View Full Version : What is the story (tell me)

Jul 15, 2003, 04:46 PM
What is the story with Red Ring Rico and Flowen
There are many rumors and I want the story, so write big storys so I have something to read before I go to bed

I really need to know

Jul 15, 2003, 04:49 PM
Not to sounds rude, but there is a thread Exactly like this a few threads down.


Jul 15, 2003, 04:56 PM
I know but it's not quite the same and it's just red rico and flowen I want to know about.

Jul 15, 2003, 04:58 PM
all i know is rico got inside dark falz for some reason and flowen got inside olga flow.

Jul 15, 2003, 04:58 PM
It's in there, just read around.

Jul 15, 2003, 05:02 PM
I know, but I want people to write it here, but i guess no one will http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_cry.gif

Jul 15, 2003, 05:26 PM
ok here goes! Obviously Red ring rico is possesed by falz, but flowen is different, apparently when pioneer 1 lands on ragol they setup the living area for public but keep digging underground till they find the ruins (i think they were lookin for it on purpose) when they found ruins they let falz out (at this point he isnt red ring rico) and the pioneer 1 army and flowen take on falz and win, but falz injuries flowen and flowen starts to mutate, he then donates his body to the scientists and he eventually mutates into olga flow. By the way the scientists work in a diff area that the residential one (ep1, they work on diff island which is ep2 locations) The scientists control olga flow using a computer known as olga. When the army took on falz they destroyed his body but not his mindsoul which is wot posseses rico. The worm thing in caves was created by scientists which they keep locked up. Something happens and the worm thing escapes and starts putting sap into animals, thus creating caves creatures, but it also puts the sap into the computer known as olga (the one that controls olga flow) and the scientists lose control of olga flow and everything goes to hell. I cant quite remember how falz posses rico but i thimk he does the explosion seen in the cutscene at the start killing everyone but rico and eventulally posseses her. It goes summit like that from wot i remember a mate telling me.

Jul 16, 2003, 04:45 AM
Thank You!
Hope There Comes More Of The Story

Jul 16, 2003, 06:07 AM
In their storylines, apparently, Rico looked up to Flowen as a mentor, which is where she presumably got most of her hunter training from.

Jul 16, 2003, 09:48 AM
On 2003-07-16 04:07, IceBlink wrote:
In their storylines, apparently, Rico looked up to Flowen as a mentor, which is where she presumably got most of her hunter training from.

Hey can sum one tell me how to complete episode 1. Ive dun all the quests on hard and all the quests on normal and killed dark falz on both hard and normal but nuthing happens except the credits. Do i find red ring rico on episode 2? i saw her fly out of falz when i beat him on hard mode. help.

Jul 16, 2003, 09:53 AM
hey im a level 55 HUmar on very hard caves at the moment my section id is GREENILL can i get a double saber from nano dragons in the very hard caves?

Jul 16, 2003, 11:20 AM
Alrighty, the most part of PSO's story is found in the messages left around the levels and what important people on the ship tell you. It's an RPG, talk to the people dammit.

And as for that Double Saber, I don't see why not. However maybe you'll have more luck looking around the weapon index yourself instead of hoping some other forum goer will be happy to do the research for you. Don't be so lazy.

Jul 16, 2003, 12:16 PM
ye i did i checked if i ud get it its just i wanted to make sure that i cud get it like from a fellow pso gamer ifind talking to a gamer more re-assuring. it said i cud but i just thought sumone else cud support that.

Jul 16, 2003, 12:24 PM
has spiky blonde hair

Jul 16, 2003, 12:33 PM
The last time I found a Double Saber, I was Yellowboze. Hopefully your section ID won't affect your finding one at all. Don't give up though. Those kind of weapons you can repeatedly go through the same level fifty times over and never find one. I remember that kind of thing in Forest 2 looking for a Kaladbolg or Brave Knuckle.
I'm fairly certain that Section ID's only effect the basic weapons, not special ones. Things like Dagger style weapons, Shot style weapons and so forth. Something like a Double Saber, I would think, isn't effected by much except your luck (not the stat). From my experiences, I tend to find unique Special Weapons when I'm not thinking about them or searching for them.
I hate the dissapointment when I am looking for something in spacific and never find it.

"Oh! A Hunter Special Weapon!"
*Telepipes back to town and visits the Tekker exitedly*
"DAMMIT!!! Another DB's Saber!"

Jul 16, 2003, 12:44 PM
On 2003-07-16 07:48, Gogetta wrote:

On 2003-07-16 04:07, IceBlink wrote:
In their storylines, apparently, Rico looked up to Flowen as a mentor, which is where she presumably got most of her hunter training from.

Hey can sum one tell me how to complete episode 1. Ive dun all the quests on hard and all the quests on normal and killed dark falz on both hard and normal but nuthing happens except the credits. Do i find red ring rico on episode 2? i saw her fly out of falz when i beat him on hard mode. help.

I can't help you there I have the same problem... except for the fact that if you're aiming to SEE Rico if you just want the "especial ending" that people talk about then sorry, can't help. If you want to see Rico, that's a whole different story. 1) get some friends and play through the game (after you reach ultimate and get the parasitic gene) 2) use the parasitic gene on a gun or a saber (or if you want the tremendously powerful but un-comboable Dark Flow use it on a sword) 3) Set a telepip outside the entrance to Falz. Equip that "Dark" weapon before you fight Rico/Falz. 4)Beat Falz with that weapon equipped, after you beat him/her you will be sent back to pioneer 2. 6) Approach the monolith but do't get to close cause rico will disappear, (your dark weapon should still be equipped).
That can only be done in multiplayer. You see Flowen in Episode 2 by using the same method posted above but with a "Red" weapon. And you can see Rico or Flowen on any difficulty setting it just has to do with where you can find the weapons.

P.S. I thought Flowen was injured by the Parasite that engulfed him over at the labs. I could be wrong.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: noob-of-fury on 2003-07-16 10:46 ]</font>

Jul 16, 2003, 12:49 PM
i know what u mean rare items can be a bugger to find when u want them and a bugger to avoid when u dont want them. I aint guna give up on my double saber yet.

Character: Seifer
Class: Humar
Level: 56
sec id: Greennill

i f*cking hate poison lilly's!!!!!!!!!!!!