View Full Version : [rant] Gee, how about a useful cheat?

Mar 19, 2001, 06:51 AM
Like maybe no item drop on death, so that stealing is impossible and people could actually USE their nice weapons without having to seclude themselves into little paranoid cliques and fragment the PSO community. Of course, that'll never happen because the guys making cheat codes are too busy trying to find new ways to screw other people over, instead of actually finding something that might improve the fun of the game for the vast majority of players.

Newsflash! Yes, the vast majority of players do not want the (sarcasm) "added thrill" of being stolen from/PKed against their will. Compare the PK/non-PK server usage stats of any other MMORPG, such as EQ, AC, etc. The reality of online RPGs is that the vast majority of players prefer to play on non-PK, non-theft servers.

Whatever. Just a random rant.

Mar 19, 2001, 07:03 AM
or maybe a "reflect" type thing where a pk is reflected back to the attacker http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/icon_biggrin.gif

that would be a funny "surprise" for a would be P killer http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/icon_biggrin.gif

Mar 25, 2001, 09:32 PM
butttttttttt this is a rpg stealing is just part of the game.... ppl steal from me alot so what? stealing just adds to the game that person steals from you and gets away with it then someone steals from that person and so on i dont steal myself but in the end you could just have someone dupe it anyways whats the point? what am i talking about think for a second... if all the rares are duped and then put into the online game the duper is going to trade to another duper for a differnt rare then that duper will dupe and put those into circulation after that more duping then the rarest rares *heven punisher spread needle oritiagito* are not rare any more whats the point of playing the game even i think i will just sit here and play grandia 2 or incredible crisis yeah that woud be fun i like that game you get to play all those fun mini games and then theres titanic away titanic away again and then titanic away again this is the last time we promise. but hey i beat that game way to many times. what i could do i go snowboarding but all the snow is gone... snow i like pea soup i like pea soup and bean soup i like beans to. lima and pinto and black eye and wait black eye is a pea... i like pea's and soup i like soup soup and bread with jam... mmm jam yeah that sounds real good

Mar 25, 2001, 09:45 PM
jesus christ use a period

Mar 25, 2001, 09:50 PM
Speaking of Pk-ers, I had a weird encounter with one...

I was in a game, and a level 100 joins in, and asks for a pipe. I make the pipe, and when he comes down, I'm waiting for him.

For some reason, he started to cast a spell, when there were no enemies about (he's a HUmar), and the odd thing is, the next moment, he crumbles onto the ground, dead.

Immediately, I see censored swearing, and then the cry for help. Curious, but wary, I disequiped my main weapon, and since I could rebuild the measly 1K of money I was holding, I casted Reverser on him. He got back up, held all his items, casted a spell, and bam! He's dead AGAIN.

Heh. I decided to back away, cast Reverser (since I'm a nice guy), and get away from that game. ^_^;;

Now... just how did that happen? Did someone teach that guy a trick to PK someone, when in fact, it kills yourself? ^_^;;

Has anyone ever had a encounter like this?

Mar 25, 2001, 09:52 PM
To the guy who started this rant. (Stands up and CLAPS as hard as I can)


You know, correct me if im wrong, but isn't the reason Yuji Naka and Sonic Team made this game to BRING PEOPLE TOGETHER? I dunno, maybe thats why they put the Language translator in, and allowed communication through bubble chat.

But now the Americans use the bubble chat to draw "Masturbation" animations. sometimes I'm ashamed to be an american gamer sinc eso many use these games as a way to demonstrate their l337 Hax0ring skillz.

It makes me sick that a game created solely for meeting friends and being sociable and polite is anything BUT these things.

Pk;ing and stealing is NOT an added thrill. Weapon drops are put into place to add a sense of dread when you enter a dangerous area. Were it not for the weapon drop upon death, you'd go to Ruins with a level one character and have no fear...wheres the fun in that? THATS why Sonic Team made such a rule.

That Pk movie I just saw on the front page...real mature. So how old is the kiddie who did that trick? 15? 16? Does he have friends? Can he keep them? Does he tick off his real life friends too?

Nothing ticks me off more then people who insist PK'ing and theft are part of an RPG. PSO is not an RPg, it's a glorified Chat program, and should be treated as such. ITs a place where people meet, and become friends. Thats what Sonic Team advertised it as, and in reality, thats what the game is meant to do.

My friends all want to play this game, and two of them have a DC on layaway because their dying to game with me. The only reason these friends are joining me on PSO is because I told them, a month ago, that PK'ing was impossible. That they could meet and talk to people without the constant fear of being PK'ed.

Now what do I tell them? To cancel the layaway because some teenage males insecure in their manhood feel that they have to make up for real life inadequacies by exploiting a PK bug that doesn't allow people to fight back? That a bunch of people who cannot be sociable due to years of seclusion in school and abuse at home have to PK my friends to feel better about themselves?

One minute alone with any of these PK kiddies in real life, thats all I ask. Just give me one minute.

Mar 25, 2001, 10:57 PM
Muwahahahaha Lmnopia, you are certifiable!! (^_^)