View Full Version : Annoyed and confused... about Delsabre's arm

Mar 18, 2001, 01:21 AM
I was aware of the fact that you had to complete all the Dr Oslo / Mono / Montague whatever quests for Dr Montague to turn any enemy part into a useable weapon. So tonight (for it is three in the morning here in the UK) I did these tasks, and before I went to see him after testing his equipment with Elenor, I went to my lockers and retreived one of the Delsabre right Arms I'd found long ago...
Only to find that he talked to me about it, and then said, maybe next time, go and get your reward...

Um, excuse me, sir about the Delsabre arm nestled cosily in the bosom of my inventory, what about that...? (of course I couldn't say that but you can bet that was going through my head...

But no ammount of talking to him 'what's wrong? Go and collect your reward' (AAAAARGH!) would make him realise what I wanted him to do. So I'm desperate to know exactley what I did wrong, so next time I get there, after trawling through all the godamn quests again, I won't leave empty handed.
And hopefully others fast approaching my dismall situation will learn from my mistakes.

Thanks alot.

(I just know I'm going to be up all night kicking myself. Hey, it's not as if PSO doesn't infiltrate my dreams all the time...)

Mar 18, 2001, 01:29 AM
I think you have to beat the quest, then you ask him.

Mar 18, 2001, 01:43 AM
You have to finish all the quest first.
After that all the quest will be opened again.
Then you find Dr.Montague again in one of the quest you beat (i.e. unsealed door)to give him the arm.
he well then make the weapon for you.
hope this helps.

Mar 18, 2001, 01:59 AM
aha... so I haven't done anything wrong yet...

that's good. Thank God for that, I thought I was going nuts.


Mar 18, 2001, 09:28 AM
nah you dont need to rebeat the quest. JUst take the arm to a quest in which the doc is outside the quest hall (this means he shouldnt be the one hiring you). Talk to him and get you delsaber buster, s-beat blades, or anything else.

Mar 18, 2001, 04:29 PM
yeah...? Great!
Today I finally got round to aquiring Akiko's Frying Pan, chucked about 8 grinders on it and went and had a pantastic time. Tonight I think I might go for Soul eater, but first, Delsabre's arm!!! Yippee!

Yes, I am a very sad man...