View Full Version : GC: Disconnects and freezing

Jul 15, 2003, 02:35 PM
I've been online for two weeks now. The first time my game froze online all of my unequipped items got deleted. That sucked. The second time all my data got deleted. That sucks more. So now I'm going around asking people for items. Many people have been willing, but they give me money or super rare items I can't use. I just want some grinders, fluids, and mates. So if you see Neoka that's "Neoka" without the quotes give me some items I can use please. Thanx in advance.

Jul 15, 2003, 03:08 PM
Do you have PPPoE dsl? If that's your connection type, then the game is going to freeze and disconnect randomly at any time when you are online. It'll go to a frozen black screen when you hit start and try to save and you'll lose it all, just like you said. You can try to run to the bank and drop off your unequipped items once you feel the game is about to drop. You'll know you are going to drop because all the other players stop moving and talking. The only way to fix it so it doesn't happene anymor is to buy a router and run PSO and your PC on that. You can get a decent one for around 40 bucks or so at circuit city, that's how much mine was I think.

Jul 15, 2003, 03:38 PM
i have a router but it does no good. i always get disconnected at least twice every time i play which is about 3 hours at a time. i get fsod every once and awhile but no corruption yet. is there another way to stop disconnection??

Jul 15, 2003, 10:09 PM
You could just buy a cheap network card and then a RJ45 crossover cable and connect the card to your modem. Should work that way and the settings should automatically fix themselves. Works for me but I'm using a broadband adaptor and a USB broadband modem so I dunno if it will work for you.