View Full Version : Poll- Do Rappies have Feathers or Fur?

Jul 18, 2003, 11:04 AM
I have been wondering this for quite some time, and I want to know what you think.

Jul 18, 2003, 11:19 AM
Feathers. The rappy fan is made of them, and when you hit something feathers fly. Besides, it's a bird and almost all birds have feathers.

Jul 18, 2003, 11:31 AM
Yeah, but if you look real close at a dead rappy I think it looks more like fur. And rappies don't fly, they fall, so they don't really need feathers, do they?

Jul 18, 2003, 11:50 AM
well, on the grounded rappy, it looks like fur...

but then again, the Rappy Fan has feathers after every swing ....

"Oone lick, two licks, *munch* the world may never know."

Jul 18, 2003, 12:11 PM
jus check out da Rappy Fan...it makes feather's fly...

wow...thats a great catch phrase...lol

Jul 18, 2003, 12:15 PM
To me they look like over side ducks lol

~Blade Master~

Jul 18, 2003, 12:16 PM
To me they look like over size ducks lol

~Blade Master~

Jul 18, 2003, 12:27 PM
hmm maybe it cant fly cause its related to an octrich.

Jul 18, 2003, 12:28 PM
It has fur. In Fake in Yellow the Proffessor dude says the Rappy's hair or fur is soft. Something like that.

Jul 18, 2003, 02:18 PM
On 2003-07-18 10:28, Night_Shadow wrote:
It has fur. In Fake in Yellow the Proffessor dude says the Rappy's hair or fur is soft. Something like that.

So rappys are a combination of fur and feathers.
