View Full Version : PSO World will be posting game shark codes.

Mar 17, 2001, 08:59 PM
Actually this thread has nothing to do with the topic. Dissapointed? Annoyed? I would be.

This is acutally a point to the people who have been creating threads with grossly misleading topic names.

Please dont do this. The boards are slow enough as is right now, I know I would be angry if someone posted a topic I was intrested in and it turned out to be something other than that 'just to get my attention'.

Please think of others when you do something like this.

Mar 18, 2001, 12:58 AM
Ambrai, thanks for ADDING to our dissapointment and anger. Grrrr...

"Please think of others when you do something like this."

How amazingly hypocritical...

Mar 18, 2001, 01:06 AM
Ambrai, can't you delete misleading's topic thread??

Mar 19, 2001, 01:07 PM
Rei: I have the ability to but I think its an extream measure to delete a thread that has a missleading topic.

I will leave that up to the community tho. If everyone says go for it I will. Otherwise I wont.

Mar 19, 2001, 01:55 PM
Well I think in this case, a misleading thread is exactly what we wanted. Man, I was hell relieved.

Mar 19, 2001, 03:28 PM

dang I make it back here and I find 2-3 misleading topics right on the front page, one by the moderator. sigh.

well atleast this isn't true.


Mar 19, 2001, 04:09 PM
If the misleading topic which contain some old topics( they know nobody would read it), or you think it's not worth reading it, I'd say you delete it.

Mar 19, 2001, 08:34 PM
Why is ambrai even staff?
Its not as if this is even the first stupid thread she has posted either. I realize you like posting Ambrai, and your enthusiasm is noted. In the future please help us to releave the congestion on this otherwise great forum by removing your own membership.

Mar 19, 2001, 09:00 PM
JTSBCKNLDGF (sorry I can't remember all those letters... figured I'd throw in some more to make sure I had all the bases covered.)

Ambrai's doing this as way to show those who make a habit of this just how annoying it can be. She doesn't do it on a regular basis, in fact this is the ONLY time she's ever done it. As a moderator, I can't think of a better way to make her point. If she simply posts it, I seriously doubt the people inconsiderate enough to do this would have taken the time to read it.

Finn: I've been here a loooong time, (relatively) and I've seen more out of Ambrai than I've seen out of anyone else here. She deserves her position as moderator as much as anyone else on this staff, and, as a person who's been reading this board for almost 3 months, (Yes, I joined long after I started reading) I see no reason for her removal. If you seriously find her handling of this board that offensive... there's hundreds more out there.

Ambrai: You scared the crap out of me. Shame on you. ^_~

?ex Machine & Robo-Death Ape?


"A beautiful thing is never perfect" -Egyptian Proverb

<font size=1>[ This message was edited by: Seutekh on 2001-03-19 18:03 ]</font>

Mar 20, 2001, 04:19 AM
Ack, ya freaked me out.
Thank gawd this one WAS misleading... phew

Mar 20, 2001, 07:35 AM
That wasn't a funny joke at all...

Mar 20, 2001, 12:18 PM
It wasnt a joke at all.