need to play some of the MMORPGs out there, PSO is not very time comsuming at all compared to some of the games i've played *shudders* theres games out there that can takes litarally a month just to level up ONCE.

in 1 mmorpg, it takes almost 1 year to get the last level up.

i used to play this one MMORPG and it's litareally impossible to get the last level (100). the highest out there was like 73 or so, but that was on the korean server e.e

i didn't play it that much, i only made it to lvl 45 o.O

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Squeee on 2003-07-11 22:03 ]</font>

Jul 12, 2003, 12:10 AM
500 hrs on DC
1250 on GC
500 on Xbox

And basically...im tired. Im tired of the repitition. And right now, im specifically sick and tired of the same shit over and over again on Xbox. I used to support ST saying "they're doing their best leave 'em alone." 3 months....and we have Heat Sword.

I just recently got my drivers liscense, and Im alreayd slowing down on PSO. I need ot look for a job now to support myself for gas money, and to finance my trips to LAN centers in NYC. PSO is losing it.... im not done yet, but the future of me and PSO is looking bleak.

*waits for Worlds of Warcraft.*

Jul 12, 2003, 12:15 AM
You know im kinda glad they made episode 3 a card game, thus alienating alot of the fan-base(in my opinion here) like ME, for example. Otherwise i would probably already have the game reserved. And be hooked for 500 more hours of the 'same ol thing'

Jul 12, 2003, 12:20 AM
PSO? Life consuming? Bah! Its not like i play the game almost every waking hour, except between the hours of 3-5 am. Noooooo. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/anime2.gif .....Look! Random scene of violance! *runs* http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/twak.gif

Jul 12, 2003, 12:48 AM
This game can be addictive, but unless u know when to stop ur self. It would be helpeful to take ur eyes off the TV screen. U MIGHT BECOME BLIND!!! i duno,my eye doctor said that so i kinda took it seriously.. Yes, Yes, FinalHell is smart http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif

Jul 12, 2003, 01:04 AM
I have put a lot of time into this game. I have thought about how pointless it all is, yet I continue to play. Then again, a lot of things that people(or myself) do are pointless. Like right now, it is 2:02am. I am farking tired. My vision is blurred and I am watching the "Caroline Rhea Show." What the hell am I thinking? Well. It is off to bed for me...

Delsaber says, "PSO is not brain-washing you."

Jul 12, 2003, 01:06 AM
Is pso a waste of time. in the long run no shit. in the short run maybe.

Jul 12, 2003, 01:24 AM
I really do wonder how people manage to spend so much time on games like PSO. I personally can't focus on something like that for hours and hours unless I'm with friends and I have entertainment on the side. Also, there is just so much to do! Between school, friends, writing and other various tasks it's hard to actually find time to play. My friends that play PSO are so far ahead of me and I've had the game longer than they have. Now, I'm moving to Italy for a year and that is going to cut my playing time down so much that I kind of feel like there almost is no point in it. But...there's just something about PSO that keeps me coming back. Seems to be that way with alot of people.
Ciao Ciao.

Jul 12, 2003, 01:25 AM
How do you feel when you play pso?
How do you feel when you don't?

( uhhh... it's a commercial.... )

Jul 12, 2003, 01:38 AM
its helps when you have friends that actualy play pso.

Jul 12, 2003, 01:56 AM
You can make freind's on pso... If ur social skills are high enough *burts into a high amounts of laughter*

Jul 12, 2003, 02:03 AM
5000 hours were lost to this insane game. 4500 from Dreamcast, and another 500 (literally lost too) on Gamecube.

I swear I heard a few JP users go on with 10,000 on DC PSO.

Jul 12, 2003, 02:34 AM
What's a burt?

Jul 12, 2003, 03:15 AM
LOL Micah...

How do you feel when you get out of the house? RAAAWR!
How do you feel when you play PSO for hours? Aaawr..

Jul 12, 2003, 03:23 AM
On 2003-07-11 20:43, Sedyne wrote:
I've logged well over 1000 hours on DreamCast PSO

Well Oever 800 on GameCube combined

and well over 500 on Xbox Combined....

Yea, I've logged about 2000 hrs on DC, over 500 on Xbox, and less than 100 on GCN. Games like this are time consuming. True the game doesn't require as much time as EQ or DAofC. But any game that requires alot of character leveling and item finding does take alot of time. If you got the time, it's not too bad. It's bad when you know you got better things to do and you put them aside for less important things. You just need to know your limits and to keep up with your own responsibilities.

Jul 12, 2003, 04:20 AM
I've logged about 1.4k hours myself..only on gamecube...and only for under 6 months..I played alot..I wonder what lv I woulda been if that all would have gone into one character..the world may never know. Oh well! *goes to bed*

Jul 12, 2003, 05:03 AM
Learn from PSO my friend and apply it to life. Only way to grow is to be able to do things freely, otherwise you are complacent and stuck in adolescense. (ok I misspelled)

Jul 12, 2003, 05:12 AM
On 2003-07-12 01:15, MightyBoot wrote:
LOL Micah...

How do you feel when you get out of the house? RAAAWR!
How do you feel when you play PSO for hours? Aaawr..

lol that's funny too cause my real name is micah..

Jul 12, 2003, 06:16 AM
Wow, you have no life at all, thats going to suck when ur older, no life, and how you sopposed to get a girlfriend or boyfriend, depending on ur sex, i mean, i play video games, but at least i hang out with my friends a lot more...
>:D mostly girls

LOL dont you just love it, i clocked hundreds of hours online on my pso dc yet i still managed to get drunk get into a good university get good grades at college get a sweet gf and have a wicked social life, this isnt including all the training i did to go semi pro in cs and play all the other games i own.

if u wanna brag 2 can play at that game http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif

if you enjoy pso then y not play it 24/7, u have the choice to do it so if u love it than cool go for it

Jul 12, 2003, 07:11 AM
1700+ hours on dreamcast (combined)
and i surpassed 1000 hours (combined) by now on cube as well...

and to sum it up, pso is a mayor waste of time (i think i'll have to repeat a semester because i didnt concentrate well enough on my exams -_-;).

Jul 12, 2003, 07:16 AM
PSO is very addicting. I got extremely hooked up on it on DC days. But, it's not a waste of time if you think about it. You can't always work. You also need to get out from it all once in a while, and PSO fills that role for me. It's important to know when to stop, though.

Jul 12, 2003, 09:19 AM
I used to play it 18 hours a day, and then online through the night(long ago, when I was staying up 24 and 36 hours at a time), long ago, on the DC versions.

With the release of GC PSO, I got my main character to about lvl 115 or whatever, I don't even remember.

On the DC versions, I got my character to lvl 127, and that was it.

Of course it's a waste of time and life, it's a game, it's only use is it's entertainment value.

Everything is a waste of time if you get right down to it, we're just wasting time until we die, but thats the point, we have to choose what we want to actually waste our time on.

If you're having fun, enjoy it. Yeah?

I've been working alot, so haven't really had my head into any games alot, but all the same, after PSO, atleast pretty much everything else won't seem so bleak. I mean, for those of us who started on the Version 1 release so long ago, how many fricken times have we beat the game? o_O

The numbers of specific area runs is AYE, let alone the number of specific enemies we've sliced, diced, multilated, bludgeoned and disemboweled.

Jul 12, 2003, 09:46 AM
On 2003-07-11 21:59, OniTatsujin wrote:
Wow, you have no life at all, thats going to suck when ur older, no life, and how you sopposed to get a girlfriend or boyfriend, depending on ur sex, i mean, i play video games, but at least i hang out with my friends a lot more...
>:D mostly girls

Judging by that reply, your friends and "girlfriends" are proabblyy of low quality =D

don't go making fun of people esp. since since you don't know there whole story buddy. It isn't nice. It's also very ignorant. Just like I did in my reply to you. Hopefully you'll learn a lesson.

Jul 12, 2003, 10:00 AM
On 2003-07-11 22:10, ginko990 wrote:

And basically...im tired. Im tired of the repitition. And right now, im specifically sick and tired of the same shit over and over again on Xbox. I used to support ST saying "they're doing their best leave 'em alone." 3 months....and we have Heat Sword.

Yeah, two of my friends and i have been playin since January (we're all offline) and both of them are totally bored with the endless repetition of the game. I'm still going, not as strong as i used to, i took a break from PSO to beat Metroid Prime (now i've beaten MP with 100% items, what now...) now im rediscovering Aliens Versus Predator 2. Yet, this morning i picked up PSO and started playing since the first time in over a month, and...it felt like coming home again. I'm on GC with a combined of over 700 hrs. on two memory cards, and this is all OFFLINE! My goal in life is to one day get online with PSO.

A sad existence it be...a sad existence it be...oh woe is me...a sad existence it be...

Jul 12, 2003, 10:04 AM
also, we waste so much time ON THIS FORUM talking about PSO. I mean, people with well over 1,000 posts obviously wasted so much of their life on A.) PSO itself, and 2.) PSOW forums, (or just PSOW in general)...and even me...i dont have close to 1000 posts, but i haven't been here that long and every waking hour of my day that isn't on the gamecube is on the internet, about 2/3 of that time spent on this site.

Obviously there is something wrong with me...

Jul 12, 2003, 10:13 AM
Is playing PSO fun? If it is to you (and it is to me), it is not a waste.

Playing a videogame and having fun doing it IS having a life. A damn good one.

Just because someone does something you don't like doing, or that most don't consider productive, doesn't mean they don't have a life.

If someone played PSO 17 hours a day, every day, they would have a life. And if they enjoyed that life- it would be a damn good one. Anyone that says that person wouldn't have a life, is a damned fucking fool.

Having fun is never a waste.

Jul 12, 2003, 12:02 PM
1 game

diablo 2

Jul 12, 2003, 01:22 PM
I oalmost failed a grade in school at one point. My averages were low because I play PSO too much.

Jul 12, 2003, 01:36 PM
PSO is a way of life not a life consuming thingy!!!

Jul 12, 2003, 01:40 PM
PSO isn't a waste of life, it's life itself!

Jul 12, 2003, 01:46 PM
why dont you all quit complaining! If you think its a waste of your life then dont play it! its that simple! As for everyone else... just do what ever the hell you think is fun and makes you happy... That way you can easily say that your life has not been wasted... Afterall, If youre happy, then your doin somthing right... Right?

Jul 12, 2003, 01:53 PM
Life is to short to worry about shit like that...If you want my oppition "A MOMENT ENJOYED IS NOT WASTED"

Jul 12, 2003, 02:52 PM
On 2003-07-12 11:53, Android_15 wrote:
Life is to short to worry about shit like that...If you want my oppition "A MOMENT ENJOYED IS NOT WASTED"

Well put.

Jul 12, 2003, 05:07 PM
On 2003-07-12 12:52, Sedyne wrote:

On 2003-07-12 11:53, Android_15 wrote:
Life is to short to worry about shit like that...If you want my oppition "A MOMENT ENJOYED IS NOT WASTED"

Well put.

im starting to wonder if im even enjoying playing PSo anymore Lol.

Jul 12, 2003, 05:23 PM
i might be wrong saying this but...i dont think people should be playin pso if they can't prioritize their lives. no offense to anyone, but pso isnt a great game, i dont see how this game can occupy so much time for a person, it gets bland and dull, fast. if u think pso is good, then wait till true fantasy live for xbox comes.

Jul 12, 2003, 05:30 PM
On 2003-07-12 15:23, smallfry wrote:
i might be wrong saying this but...i dont think people should be playin pso if they can't prioritize their lives. no offense to anyone, but pso isnt a great game, i dont see how this game can occupy so much time for a person, it gets bland and dull, fast. if u think pso is good, then wait till true fantasy live for xbox comes.

Why not just turn this thread into a pissing match between competing online games? While we're at it, let's use our opinion as a standard for everyone elses'.

Jul 12, 2003, 07:57 PM
I've played Diablo 2 far longer than I'll ever to able to play pso. I really played that game all days long and for about 2 years. Also Counter-Strike is much worse. The main problem with pso is, that the game is to slow compaired with Diablo 2 (my opinion) and that makes it kinda boring for me, so I usually don't play very long. But hell, I'm playing pso AND counter-strike, so together they make a nice total and I've still got time to hang out with friends and study.

And what if I wouldn't game? I would watch tv for about 5/6 hours a day. In that case, I'll go for pso and cs.

Jul 12, 2003, 07:59 PM
On 2003-07-12 15:23, smallfry wrote:
i might be wrong saying this but...i dont think people should be playin pso if they can't prioritize their lives. no offense to anyone, but pso isnt a great game, i dont see how this game can occupy so much time for a person, it gets bland and dull, fast. if u think pso is good, then wait till true fantasy live for xbox comes.

This has better just be your own opinion and I'm not going to say whether you are right or wrong because there is no such thing as right or wrong in this world, just like whether you should play PSO or not.

Jul 12, 2003, 08:04 PM
well of course its my own opinion, isnt everyone here posting their own opinion?? pso is a good game, but is it worth lower grades in school, or an inactive social life?

Jul 12, 2003, 08:09 PM
I have no life, therefore I have nothing to waste