View Full Version : "Punk" Music and Style

Jul 12, 2003, 09:38 AM
Ok, I don't get it. If most "punks" say they "hate" preps and think they're all jerk-offs and listen to "punk rock" because it isn't "the thing," then what do you say now? It IS the cool thing to be punk now.

Plus, most of my girlfriends are "punk" and have all the stereotypical qualities of a "prep" (ex.-b*tchy attitudes, quick to judge based on clothes, sleep around, etc.) so what makes "punk" not "pop?"

It obviously has nothing to do with ANYTHING but wearing darker shades of colors and sticking close to black. So punk is just a fashion?

I just don't get it; I'd appreciate someone filling me in on the horrible excuse for a culture dilemma I'm having.

Much appreciated,
W. Todd M.

Jul 12, 2003, 09:59 AM
I think you've pretty much got it there, I dont see a helluva lot of difference, except the music they listen too, and most 'punk' bands of recent suck...bad. The other difference I've noticed is mode of transportation, which for 'punks' is usually skateboard, while 'preps' usually side with a bike.

I prefer to walk/run.

Jul 12, 2003, 10:09 AM
it's all about people trying to define themselves and creating drama.

Jul 12, 2003, 10:17 AM
AMEN! I'm very happy that some people see what I see.
And OMG do the recent bands suck or what!? Its all the same immature lyrics and voices. Sheesh.

Jul 12, 2003, 02:14 PM
"I'm original. I'm an individual. Hey, we have the same Black Flag patch!"

Jul 12, 2003, 02:29 PM
On 2003-07-12 12:14, pixelate wrote:
"I'm original. I'm an individual. Hey, we have the same Black Flag patch!"

Watch it now...Black Flag WAS real punk. (I know you weren't offending Black Flag http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif )

Real punk died a long time ago.

..and like the original post said...defining pop and punk now can easily be explained by "pop punk".


New Found Glory, Good Charlotte, Brand New, Blink 182, AVRIL LAVIGNE, Green Day (everything after dookie), and Simple Plan.

REAL punk was bands like:

The Ramones, The Clash, Black Flag, etc.

Jul 12, 2003, 04:24 PM
They may not be 'punky' but i still enjoy some of they're music, namely blink and green day.

Jul 12, 2003, 05:41 PM
Well yeah, I like Good Charolette and Avril (though so many people don't). But either way, what is punk and who should[n't] proclaim they are punk?

Jul 12, 2003, 06:03 PM
ya artemidorus, i'm as lost as you. i dont get this thing with prep vs punk or whatever the hell it is. i dont think its just fashion, i think attitude reflects the way you dress. and as for the stereotypical views they have for one another, i got no f_ckin clue who gave them those ideas, but it just goes to show how mature the young society is.

Jul 12, 2003, 06:10 PM
I'm a "prep"... http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_lol.gif "Punks" online are so ridiculous... I read something like this the other day: "I hate preps they should get their own lives and stop living in their prepy world." (notice "prepy" is spelled wrong =P) I dunno why so many "punks" hate "preps"... is it because are families are fortunate enough to be able to afford to send us to good schools? Is it because we are forced to wear uniforms (though many uniform regulations ave let up over the past few years)? I'm very confused by this... My family isn't "rich" or anything (we're what I like to call "upper middle class"... my father's job makes a lot of money, but only enough to buy a few things that aren't necessities... it doesn't always come in when we need it, either). I go to school in a not-so-great part of MA, and it's got all the elements of a publicly-educated school, so I don't get what the big deal is.

Jul 12, 2003, 06:10 PM
punk? real "punk" people wouldn't care what the hell other people think about them. Exactly why they do that stuff to their hair, and what they wear. because they like it.

Jul 12, 2003, 06:40 PM
On 2003-07-12 12:29, Vantamiath wrote:

On 2003-07-12 12:14, pixelate wrote:
"I'm original. I'm an individual. Hey, we have the same Black Flag patch!"

Watch it now...Black Flag WAS real punk. (I know you weren't offending Black Flag http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif )

Real punk died a long time ago.

..and like the original post said...defining pop and punk now can easily be explained by "pop punk".


New Found Glory, Good Charlotte, Brand New, Blink 182, AVRIL LAVIGNE, Green Day (everything after dookie), and Simple Plan.

REAL punk was bands like:

The Ramones, The Clash, Black Flag, etc.

i couldnt agree more.

Jul 12, 2003, 08:50 PM
"Punks" today are not punks. They're posers. They only have the attitude they have because they think it makes them look cool. They listen mostly to the sudden surge of whiny punk bands. To name a few, Good Charlotte (look at my profile, I hate GC), New Found Glory, Simple Plan, etc. Modern punk bands that came out before these people (Green Day, Blink 182, etc.) are good bands because their songs aren't crap about the "punk" lifestyle. You used to have to be good for a record label to sign you on, but now, if you can say the words "the world is against me" your rich. These "punks" dress the way they do because they say they don't care about what people say or think about them. Yet, they dress this way so people will think about them in a certain way. POSERS.

Jul 12, 2003, 08:55 PM
On 2003-07-12 12:29, Vantamiath wrote:

On 2003-07-12 12:14, pixelate wrote:
"I'm original. I'm an individual. Hey, we have the same Black Flag patch!"

Watch it now...Black Flag WAS real punk. (I know you weren't offending Black Flag http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif )

Real punk died a long time ago.

..and like the original post said...defining pop and punk now can easily be explained by "pop punk".


New Found Glory, Good Charlotte, Brand New, Blink 182, AVRIL LAVIGNE, Green Day (everything after dookie), and Simple Plan.

REAL punk was bands like:

The Ramones, The Clash, Black Flag, etc.

Actually, i think AVRIL LAVIGNE is a wanna be punk. She is hot though http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif. And Green Day was way more punk in their earlier days.

Hardcore punk would be AFI, and Rancid. Thats what I listen to, but I'm a Metal Head really. Punk and Metal are completely different http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_wink.gif

Jul 12, 2003, 10:16 PM
Real punks are pretty much dead. Anyone out there who proclaims themself a punk is not a punk. Too many people think they can become a punk by putting the name of every punk band you listen to on everything you own. Trying to become a punk just makes you a poser, no way around it.

At one time, being a punk was being an individual. Now, punks are just as mainstream as the next guy. All just a bunch of pricks spouting shit about anarchy and how stuff sucks. I'm gonna say this once and for all: anarchy would NOT WORK, and you know it. Without the system, you'd have chaos, and that would most certainly not work.

Bah, I just can't look at a punk a being a punk anymore.

Jul 12, 2003, 10:18 PM
Didnt Punk start in the 80s?

Jul 12, 2003, 10:21 PM
nah, the 70's, when EVERYONE was a "nonconformist"

Jul 12, 2003, 11:08 PM
Punks piss me off. Anti Preps piss me off. Preps Piss me off. I piss everyone off. I dont do any of the popular things and people cant stand my induvidualism. So as a result I have 2 friends, I get treated like dirt, and Im still here. So what kind of class do I fit into? Loser? I think not.

Jul 12, 2003, 11:15 PM
wow, I'm the exact same way, I've got 2 friends , noone likes me and you suck is the most common response to my questions...........makes you really want to keep on living, doesnt it?

Jul 12, 2003, 11:39 PM
Solid topic? Good people?! Their argument actually stands on its own without collapsing on its own ignorance?!?! *stamps his seal of approval!*

Well, I cant just leave and not insult someone so....

Smallfry!!! This ones for you and your dumbass posts with horrible spelling and bad grammar!!


<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Zasarix on 2003-07-12 21:40 ]</font>

Jul 13, 2003, 12:53 AM
What I've seen from my cousin and his friends, its a way to be different and rebel against everything and to just not give a fuck about anything...and I guess if you were'nt born punk your just a poser
But I think it's just a cheap fad, preps died out with Saved by the Bell so they can't really get mad at anyone right now, just a government most don't understand

Punk is bullshit and they know it, only punk out there is music
which is just nutts

Jul 13, 2003, 02:32 PM
ya know what gets me even more? Individualism. Listen up. People are always sayin' that you should be unique and individual and don't let others run your life, etc. Well, when someone honestly lives by their own standards and rules and fashon senses, WHY DO THEY GET MOCKED, MADE FUN OF, TEASED, BOTHERED, ETC. FOR BEING "DIFFERENT" (AKA UNIQUE AND INDIVIDUAL). Gosh! That drives me made!

Hypocrites have points, but golly, the previous phrases should be "Be unique (like how I'd be unique and how I would approve and enjoy your 'unique-ness') and individual (as long as you have a group close and similar to you that I can associate you with) and (only) let ** (ME and MY ideas) rule your life.

The whole 'punk' idea of being unique has now been flipped and twisted to be just like the last paragraph...

Jul 13, 2003, 02:39 PM
On 2003-07-12 21:39, Zasarix wrote:
Solid topic? Good people?! Their argument actually stands on its own without collapsing on its own ignorance?!?! *stamps his seal of approval!*

Well, I cant just leave and not insult someone so....

Smallfry!!! This ones for you and your dumbass posts with horrible spelling and bad grammar!!


<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Zasarix on 2003-07-12 21:40 ]</font>

Zasarix your post style is getting a little lame. Every post I've seen from you involves flaming someone, followed by a meaningless picture with inserted text.

Jul 13, 2003, 02:53 PM
I've been trying to counteract him.. but he's a persistant bastard http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_wink.gif

Jul 13, 2003, 06:13 PM
LMAO, I've been really bored the past 3 days, so I decided to simply spam the PSO forums instead of rasing MAGs as I normally do

Jul 14, 2003, 01:55 AM
Do dat dance.

Jul 14, 2003, 02:28 AM
On 2003-07-12 16:10, Gestiv wrote:
I'm a "prep"... http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_lol.gif "Punks" online are so ridiculous... I read something like this the other day: "I hate preps they should get their own lives and stop living in their prepy world." (notice "prepy" is spelled wrong =P) I dunno why so many "punks" hate "preps"... is it because are families are fortunate enough to be able to afford to send us to good schools? Is it because we are forced to wear uniforms (though many uniform regulations ave let up over the past few years)? I'm very confused by this... My family isn't "rich" or anything (we're what I like to call "upper middle class"... my father's job makes a lot of money, but only enough to buy a few things that aren't necessities... it doesn't always come in when we need it, either). I go to school in a not-so-great part of MA, and it's got all the elements of a publicly-educated school, so I don't get what the big deal is.

The everlasting high school punk prep battle but to say at the least i got out of school last year but i never understood this either.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Bart on 2003-07-14 00:29 ]</font>

Jul 15, 2003, 12:55 AM
I've never understood the whole prep and punk thing. I think when you only hang out with one kind of person you limit yourself to a lot of different aspects of life. I personally just kind of stay in the middle of everything. Though I have things that I like MORE than others I never say that I won't try something (unless it's drugs. Hear that kids! Don't do drugs! WOO!) and I try to keep my mind open to everything and everyone.
Sterotypers are another thing I just loathe. Nobody should be able to tell me I'm prep, punk, goth. geek or whatever else there is. I choose what I am. I mean, what are sterotypes anyway? Something a bunch of bored housewives came up with so that they could try and understand their kid's lives better? "Oh...he's a goth, he's just trying to express himself."
And yes, most 'punks' now days don't even KNOW much about what being 'punk' really is. I think trying to fit into something that you know absolutely nothing about makes you look more like an idiot than anything else. Can I make that a sterotype?
"Oh..my son's just an idiot. I suppose that's the cool thing to do now."
Honestly, the things people will do to make something look 'cool'.
Ciao Ciao!

Jul 15, 2003, 02:04 PM
i think the new "punk" acts are the new incarnations of nsync and the backstreet boys.
meaningless lyrics+"dancing"+lack of talent=million of people shelling $15 for the cd

Jul 15, 2003, 02:20 PM
On 2003-07-15 12:04, monkeyfist wrote:
i think the new "punk" acts are the new incarnations of nsync and the backstreet boys.
meaningless lyrics+"dancing"+lack of talent=million of people shelling $15 for the cd

Jul 17, 2003, 02:12 PM
This topic makes me want to cry. Sheesh are people still running around and using trite terms like "prep" and "punk"? I was brought up on the DIY ethic of punk-rock and the belief of breaking away from the pre-determined path and setting your own course so to speak. Why should people waste time pining about the actions of others possessions or actions? The Black Flag patch statement was great, not to mention dead-on as far as the "punkers" of today. How is "buying in" punk? Purchasing a 30 dollar band shirt of some defunct band like Operation Ivy (a band that never sold merch during their brief existence) or some other institutionalized band, or hitting up your Hot Topic for a brand new Minor Threat patch...yet another uniform...and a freaking crappy one at that. Punk today is another trite term and a hollow vestige of it's former self. It is now a marketable and malleable form under the thumb of giant record labels and Mtv...well mostly anyway. The only band that I would even somewhat follow's the "punk-rock" credo is Fugazi (Even though the typical net-"punk" would scoff at such an assessment). When they die the "spirit" of underground music will perish with them.

Jul 17, 2003, 05:12 PM
Im no punk no siree im gone live to 93....

Jul 17, 2003, 06:18 PM
These stereotypical groups, be they punks or gangsters or preps or those who consider themselves "an individual", all have one thing in common. They seem to insist on bitching profousely about, or certainey feeling ill content towards, everyone not sharing their view.

Face it, announcing to the world that you are an individual and that you hate punks, is as bloody well annoying as a punk-poser whining about their fashionable contempt for authority.

Cut the crap guys. Unless you dislike them whilst acknowleging that your own "quit-posing-and-get-over-the-state-of-the-world" stance may be as bugging as the other, don't post topics like this.

Wow, bring on the critecism, man.

Jul 21, 2003, 07:08 PM
Wow, bring on the critecism, man.

Why would I criticize? you got it perfectly!

Jul 22, 2003, 06:19 PM
On 2003-07-12 15:41, Artemidorus wrote:
Well yeah, I like Good Charolette and Avril (though so many people don't). But either way, what is punk and who should[n't] proclaim they are punk?

Avril? Avril Lavigne? HA HA HA !!!

her clothes rock louder than her music does!

you want real modern punk music, try NOFX, Rancid, Bad Religion, Pennywise, AFI, Anti-Flag ... listen for ethics too, not catchy tunes

as for being punk, you don't need leather, or blue/green/red/yellow/purple spiky/mohawk hair, or a pair of moon-stomping Docs, or an entire collection of stickers, patches, and t-shirts of your favorite punk bands (overpriced and overproduced by Hot Topic) ... being "punk" is 100% attitude, it always was, and still is

Jul 22, 2003, 06:57 PM
as for being punk, you don't need leather, or blue/green/red/yellow/purple spiky/mohawk hair, or a pair of moon-stomping Docs, or an entire collection of stickers, patches, and t-shirts of your favorite punk bands (overpriced and overproduced by Hot Topic) ... being "punk" is 100% attitude, it always was, and still is

what attitude would that be? The supposed "independent and don't give a damn" attitude when its really the "I'm just like every other spoiled teenager but I won't admit that I'm just following a phase"
I'm in no way tryin to be mean to you... so don't take offense please!

And speaking of Hot Topic, that is the lowest piece of garbage ever! Don't get me wrong, I love what they sell, but dude! I bought Gary shoelaces and THE WERE MORE THAN $5! wtf? I hate that monopoly ...

Jul 22, 2003, 07:20 PM
It's all pretty stupid... people say I'm punk cause I listen to punk rock and rock rock- Sum 41, SOAD, Godsmack- and I don't like rap. It just causes hate.
But I don't hate anyone, so don't start ranting. And I don't have punk clothes or a "punk attitude" either. I just listen to rock.

Jul 22, 2003, 07:30 PM
I thought you were gay.


Punks are just a bunch of fake acts trying to be different. They hate preps because they think that preps are these horrible people when they are not.

Those nonconformist are all alike.

Trying to be different is just as bad a trying to be the smae all you are doing is conforming with the nonconformers. You should just do be yourself whether it is the same of different.

Jul 22, 2003, 07:52 PM
Just a question here. Do you guys consider Sum 41 to be a punk band? There old music sounded like punk but the stuff on their new album (Does This Look Infected) is more regular rock/metal. And Ness, I perfectly agree with what you just said.

Jul 22, 2003, 11:13 PM
punk is a life style.

u tell the diffrence with punksif pop or punk) by the musc they listen to. examples:
pop:good charlotte,sum 41, blink 182... u know.. all those bands

punk: slaughter and the dogs, external meance....( that inda stuff)

punk isn't some thing where u are trying to be an individual. and anyone that says that is a panzy. its just a life style.. and an atitude. in fact, its not even about spiking ur hair and wearing ur oxblood docs. all i and everyone i know dresses in jeans and a band shirt(witch isnt that diffrent from everyone else).

hot topic is not punk. its just a store where a bunch of geniuses decided to use a popular fad to make money. sponge bob shirts arent punk. neither is selling anarchy patches with tax dollars on it or there copy writed name.

ummmm yah. usually punks hate preps because preps give them shit and think they are better then punks.

thats all i remember reading about.... so yah.

Jul 23, 2003, 03:44 AM
i was reading this for a second and about the whole "punks hate prep" bullshit. the only reason people who say that they're punk say that because they want to think that they are rebellious. (and because AVRIL doesnt like them) in fact most the people who say that they're punks now (in my school at least) were the same people who liked the backstreet boys, or rap a few months ago. its just a stupid fad, it'll fade.

(best band ever hot water music)

Jul 23, 2003, 03:58 AM
as usual you could say that everything that gets shown on mtv and compareable channels during daytime is definitely pop. may it be wanna-be-punk (i so hate those little kids making senseless, pointless 'lyrics' and combining it with senseless basic accords) or wanna-be-hardrock (oh i so hate it as well, all these pseudo-hard rock-bands with their kindergartenmusic and prepubescent lyrics).

as always: tv for the masses is brainwashing. only thing they care is making quick money out of a trend. nothing more.

and avril lavigne, haha, what a pseudo...

Jul 23, 2003, 04:07 AM
all the "punk bands" they show on mtv, or even play on the radio aren't real punk bands, just created by a record company to make money and sell an image.

Jul 23, 2003, 06:51 AM
The real punk died in the late 70s and early 80s such as Sex Pistoles and xploited and so on,and all the good bands was from the Uk.Execpt Black Flag and Rollings when he did go solo. He is one of the best.

Jul 23, 2003, 02:07 PM
On 2003-07-22 21:13, thevirus5085 wrote:
punk is a life style.

ummmm yah. usually punks hate preps because preps give them shit and think they are better then punks.

thats all i remember reading about.... so yah.

Since when did you know what "preps" are/were thinking? I'm sure God gave you that power to read peoples minds.

Anyways, most people do those sorts of things like fitting into groups in high school out of insecurity and wanting to be accepted. Peer pressure, ya know? Peer pressure doesn' discriminate between the groups of jocks, gays, 'punks', preps, etc.

Jul 23, 2003, 04:14 PM
I agree with the whole point that most "three-chord-rock" has been watered down since the late 70's et cetera, but to say that the Sex Pistols were punk is about utter fallacy. The Sex Pistols were formed up like an average "boy-group" of today, not to mention the fact that they were on a couple major record labels (albeit for a short time..but they still got a heaping wad of cash from every label they "produced" for). The whole idea of the Sex Pistols were formed up after sex-shop entreprenuer Malcolm McLaren made a trip to NYC and watched a couple local acts at CBGB's (Ramones, etc.) and decided that producing a band on that medium would bring in tons of profit for him (He was definitely right on with that assumption as the Sex Pistols went on to become one of the biggest institutions of three chord arggh). He went out and recruited a bunch of miscreant kids on the street (Little snots with a certain "anti" attitude about them, I believe he picked up John Lhydon because he was wearing a t-shirt stating his disgust for Pink Floyd) and formed them into a rag-tag unit of crapsters with a collective knowledge of three-chords between them. Thus the first three-chord rock boy band was born. Eh they're weren't all that bad, but they certainly weren't the greatest thing since sliced bread. Speaking of irratating things, how come the Hives freaking started to suck once they grabbed hold of the mainstream? I mean they used to (It has nothing to do with the whole "selling-out" crap either) put on a great live show, and since they signed to Warner they've got inflated egos the size of Manhattan. Sheesh and then the new AFI record. People mentioning it in the same breath as System of A Down....bah it just irks me a bit. I wish AFI made records like they used to. Shoot freakin Rancid signed to Warner Bros. as well.....not that I was a big fan or anything..sorry for rambling.

(hot water music is definitely one of the greatest bands to grace gods green earth thank you very much.)

P.S.- The new Death By Stereo record rips (with exception of it's whole "anti-US" who-ha, though it's not as good as their older material)all crap aside it comes highly recommended. For newbies to AFI go out and pick up Black Sails in the Sunset, Very Proud of Ya, and all their EP's. Niceness

Jul 23, 2003, 06:15 PM
shut your mouth and open your eyes was the best a.f.i. album in my oppinion

Jul 23, 2003, 08:06 PM
Will everyone quit bitching about how punk died in the late eighties?

A genre is capable of changing or reinventing itself. In my opinion, punk has only really became crap lately because it is listened to by troupes of hoodie wearing, underage smoking little delinquents. Bands like AFI did write good music, as did Blink 182, Green Day, Wheezer....

The descent into mainstream, manufactured "punk" bagan with Sum 41, I'd say. There's Slipknot and Cradle of Filth providing aural retardation for the slightly more warped skater amongst them too..

edit.. missed out a letter.. grrr!!!

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: phasma on 2003-07-24 09:05 ]</font>

Jul 23, 2003, 08:35 PM
The decent into mainstream, manufactured "punk" bagan with Sum 41, I'd say.

I beg to differ. I think manufactured punk started in late 2001 and is continuing now. Sum 41 came out Two years before this surge of crap "punk". And Sum 41's new stuff isn't even really punk sounding (listen to the whole Does This Look Infected CD, not just the stuff they play on the radio or tv).

Jul 23, 2003, 09:43 PM
I bought "Does This Look Infected?" after I was told it was a half-decent homage to their metal influences. Hmm.. I do listen to far more than what gets played on the radio, and I wouldn't have aimed my critecism at Sum 41 had I not listened to their material (all of albums two and three).

Since I've heard a lot of metal, "...Infected" offered me next to zero. Infact, many of their riffs are lifted, or variations on, riffs played by bands such as Metallica and Kiss. "Half Hour of Power" may not have begun the descent, but "All Killer..." was the staple listening for way, way too many buttcrumpets a couple of years back.

Jul 23, 2003, 11:49 PM
in my opinion, any mainstream punk, sucks. sucks ass. but whatever, a few of the mainstream bands now (afi, green day, weezer) were decent before they hit it big with some shitty singles. i think that when a band gets big, they suck, (most the time at least) but thats what i think, whatever.

Jul 24, 2003, 01:08 AM
It's my Uuuuuunited States of Whateverrrr!!!!!! dodedodododedodod!!!!

Do the monkey!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jul 24, 2003, 01:29 AM
lol i hate that song.

Jul 24, 2003, 12:30 PM
REAL punk was bands like:

The Ramones, The Clash, Black Flag, etc.

Damn straight!! I completely agree and can't stand those idiots claiming to be punk and listening to Blink182, Simple Plan (damn sellouts...grr...), and whatnot. Anyway, another musical genre much listened to by "punks" is ska, such as, I dunno, Aquabats, Reel Big Fish, Mustard Plug, No Use For A Name, NOFX, etc.

Jul 25, 2003, 09:04 AM
On 2003-07-24 10:30, Raxxon_Ironis wrote:
Damn straight!! I completely agree and can't stand those idiots claiming to be punk and listening to Blink182, Simple Plan (damn sellouts...grr...), and whatnot.

SELLOUTS!? MAINSTREAM?! WTF? I'm not defending Simple Plan, etc. but people need to realize that being a local band isn't what people in bands want! They WANT to make money!!!!!!!!!!!!! You are a blind moron or just ignorant if you don't realize that.
Plus, just because a whole bunch of people like a band the nation over, DOESN'T mean that they are corrupt and sellouts yadda yadda. If you didn't realize, bands actually make the money from ADVERTISING!! And going on TRL, doing commercials for Pepsi or something, and being in YM is ADVERTISING!
The only possible way to be a "sell out" would be if the band wrote their own songs/lyrics but decided to stop doing that after they got a lot of money. Then yes, they are "sell-outs."

Jul 25, 2003, 05:16 PM
I'm in a band, and I don't care about the cash. Just writing music and having a ton of fun playing it.

I think you're wrong. It takes a lot perseverence to get a band recognition; if all they wanted was money, they could go get a job in MacDonalds.

Jul 25, 2003, 05:55 PM
I'm in a band, and I don't care about the cash. Just writing music and having a ton of fun playing it.

I think you're wrong. It takes a lot perseverence to get a band recognition; if all they wanted was money, they could go get a job in MacDonalds.

I'm in a band as well, but I believe he was talking about playing in a band on a proffesional level. It is fun to write music and play it but wouldn't you rather do it for money than for just yourself? Playing is career. If you don't wish to do it for money, it's a hobby.

Jul 25, 2003, 08:39 PM
On 2003-07-25 15:55, Allos wrote:
I'm in a band as well, but I believe he was talking about playing in a band on a proffesional level. It is fun to write music and play it but wouldn't you rather do it for money than for just yourself? Playing is career. If you don't wish to do it for money, it's a hobby.

my thoughts exactly... but a lot more succinct (sp)

Jul 28, 2003, 03:30 AM
On 2003-07-24 10:30, Raxxon_Ironis wrote:
Anyway, another musical genre much listened to by "punks" is ska, such as, I dunno, Aquabats, Reel Big Fish, Mustard Plug, No Use For A Name, NOFX, etc.

oh, you seriously can't be putting NOFX in the ska category ...

Jul 28, 2003, 03:40 AM
I can't believe there's only been one mention of Bad Religion in this entire thread. One of my favorite bands ever.

Jul 28, 2003, 11:20 AM
Punk is dead. There, Intimidacius said it. There are no real punks with names that can be seen in Target or Wal-mart. The only real punks left are the ones living in your house (but you don't know it). They could be living under your bed just waiting to strike. They eat your food, use your shower, and they don't take showers.

AFI is not punk as they are on the same label as the people who made movies like Mouse Trap and Sinbad. NOFX is just hopping on the bandwagon of licking boots. Death by Stereo are so lame that real punks pee their pants at the thought of hurting them.

Once again, PUNK IS DEAD. Nothing can change it except mixing it with other genres. Punkrap. Punk&B. Punktry. Punkternative. Punkpop. Punklypso. Punkska. Punklassical. Punklerrific. And Intimidacius' personal favorite, Punka: the mix of Polka and Punk.

For the last time, PUNK IS DEAD. Just have the funeral and get it over with. Then we can get around to killing other forms of music. HA HA HA!!!!

Intimidacius would not releive himself into your auditory sensors even if they were in the process of combusting

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Intimidacius on 2003-07-28 09:23 ]</font>

Jul 28, 2003, 12:10 PM
Pretty well said, Intimidacius.

Before punk became such a buzzword, Alternative Tentacles captured it's true essence. AT is a record label made by Jello Biafra (Lead Singer of the now defunct Dead Kennedys. rock.) They have a good number of bands on their label and they are all very good. This is what punk used to be.

Jul 28, 2003, 01:21 PM
Iagree with you two 100%. Punk has become a label that posers use to sepearte themselves from us "common people" same with Gothics.

Jul 28, 2003, 10:46 PM
On 2003-07-28 01:40, Obscenity wrote:
I can't believe there's only been one mention of Bad Religion in this entire thread. One of my favorite bands ever.

that was me, thank you very much *takes a bow*

Bad Religion deserves credit for being one of the leading pioneers in modern punk music

Jul 29, 2003, 07:57 PM
I play it safe for you and me cuz im no punk!