View Full Version : Need to find a good Force weapon

Mar 19, 2001, 01:00 PM
Does anyone know how to find a good Force weapon? Just tell me where it is and how to get it. I need it for a friend.(as you can tell I am a RAmar why would I want it?)

Mar 19, 2001, 01:14 PM
I have crap loads of this Club of Lacronium or sumthing, some even have decent percents...

However I personaly recomening your friend gettin enough dex in his mag to be able to use most guns. A nice Varista got me though Hard and into v hard till I got my Repeaters.

Also if you have the mesta always and i'll reapeat ALWAYS!!! check the vendor everytime you come in or back from the levels, they always restock and some of my best percentage weapons i've goten from them.

I just go to the vendor and R1 over to see the percents and slots section and I always check. I was lucky enough to stumble apon a 4 slot Perfect Frame, woot, 6 more levels and I can ware it too http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/icon_smile.gif

Mar 19, 2001, 01:15 PM
It all depends on what your friend wants to be able to do. If he/she wants to be able to melee--I wouldn't suggest it http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/icon_smile.gif, if he/she wants to sit back and cast, I'd probably go for one of the rare Scepters. Also any weapon that steals TP from afar (Geist Handgun)...or if he/she can freeze pretty regularly with Rabarta, a double saber would work out pretty good.

Forces are pretty limited when it comes to their weapon choice, since getting within melee range usually means getting dead...but then their accuracy isn't the greatest in the world either--without boosting it with items/mags.

I guess I really didn't answer your question, huh? http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/icon_razz.gif

Mar 19, 2001, 01:22 PM
The best force weapon hands down is the double-saber. You can cast spells to drain your enemies hp, then go in with the double saber special attack and get all your TP back, you never have to worry about running out of fluids.

Also, if you can find one, custom ray v.00 is a very good gun with a very low ata requirement making it excellent for forces to use.

Mar 19, 2001, 01:26 PM
Thanks for the advice. He has a Varista and uses it, but he wants a reliable melee weapon, like a rare wand, club, or something of the same sort.

Mar 19, 2001, 01:29 PM
I would suggest a C-sorcerer's staff it steals tp and reduce's tp cost by 10%. It's very hard to come by though. Something with Tp steal would be your best choice. Like Akiko's frying pan or if you favor handguns (yuck) a geist raygun.

Akiko's frying pan can be found offline (check an FAQ on how to get it). For the geist raygun, just pick up all "???raygun" 's or check the weapon shop ALOT. =)

Mar 19, 2001, 01:47 PM
Hey Sait... Whats the low down on that Geist Raygun, i havent ran across one of those.

C cane is uber rare, and prob the greatest force weapon TP cosumtion wise, I still like my grinded Repeaters for damage while soling though.

Mar 19, 2001, 01:59 PM
Geist is the highest lvl tp steal for a weapon. About 6% I think. You can find one anywhere on v-hard difficulty (though somewhat rare).

The c-sorcerer's is uber rare but really worth it if you can get one. About 10% tp steal and It looks AWESOME as well http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/icon_wink.gif

Mar 19, 2001, 03:24 PM
Just as a side note yeah you won't do much dmg with a geist raygun, but I do get 50TP a [special] shot on vhard and I hit pretty often (maxxed ATA) as a level 58 FOmarl.

Course I have a hard time not shooting area spells and working with my infernal bazooka..


DCKaz - Terra Prime

Mar 25, 2001, 02:49 PM
im looking (mostly in vain) for a c-sorcerers, but Psycho Wands are the tits, and u only need mst!!!!! thanx god for that!

Mar 25, 2001, 03:17 PM
"Psycho Wands are the tits"

Hmmm......interesting expression, very colourful.

I like the Psycho wand (looks cool) but it's special ability (casting foi/barta/zonde randomly) kinda sucks most of the time.

"Hey look! 0 dmg, 0 dmg, 90 dmg"

To random for my taste. Tp steal is the way to go. MMMMmmmmm c-sorcerer's staff.........

Mar 25, 2001, 03:46 PM
I use mostly Double Saber, simply because it drains TP faster that just about anything (although if it were a possible, a Geist Repeater would be equally fast I bet)... As a backup weapon (for when I'm getting mugged in the Ruins) I use a Repeater. I don't care for
handguns that much. If you want something spiffy though, go for the C. Sorcerer's Cane. Certainly worth it in damage and TP stealing capabilities. Shame though, that they couldn't have made it less... dainty looking, though. ;p

Mar 25, 2001, 08:04 PM
TP and HP stealing Mechguns are very disappointing. They only do 1/3 of the advertised stealing per hit, to offset being able to hit 3 times per attack. Most special abilities just aren't useful in Mechguns.

I prefer TP stealing handguns myself.

Mar 25, 2001, 08:22 PM
I hear the Soul Eater or Soul Banish are rather good melee weapons for Forcers...

There's a FAQ for getting the Soul Eater here on tomeeboy, same place as the FAQ for Akiko's frying pan

- Forcers can equip both -
but you'll have to decide between a weapon that when grinded to +35 will hit very very hard, but will eat away slowly at your HP (Soul Eater) feh! not a problem! Ya gots Resta doncha?,
or a comedy item that dosen't harm your status in any way other than becoming increasingly unfunny over long periods of use, and doesn't hurt the enemy quite as much either (Akiko's Frying Pan).

Mar 25, 2001, 08:48 PM
Fargo, don't 'dis da pan. It rocks! I use mine more than my c-sorcerer's.

It never loses is comedic value to me http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/icon_razz.gif

Mar 26, 2001, 04:55 PM
Good Force Weapons: Lamales brought up a very good point. It really depends on how you play your Force. At the lower levels, a good rule of thumb for a Force is to stay in the back, casting spells and picking off enemies w/ a gun. Anyhow, here?s my take on the subject:

Double Saber: A very good choice for Force as it has a good multi-hit combo and its special regenerates TP.
Soul Eater: The only Long Sword/Partisan equipable by a Force (not sure about the Soul Banish) as far as I know. Very good imho, as it allows you to hit multiple enemies. Does drain your hp, albeit very slowly.
Mags: Depending on how you want to play, build your mag accordingly. At the lower levels, a well-rounded mag would probably be a good idea. At the higher levels, if you want to melee, build a high Power and Defense mag. If you intend to use guns as your main weapon, add dex to your mag early on so you can use better guns faster and gives you better accuracy.
4 Slot Frames: Mix and match units to your liking and needs, makes hell of a difference imho. I like to use 3 general/body (adds 60 to my def) and 1 general/hp (adds 20 to my hp) mainly because I do like to melee.

On a side subject, here are weapons that would look cool on a Force (especially if they?re short):
Inferno Bazooka: Vertically challenged Fomarl + Bazooka = One funny sight. The amount of comments will pour in.
S-beat Blades: Haven?t tried or tested this, but I?ve seen a Fomarl w/ Pan Arm Blades, so the S-Beat Blades would probably work.

BTW, Neojin, if you want a Geist Raygun, let me know, I have one (have to check to see if its still there) that I don?t use.

Over the centuries, mankind has tried many ways of combating the forces of
evil...prayer, fasting, good works and so on. Up until Doom, no one seemed
to have thought about the double-barrel shotgun. Eat leaden death, demon...
-Terry Pratchett

<font size=1>[ This message was edited by: Samuel-Vimes on 2001-03-28 20:01 ]</font>

Mar 26, 2001, 05:47 PM
Yes Double Saber is the best weapon for force especially when it come to
stealing TP. But if you have god/battle I would have to say Sting Tip...
is one of the most powerfull weapon for forces and also steals TP .. woohoo!

I have all the rare forces weapons but those two are the one I use often
unless I'm helping someone lvl up then I use Caducieus/C-Sorcerer's Cane/
Spycho Wand/Magical Piece ... are the most fun to use. =)

Mar 26, 2001, 05:51 PM
Yes Double Saber is the best weapon for force especially when it come to
stealing TP. But if you have god/battle I would have to say Sting Tip...
is one of the most powerfull weapon for forces and also steals TP .. woohoo!

I have all the rare forces weapons but those two are the one I use often
unless I'm helping someone lvl up then I use Caducieus/C-Sorcerer's Cane/
Spycho Wand/Magical Piece ... are the most fun to use. =)

Ruins V.hard --> Caducieus,C-sorcerer's Cane, Spycho Wand
Sting Tip and Magical Piece not sure where ... don't remember! =(

Mar 26, 2001, 08:24 PM
SaitoH - ain't nuthin' wrong with the pan - it's sound just gets on my tits after a while is all.
I'd just recommend the Soul Eater over it because it hits multiple enemies and it makes you look like a double hard bastard.
But then, I wouldn't know about that, cause I've lost mine!!!!


whassamatta? You never seen a grown HUmar cry before???

Mar 27, 2001, 01:36 AM
Actually, depending on the level you're playing, most common melee weapons are reasonable for Forces -- with the caveat that you should expect to get whaled upon mightily. I personally tend to shy away from Staff/Wand class weapons, simply because their second/third attacks (roundhouse kick, 360-spin) in the chain beat can get interrupted so easily. Not only that, but despite their 'mighty battle cane' appellation, they're rarely as good as a sword-type weapon.

Right now I'm using a Fire Pallasch, but I'm planning to swap in a Draw Pallasch as soon as I can find/buy one. It's somewhat easier (IMHO) to get hit points off your enemy than it is to stop in mid-melee in order to cast Resta and risk getting blindsided while recovering. There are safer ways to draw TP. (And yes I know, Draw weapons have diminishing returns, but there's something satisfying about hitting the dragon and having the counter say, +400... the other neat side effect is that you KNOW how many hit points a monster has left.)

The key trick here to realize is 'attack speed'/movement; the ability to deliver your attacks faster than your opponents can hit you. I've gotten into the habit of attacking monsters in melee at an oblique angle, and since the second and third attacks on a saber-class weapon for a Force (at least a Force Newm, me) are a walk-forward charge, my second attack hits and gets me to the side of the monster about 70% of the time, forcing the critter to turn to follow. It's still not as good as a HuNewearl with a pair of daggers, but Hard monsters knock me out of combos with sticks and staves far easier than they do when I'm wielding a sword.

Your damage does not come from your weapon, but from your plugins/Shifta:
Currently, at level 54, with Shifta 12 and four Ogre/Power plugins (I have an extra; first Force to catch me online can have it) and a Mag POW of 22, I'm doing about 150 points of damage on a Hard attack to Boomas in Hard mode with an unpercent-bonussed' weapon.

Yes, I'm sure double sabres are good and mighty weapons for Forces, but to be honest, I've never laid hands on one, and the Hunters I see use 'em get creamed because they're stuck in spin loops. They do look cool, though, admittedly. The Pallasch, at least, you can buy in the store. *grin*

Just my two Meseta. Your mileage may vary. Me, I'm perfectly happy with my Varista/Mind Railgun combo. http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/icon_smile.gif

-Sayl'rr, Fonewm, getting his tail whupped by Dark Falz on Hard -- will take time to help fellow Forces

"Important safety tip, ladies and gentlemen: do NOT cast Zonde while standing under the dragon."
Sayl'rr, Force of the Oft-Flattened Hat

<font size=1>[ This message was edited by: Saylrr on 2001-03-26 22:39 ]</font>

Mar 27, 2001, 06:00 AM
Magical piece is by far the cutest weapon in the entire game. All those little hearts http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/icon_smile.gif

Tech Crozier is also a cool weapon because of its looks. Even though it's stats stink I'd still use it http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/icon_smile.gif

Psycho wand to me looks ok but it takes WAY to long to attack with and it's special stinks.

Sting Tip looks cool and changes colors when you use different techniques AND it steals TP. Quite possibly one of the best force weapons

C-Sorcerers is neat but it also takes awhile to attack. But the fact that it makes you use less TP and lets you gain them back is just too cool. And it looks sweet too. You go to attack and the white ends pop out and whack the enemies on the heads.

Double saber on a short force (me) is funny. As they start walking the tip of the saber drags into the ground and you can imagine it gouging up a huge rut in the floor http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/icon_smile.gif

Oh, and you cant use S-Beats if you're a force. Sadly enough, I found some arms and made blades out of them only to discover that I'd gone through all the quests to get a weapon I couldnt use http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/icon_frown.gif So I gave them to my friend http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/icon_smile.gif

Mar 27, 2001, 04:04 PM
No S-Beat Blades for Force? That?s too bad. BTW, did a ?Cannot Equip? message came on the weapon or was it because you didn?t have enough atp to wield it?

Here are also some saber style weapons that Forces can equip:
Agito (Fake): Very low atp requirements yet has very good power. No special that I know of and it can?t (at least the Fake) be grindered.
Del Saber?s Buster: Looks cool.
DB?s Saber: Very underrated. Find a DB?s Saber with good % and you will kick ass. You can find DB?s with % of 60.

Mar 28, 2001, 04:54 PM
Honestly, i've had the C-Sorcer's cane and lost it. Great weapon, and obviously it's uber rare cuz i had some gimp steal it in less then 1hour. Only weapon i've been able to Meelee with reasonibly on VHARD. Other wise i'm spelling cuz i die too quickly and i'm still level 83 and Vhard forest can whoop me Melee.

Their balance in the game kinda blows, i'd imagine that the spells would do more dam at 15, but uhm... faster but same dam or less in more hard modes. So i have to cast 5 or 8x more to kill it, while some Ranger can find a gun that'll do 350dam per hit.

uber sucky.

Mar 28, 2001, 05:12 PM
frying pan of doom haha.... the ultimate wep..