View Full Version : False friends...

Jul 15, 2003, 07:27 PM
This rant is about those false friends. You know, those people that act like you're their friend, but then they start ignoring you or dissapear from your life completely for no reason. If I had a penny for every time someone did that to me, I'd have a lot of pennies.

They always have some pathetic excuse, I'm sure you've noticed. Something like this: "Sorry, I've just been SOOOO busy in my life, I haven't had the time to do ANYTHING! Blah blah blah blah...."

Yea fucking right...There is no way that you could be so DAMN busy in your life that you couldn't take 30 minutes out of your life to talk your friends through e-mail or some instant messaging service.

People like this make me sick, I wish I hadn't even met the people that have done this to me.

Jul 15, 2003, 11:37 PM
i semi feel ure pain. i have though friends who were good friends then they got popular or became jerks like my 2nd cousin who lives 2 streets down from me. we were friends all through elementary school. in middle school we kept in touch and hung out a little less cause i kinda became the azz of the school after a very dirty and untrue rumor so my really good friends stuck with me and he stayed away from me in public most of the time. my rep kinda came back in 8th grade and a new kid became the loser of the school so he came back for a while. then i didnt talk to him all through 9th grade and im going to 10th next year and still havent heard from him all summer. hes on aim every night when im on and im about to aim him but another friend of mine aims me and by the time their done yapping he's gone. im tryin my best not to lose him as a friend but its hard when his friends think ure a usless no talent piece of crap just cause u like more adult humor and their still into fart jokes. (which puts them just below the jocks and cheerleaders on th popularity chart and us above the ppl who get shoved into lockers and the jerks who are the teachers pet and answer every question in class til the teacher tells them to skip school so everyone else can learn.) ill prolly call him tomorrow though lol.

Jul 16, 2003, 01:23 AM
I also very closely agree with your sig.

lolli edit: watch your language +1 warning

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: LollipopLolita on 2003-08-19 16:53 ]</font>

Jul 16, 2003, 02:50 AM
My situation is somewhat similar, except I usually become physically seperated from my friends instead of a gradual decay in the friendship. I've had many best friends in my life, but the friendship only lasted for one or two years with each person. I've switched schools a lot and have moved around a lot, and it's hard to stay friends with someone you never see anymore.

Jul 16, 2003, 03:36 AM
On 2003-07-15 23:23, Dime wrote:
can't even drop a hi or something.

I think I've found part of the problem http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_eek.gif

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: LollipopLolita on 2003-08-19 16:53 ]</font>

Jul 16, 2003, 03:56 AM
And the Internet makes it incredibly easy to drop people like that.

Jul 16, 2003, 04:01 AM
Shutup Pixel http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_mad.gif

Jul 16, 2003, 12:54 PM
Not really, unless you were ever my friend I'd doubt you'd know.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: LollipopLolita on 2003-08-19 16:53 ]</font>

Jul 16, 2003, 02:38 PM
On 2003-07-15 17:27, Uncle_bob wrote:
This rant is about those false friends. You know, those people that act like you're their friend, but then they start ignoring you or dissapear from your life completely for no reason. If I had a penny for every time someone did that to me, I'd have a lot of pennies.

They always have some pathetic excuse, I'm sure you've noticed. Something like this: "Sorry, I've just been SOOOO busy in my life, I haven't had the time to do ANYTHING! Blah blah blah blah...."

Yea fucking right...There is no way that you could be so DAMN busy in your life that you couldn't take 30 minutes out of your life to talk your friends through e-mail or some instant messaging service.

People like this make me sick, I wish I hadn't even met the people that have done this to me.

K..you know my email. I don't know yours. I don't know your aim name either. Although none of that was needed since we would talk during our times in PSO(Dc and GC-for 1 year if you dont count the time I was kicked out of ver1). Although now I see why you have'nt played much(I asked about you yesturday O_o). I use MSN, and my aim is vileseige19(but I need to know yours, cause I have it set where no one aims me if they are not on my list). And I'm on almost all day. O_o. But I don't think I'm in your 'false friend category'. But just making sure. ^_^;;;;;;;

I DO know this scenario all too well. And its easy to meet people like that on the internet. But even easier to meet them off the net. I dealt with this from lots of 'fake people' as I like to call them. You send them an email. You don't hear from them for about 2 months later. I drop anyone that I know will be like this. Matter of fact, in the past 4 months, I've let go 10 false friends. That should tell you something about the credibility of todays society now does it?

And you're talking to them on AIM. And they don't talk back, cause thier preoccupied with something else, or talking to someone they find more interesting. And don't tell you goodbye. Or treat you like a side dish...Only want to talk you if they need something from you. And after that, the distance and forgetfulness resumes.... . .


Yep. life aint that damn busy. As said many times. I can tell by the way you worded your last sentence that you're quite err..hurt by this. Heh, it does royally suck doesn't it?

You're forgetting the popular scenario among 'fake people'(I will never stop saying that. ^_^). They REMEMBER you when shit hits the fan for them. LONG after you done dropped thier ass flat.

"You don't know what you had was good, til it's gone".

Don't worry. There's plenty out there who deserves your friendship other than the fake fools.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Silhouette on 2003-07-16 12:43 ]</font>

Jul 16, 2003, 04:54 PM
On 2003-07-15 17:27, Uncle_bob wrote:
People like this make me sick, I wish I hadn't even met the people that have done this to me.

It sure sucked to see them dump you for no reason. I hate it when people do that, especially to someone who's really cool, and doesn't deserve to be forgotten like that.

But that's the way it is, some appear, others vanish, but only the best ones stay forever.

Honestly speaking, I did dump some people when I was a kid. But that was mainly because I was a bit more immature, and I'm not happy for what I did. But still, it's past and now I'm over it, I hope.

Anyway, Uncle_Bob. You still have good friends, right? Remember that some people aren't worth your friendship, and be careful on choosing friends.

I had some unfortunate experience with "friends" myself. They used to laugh at me, call me a freak, I heard some one call me worse, but when I looked back at how they were, I see they are idiots. And now I'm happy they dumped me, because some people aren't really to befriend with.

Stand tall, man. If they forgot you, forget about them.

Jul 16, 2003, 06:50 PM
Heh... infact, I hate those people that have just abandoned me for no reason. I hope they all die! http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif
I hope they all die slowly and painfully! http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif:D

P.S.- I'll P.M. my AIM name to you, Sil.

Jul 16, 2003, 06:55 PM
On 2003-07-16 01:36, AUTO_ wrote:

On 2003-07-15 23:23, Dime wrote:
motherfuckers can't even drop a hi or something.

I think I've found part of the problem http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_eek.gif

Heh, well if they've done the same stuff to Dime that they've done to me, his calling them motherfuckers is justified! http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif

Jul 16, 2003, 08:36 PM
Well, i do hate being ignored by those that i consider my friends but theres nothing i can do about it. Its inevitable anyways.. it always happens.

And ya know, it actually sometimes is possible to be so busy that you cant drop a hi or spare 30 minutes to talk to someone. Sometimes people need time to be by themselves..

I dont mean to defend anyone who does it chronically..thats just plain rude...*shrugs*

Jul 16, 2003, 09:57 PM
I have a copy of Cosmopolitan here somewhere, and they actually have an article in there telling you how to "drop" a friend when you start to grow apart or they start to get annoying. I think that's absolutely discusting.
In this past year, I've been through alot (kicked out of my parents house, got engaged, constantly looking for work, etc...), and I admit I haven't been the greatest at keeping in touch with some of my friends. But I make sure I at least try to call or email every so often. Some of them, however, have become what you call 'false friends'

Jul 17, 2003, 07:45 AM
On 2003-07-16 18:36, Elentari wrote:
Sometimes people need time to be by themselves..

What is even five minutes...? Yes the case of losing internet access if possible. But other than that, what else is going to stop you..?

'Sometimes people need time to be by themselves..' By my experience, usually means...'I'm going to neglect all my friends. And just think about 'me me me me me'. You never see that person again..

My once good friend Surami did that to me.

Jul 20, 2003, 11:21 AM
Hmmm...now this is a post I can relate to. People like to come out with profound and righteous sayings like "you just have to let go of people like that" and things like that. But sometimes it is just annoying as hell when someone is ignoring you, especially when you know that you are not really someone that deserves/needs/should/wants to be ignored.

However, shit happens, as they say. Some things will tend to change, and sometimes you will see your relationships change. I believe there is alot to be said for being a solitary person, I mean if you could work on just not even wanting to trust in anyone, then you would never encounter this kind of problem. Of course that way of life comes at a price - and it is hard as hell not to want to make friends and things like that. Struggeling against human nature like that is hard, so I can the next best thing would to be keep looking until you find someone you actually genuinely like.

But I wonder if it is even possible to find someone or a group of people that actually make you feel totally and utterly contented...

Anyways, that was kinda going off on a tangent. Point is, people are ignorant as a rule. I mean the saying "ignorance is bliss" was not made as a joke.