View Full Version : Whoo...go whitill....

Mar 18, 2001, 01:46 AM
Interestingly enough...today, I was playing as my Whitill HUmar Xenom, who's only at level 43, and hasn't too many hours on him. Well...actually, here's the interesting part. In Forest, I destoyed one of those regular white boxes and...poof, a special weapon. It was surprising that there was a special weapon, even in vhard Forest. But I thought of it as nothing more than a notorious DB's Saber and when I got back to town...heh...pleasant surprise. A Fake Agito. Something even my 90 hour Greenill RAmar never even saw. Lucky, eh? Well, I went on into the caves and...well...poof, there was a Double Saber. At level 43, I had two fairly rare items in a row.

Mar 18, 2001, 01:52 AM
Yeah go Whitill.....

Mar 18, 2001, 01:58 AM

Mar 18, 2001, 03:37 AM
I'm Whithill, and i *sorta* get good stuff, never gotten a double saber though, you giveing your humar "rare item steroids" or something?

Mar 18, 2001, 04:51 AM
<font face=times new roman color=red>Yeah, I found a Hero Ability online a few days ago, and offline the other day after taking a break from being online so much, I figured it was about timefor me to beat the game offline finally lol, after i was lvl 51 heh, anywho, in the Ruins on normal, I found an Agito there. I am also Whitill.<center>

Mar 18, 2001, 06:42 AM

400 hrs and I've got varistas and DBs and every other "common rare" and very little else.

Nice to know someone has some luck with Whitill tho. ^_^

Mar 18, 2001, 08:42 AM
Wow your so lucky, i am Whitill, level 60, and played for 145 hours. All i get are Common rares. I never get anything good. The best weapon i ever found was a Photon Claw in mines.

Go Whitill!

Mar 18, 2001, 12:08 PM
Damn i'm whitill and i only found a Silence Claw offline in ruins 2 in 170 hours of playing.
not even a double saber ...

Mar 18, 2001, 07:55 PM
<font face=times new roman color=red>lol, i havent found any kinds of claws yet. But the Agito I found was dropped by one of those creatures in the ruins that kindof engulfs you and then 4 claws appear around you. I dont know the name of the creature but for some reason it reminds me of a jellyfish lol, but thats what dropped an agito on normal<Center>

Mar 18, 2001, 08:50 PM
On 2001-03-17 22:46, Ratsmack wrote:
Interestingly enough...today, I was playing as my Whitill HUmar Xenom, who's only at level 43, and hasn't too many hours on him. Well...actually, here's the interesting part. In Forest, I destoyed one of those regular white boxes and...poof, a special weapon. It was surprising that there was a special weapon, even in vhard Forest. But I thought of it as nothing more than a notorious DB's Saber and when I got back to town...heh...pleasant surprise. A Fake Agito. Something even my 90 hour Greenill RAmar never even saw. Lucky, eh? Well, I went on into the caves and...well...poof, there was a Double Saber. At level 43, I had two fairly rare items in a row.

I was actually a witness to this. I'll never forget the:

Mar 18, 2001, 09:13 PM
I'm a whittill and just recently I've started to find rares after about 200 hours. But yesterday was my biggest day, I found a Agito in Caves and a Photon Claw in Mines all in the same game. WooHoo!!

Mar 18, 2001, 09:35 PM
Well, I am a Whithill too but I have found a lot of things. I bought Diska of Bravemen and Gae Bolg from the shops. I found a photon claw in ruins v-hard. I found an agito in forest v-hard. 2 flowen's sword in ruins v-hard. I actually found a lot more but I'm not sure if justices,vises, and blade dances are considered rare. Oh and I'm only a lvl66 with about 88 hours.

Mar 18, 2001, 09:36 PM
Well, I am a Whithill too but I have found a lot of things. I bought Diska of Bravemen and Gae Bolg from the shops. I found a photon claw in ruins v-hard. I found an agito in forest v-hard. 2 flowen's sword in ruins v-hard. I actually found a lot more but I'm not sure if justices,vises, and blade dances are considered rare. Oh and I'm only a lvl66 with about 88 hours.

Mar 18, 2001, 10:12 PM
I started my character again, and made him the same "Mitsurugi", except this time he is a White HUcast, with the Samurai looking head. mmhmm but yeah, he is once again a Whitill!
I found a crap load of double sabre's just before I got rid of Mitsurugi v.1, I was Lvl 57 when I started again.

Mar 18, 2001, 10:18 PM
What you talkin' about, Last? I'm STILL going AGITO, AGITO, AGITO!!! Not that I plan on using it, I'm more partial to the partisan weaps. Hey, maybe if my luck keeps up I'll accidently kill a Dimension and pick up a Soul Banisher.

Mar 19, 2001, 12:42 AM
Actually, I'm a Greenill and I ALWAYS find good stuff. I found a dbl saber in the NORMAL ruins(lv. 17) and in the hard mines(lv. 36). I also found all kinds of stags, twins, and chainsawds in the V. Hard ruins(lv. 40). I've played many chars. and my fave is the Greenill. I ALWAYS find great rares.

Mar 19, 2001, 12:56 AM
k, well so far as Whithill I've gotten (3) double sabers (1) fist thingy, I lost it in a BSOD (1) Crush Bullet (1) Slicer of Assassin (3) Fire Cane: Agni (1) Vjaya and a few other things that I hardly use, so I forget what they are.

Mar 19, 2001, 12:53 PM
I haven't been playing that long as I only finished the game on normal offline this weekend but on saturday I found my first rare on ruins1 and my second on ruins3 of the same game. They were both 1977 agitos, one had +ve %s for forest (40%and caves (20%) and the other one was +ve for the ruins (40%).

Yesterday I was going through the ruins again after deciding falz was going down this time (I'd wussed on saturday) and by the time I'd got to the end of ruins3 I had added a photon claw +1 and a shield called light relief to my collection. http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/icon_smile.gif

Previously the only odd stuff I'd seen where the alternate version of the rappy, the lily and the slime which as it was on normal only gave me a scape doll, meseta and a crappy armour plugin. Weirdly they were all seen on the same day so it looks like my character finds stuff in batches. http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/icon_wink.gif

My character is a Greenill ramar.

Mar 19, 2001, 01:11 PM
is even better than bluefill,

I started a new character this weekend, got her up to lvl 31, and i have found a gae bolg, a double saber, and a dragon slayer all on NORMAL

that is the shizznit, i am loving my new hunewearl

Mar 19, 2001, 03:46 PM
lol my char is lvl 100 whitill and he found quiet abit of rares, more now than ever, 1 out of ever 3 times threw forest i find a special and in forest and caves almost if not all specials are really good rares. one time threw forest 2 i found a mag cell and two fire septer:agni, in the same room it was nuts lol