View Full Version : What Is your most painful moment/moments

Jul 20, 2003, 12:24 PM
Lol I got a ton so listen up my right eye has been damaged alot and I can still see it has been clawed by a cat and the claw was in my retna and i can still see hit with a golf club see what happened was i turned around to see how friend was doing then i turn around and my otha friend that swung had swung to hard the club flew out of his hands and clubbed me in the right eye and recently I was making kraft dinner and 1 of the bubbles splashed really high and burned me in the right eye I can still see, When I was 4 I had a dog attack me and rip my back open http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_frown.gif Thr story to that is earlier that day I had seen a dog that looked exactly the same as the attacking dog so I tho it was the cool cute dog went up to it and it began to attack so i STOP DROPPED AND ROLLED and saved my eyes and my life I probaly have many more Painful moments those are a few

Jul 20, 2003, 12:39 PM

most of my pain is all mental.

*waits for witty line*

I'm glad you aren't blind!

Jul 20, 2003, 12:39 PM
whoah, whoah, whoah...slow down lil' fella!

I'd have to say my most painful moment was when my Aunt died unexpectedly--really put shit in perspective.

As for physical pain...probably jumping on my bunk-bed when I was 6; proceeding to bouncing my head on the ceiling...much blood and stitches ensued.

Jul 20, 2003, 12:40 PM

Well, I was at work last night, and I was working the grill. So, anyway, I slipped on the floor while I was leaning on the grill. The floor was wet of course. So to catch myself from falling, I put my hand on the 250 degree grill surface. So, I was kinda releived that I caught myself, but I left my hand on the grill for longer than it should have been. I ended up burning my whole right hand and I fell again later anyway. Meh..

Jul 20, 2003, 01:03 PM
my most painful.. had to be emotional.. that one night...

Jul 20, 2003, 01:06 PM
me... when I fell off a 16 foot high swing. No broken bones http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif

Luckily i landed on soft dirt and leaves, but it still hurt more than when I broke my arm....

Jul 20, 2003, 01:37 PM
When i was younger i fell on my driveway and landed on my chin, split it open and needed a fair amount of stitches.

About 4 weeks later the exact same thing happened again, except the split was worse because it was already weakened.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: ginko990 on 2003-07-20 15:50 ]</font>

Jul 20, 2003, 01:59 PM
My most painful moment was reading the original post.

Jul 20, 2003, 03:45 PM
I always feel terrible pain emotionally. The worst thing physically has probably been the stubbing of my little toe. Then when I was telling my "friend" about that, she took her heel and jammed and pounded it into my toe! "Does that hurt?" she inquired as if I was having fun. That broke my toe, and it never really fully healed till about 4 months later cuz my folks didn't think it was broken~I DID!

Jul 20, 2003, 04:45 PM
Lol I feel pain for all of you my most like mental pain eva was when my fav grandma suddenly died when I was 6 http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_frown.gif and some more physical was when i was like 6 i fell off a dump truck and broke a lot of bones....... took a while to heal what happened was i was climbing the ladder and it was really wet so i slipped and feel ova 3 metres to the ground..... and one day when i was like 7 i was on monkey bars of course it was raining went to switch to another bar slipped and nailed the side of my head on the rocks below Man i could go on lol http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_razz.gif so much phsyical pain http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_frown.gif

Keep posting everyone its cool to read what everyone has happened to them lol in one way I have the devil on my shoulder laughing like theres no tommorow but as for the angel the devil pulled out a 24 and shot it so he aint there to feel greive http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_frown.gif

Just joking I no what the pain feels like http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_wink.gif

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: SirColligan on 2003-07-20 14:46 ]</font>

Jul 20, 2003, 04:56 PM


Jul 20, 2003, 05:47 PM
2nd worst physical pain would have to be this REALLY bad wound i had on my big toe for six months. doesn't sound bad, but lets just say that i could barely walk, there was lots of puss and blood and it could heal properly.

WORST physical pain would have to be when i was playing football (or soccer as you yanks call it!) when one of the dudes of the other team mis-kicked and give me one REALLY bad shot to the pills.

that one left me on the ground for a LONG old time.

Jul 20, 2003, 05:52 PM
Okay, I've got a few:

1. This happened when I was around 8 or 9. My family was throwing a party. My brother, friends, and I were in the basement. We were just fooling around, but then I think I did something to annoy my brother, and he pushed me. Unfortunately, there was a door behind me...and when my brother pushed me, the back of my head was slammed into one of the hinges. Later that night, I went to the hospital. They scanned my brain. No damage, although now I have a scar on the back of my head.

2. This one involves my brother again. We were out in our backyard, it was the middle of summer. My brother had turned on the hose to try and spray me (which I found quite annoying). Anyway, he did that thing where you hold the hose so no water comes out. I slip and bend down, and then he lets go of the hose...and I get sprayed in my right eye by a full-strength blast of water. My eye was practically falling out of it's socket.

That's all I have for now.

Jul 20, 2003, 06:07 PM
Most painful, huh ?

As damage to the body goes...
Got stuck in barb wire when I was 9 and it cut me all over (Many stiches), I got shot in my left arm in a hunting trip when I was 15, My sister stab me with a PEN in my right hand when I was 16, A friend of mine made a deep gash in my right leg by accident with a machete when I was 17 while cleaning the yard,Fell off a cliff (about 10 meters high and I didn't brake a bone) and into A CACTUS BRUSH, was 18 at the time. (Im still trying to remember any other painful events)

And to my mental sanity...
I never told the girl I loved, how I felt about her and how important she was to me. She moved to another country and I never got to tell her. It has been 3 long years since them and I still cant forgive myself.If I could only go back in time http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_frown.gif ...

Jul 20, 2003, 06:14 PM
The worst pain ever is when you are growing, and you are just going by your normal day, then suddenly, Sharp Pain In the foot, Ahhhh can't move can't breathe. Wait 10 seconds(which seems 10 years). Pain stops. Carry on walking and whistleing. Seriously I get cramp all the time feels like a blood clot or getting stabbed.

Jul 20, 2003, 06:25 PM
There's also something that happens to me. It's completely random, and I can't stand it. I'll just be walking, running, doing some kind of motion, when all of a sudden, it feels like somebody is trying to pull my head off (I get a stretching-like feeling in my neck). It hurts really bad, and I always have to stop what I'm doing in order for it to go away.

Jul 20, 2003, 07:00 PM
I almost vometed when i heard ur eye came out of its socket almost the thought of that scares me........

I no 1 guy said about soccer and getting hit in the nuts i had the same story a year ago I was playing soccer was ready to kick ball 1 guy goes to kick to his leg goes up and his steel cleats nail me right in the nuts I had bruises lol and this isnt really a pain more of anger but this year at track and field I would of won no doubt ...... The whistle went and we began to run I had the lead (im 12 at this story) I was way ahead then suddenly a like 3 year old runs on the track I gotta stop cuz i aint gonna plow him...... I get 4th cuz of that kid and this was my year to whoop........... >_< Little kids should not go to track!!!!!

Jul 20, 2003, 07:25 PM
... In P.E. over the past year I got hit in the nuts about 5 times (during the winter we used the YMCA gym for our classes, and with a bunch of idiots whipping balls in a small gym, that stuff happens... )... I hope I can still have children...

Jul 20, 2003, 07:28 PM
I almost vometed when i heard ur eye came out of its socket almost the thought of that scares me........

Actually, it didn't come out. It ALMOST came out.

Jul 20, 2003, 07:34 PM
1: One of my mates ran into a gang that cut he's belly wide open. He was in the hospital for 6 months and 2 of em in coma. He is ok today.

2: Another mate was shoot to death in close range in midsummers eve a couple of years ago.

3: A third mate took hes life with boose and pills.

4: A girl i did know jump from a bridge at age of 16.

I will never forget them.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Voodoochild on 2003-07-20 17:35 ]</font>

Jul 20, 2003, 07:41 PM
I would say went I found out that my mom's family went what I thoguht it to be. To sum it all up in onw word would be:BAD!!! I'm not going into detail but you get the point. I was 13 went I found out from my dad.

Jul 20, 2003, 08:04 PM
Let's see...

Burned my upper arm on a BBQ when I was 2. 2nd degree. No scars.

Got thrown off my bike, landed about ten feet away, on the curb, on the side of my head. I was about 12 then. I was also wearing a bike helmet, so all I had was skinned hands, a headache, and too much fear of bikes to ever get back on one. X_X

Sprained both of my ankles walking home from school because North Carolina does not believe in sidewalks, so I either got to walk in the road with the busses hurtling along or on the hill coming down from school(I lived across the street, the school was up at the top of the hill)... I was using the hill that day. Found a hole, went down, sprained the ankle, somehow sprained the other one as I was going down. Couldn't walk at all for three days, and had to wear ankle braces for a couple of weeks until my ankles recovered enough to walk without support. They still aren't quite right two years later, and probably never will be.

Burned my thumb something fierce on a gas stove. 2nd degree. Hurt like a mofo. No scars, though.

Got hit and pounded on and called a variety of names by my mother on many, many occasions. Pain.

The worst one of all, though, would have to be the time my school took a field trip to Great America(Theme park, lots of roller coasters). Well, the day was wonderful, wasn't too hot, lines weren't too long, things went swimmingly... Until my mother came to get me because my grandmother had had a stroke. >_< She's still alive, but... Well, she's not the same person anymore. The grandma I knew is dead... It hurts like hell thinking about it.
What was strange though, was that I'd actually for once had some spending money to take with me that day, and while I saw several things I liked for me, the thing I had -just- enough for, and that I actually got, was a cute stuffed toy snail. Now, my grandmother collected snails. She had all kinds, crystal ones, stuffed toy ones, wooden ones, etc. So I saw the snail and I decided to get it for her- The day of her stroke, and right at the same time as she had it. *shiver* Brrr. Creepy, eh? X_X

Jul 20, 2003, 08:06 PM
Id have to say breaking my tail bone..no contest.

I still cant make sudden movements or i get a stabbing pain in my ass...

Jul 20, 2003, 08:39 PM
I've broke all 8 of my fingers and a thumb pain but nothign to cry about.

Bit my tongue almost completely off when I was 2 and a half.

I was in a car sleeping in the back seat on the way to my cousin's and woke up 5 seconds before we got into a crash. Great way to wake up "ahhh!!!"(my sister) ...huh(me) BLAM(the cars)

Did a 360 on a top of a swing set and landed on my neck. Didn't get paralzyed *whew*

Almost drowned in my pool because of the cover was floating in it and bet my friend I would be able to go into the cover from underwater and get free. Well I didn't get free and he ended up having to pull me out from under it.

Had my two front baby teeth kicked out from my mouth in Kindergarden by some fifth graders.

Now one of my wisdom teeth is growing in so you know what is going to happen.

That sums it up pretty much.

Jul 21, 2003, 12:27 AM
I have a new most painful moment...


wah..they caught the bot in action....I don't have time to play!!!! Wah!!!!! Fuck..

Jul 21, 2003, 12:59 AM
Vanango your sig is very ironically appropriate to the original topic starter's post. I cut the webbed area between my thumb and index finger down to the muscle, that is about it. I mostly stayed indoors as a child and young adult..playing games where i was VIRTUALLY battered, killed, mutilated and mamed thousands of times.

Jul 21, 2003, 01:04 AM
On 2003-07-20 17:34, Voodoochild wrote:
1: One of my mates ran into a gang that cut he's belly wide open. He was in the hospital for 6 months and 2 of em in coma. He is ok today.

2: Another mate was shoot to death in close range in midsummers eve a couple of years ago.

3: A third mate took hes life with boose and pills.

4: A girl i did know jump from a bridge at age of 16.

I will never forget them.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Voodoochild on 2003-07-20 17:35 ]</font>

>_< thats bad, where do you live?

Jul 21, 2003, 02:31 AM
When I was younger, I was with a girl named Amy Frymark. She was the first girl I ever fell in love with, but unfortunately, I didn't know it @ the time. I ended up breaking up w/ her because I was stupid. I still don't really know why I did it. I think it may have been that I was bored @ the moment. But I kept in contact w/ her for a little while, and confessed to her that I made a mistake. But, of course, too damn late. She moved a couple towns off, saw her one more time, then never again.

In all honesty, I'm still not over it. But I have learned from it.

My last relationship lasted 3.5 years, cause I made damn sure I didn't make the same mistake twice. I tried my damndest to keep it together, but it just wasn't right for me. And my decision was the correct one this time.

But if I ever had the chance to see Amy again, I'd give my Galant up in a heartbeat to do so.

Jul 21, 2003, 02:46 AM
On 2003-07-20 18:39, Slicer238 wrote:
I've broke all 8 of my fingers and a thumb pain but nothign to cry about.

whoa man are you from Springfield??? oh wait, you don't count thumbs as fingers eh? Oh well. Some people are just beyond me.

I got one more painful moment. I was going to run and completely leap over a barbed wire fence like I usually do. But when I go to just I slip in the moist grass and my mid thighs catch the fence. The force from running into the fence presses the metal spikes into my legs, then the secondary force from the jump fings me over the fence. My body never left the fence, so while I hit the floor my legs get 2-3 inch longs tears into them and punture holes about 1/2 inch deep. But that's not it..when I landed on the floor I landed on my chest, about 1 foot away from the fence.

Seeing as I'm about 6 feet tall, my legs have to get over the fence too right? So then velocity from the swing over the top of the fence wend my legs flying foward at a rate in which I cannot control, and I end up completely bending my body over backwards on the floor right in front of the fence. My heels were touching the back of my head pretty much, but the unnatural stretch was accompanied by the snapping of the vertebrae in the small of my back. I have back problems to this very day, and the scars on my thighs are very visible. Good times.

Jul 21, 2003, 03:23 AM
My friend wanted to show me his dads sword. (we were like 10) He attemps to lift it but could not hold it long. He was holding it blade down/handle up so he dropped it on my damn leg. The slice wasn't the painfull part... It was the medical prosedures that made me wanna kill him.

My girlfriend since the 6th grade (now in 10th) had moved to Japan with her parents... She had no choice. There was nothing I could do. We didn't really break up. But were not together anymore either http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_frown.gif

Jul 21, 2003, 03:37 AM
oh wait now I rememeber. I was really far away from like... everyone. About half a mile. (I was 12) I was at this old shed lookin thing and I climbed the roof. (Hours b4 I went outside I was playing some Mario game. anyway, I) I was inspired by Mario to jump off the like... eight foot roof and attemped a ground pound on... well a metal sheet. omg it hurts to talk about it. While I was in mid-air I used all my leg muscles to pound the ground. haha. I sprained both legs and could not walk. Remember NOBODY was around for I long ways. I crawled for a long time until some dude saw me when he drove by. He noticed I wasn't playing around cause my legs were blueish purpleish and I was balling my eyes out crying HELP! After I healed I was grounded for going so far away from home hahaha.

Jul 21, 2003, 07:29 AM
On 2003-07-20 23:04, ginko990 wrote:

On 2003-07-20 17:34, Voodoochild wrote:
1: One of my mates ran into a gang that cut he's belly wide open. He was in the hospital for 6 months and 2 of em in coma. He is ok today.

2: Another mate was shoot to death in close range in midsummers eve a couple of years ago.

3: A third mate took hes life with boose and pills.

4: A girl i did know jump from a bridge at age of 16.

I will never forget them.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Voodoochild on 2003-07-20 17:35 ]</font>

>_< thats bad, where do you live?

I live in Sweden.

Jul 21, 2003, 02:24 PM
this world is fucked up

Jul 21, 2003, 02:26 PM
On 2003-07-21 12:24, Micah wrote:
this world is fucked up

currently, yes -_-

Jul 21, 2003, 04:46 PM
Nothing really tragic has happened to me. Oh well.

Jul 21, 2003, 06:26 PM
I got my elbow pulled out of its socket by my brother. I also slit open my knee with a knife (on accident) and was taken to the emergency room on Christmas morning. The first one hurt, the second one sucked.

Jul 21, 2003, 07:50 PM
I know how you guys feel, MegamanX and Mazarin. Its never easy to recover when someone you love leaves and your left behind. I know so myself http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_frown.gif .

Jul 21, 2003, 11:58 PM
When I was in my time when my spirits were easily crushed and pretty stupid (um...when I was 12-13-ish), I had the luck of being randomly picked on.

3 losers thought I shoved one of their friends. Then I made a break for it, but I headed into a crowded area. I was socked hard.

My jaw has injured, I suppose, because I couldn't move it for 3 days. Second. Worst. Hell. Ever.

Jul 22, 2003, 07:37 AM
1. Have a large gash/punture wound on the inside of my left bicept. It is 3/4 a inch wide, and about 2 inch's long. I do not exackly remember how i got it, the memoryis running inside the house covered in blood. There was no stiches on my arm, some say it looks like a gunshot. I was told i fell on a glass window when i was 5.

2. One time in highschool in my junior year, a very heavy set friend <around 280 pounds> was playing around we we walked to lunch on a paved street of asphalt. He ran and jumped on my back, i had just stepped forward withone knee so down i went. I landed on my knee i guess thankfully, of course that was alsobad. There was a nice sized rockof asphalt below, about the size of a medium sized fist. My knee landed on thatand guess what gived? There was alot of internal bleeding on my knee but no outside wound, just crushed everything to the bone. think of a 280 pound guy on your back, and all this weight is being supported byyour knee of a nice sized rock of asphalt.

3. We live on a farm and in ohio we used toget minus 20 degree weather, sometimes colder in winter. Well we used natural gas from the 2 oilwells we have here on the farm. Living deep in the country the pumpers couldnt get out most of the winter, thus no gas for head. I walked tothe wells most of the time <133 acre farm, wells far apart> and pump them with the crank and some gasoline. Sometimes would take 4 hours to get them running or enough gas for the night. 4 hours or more in -0 degree weather. One week i did this all the time everysingle night, iwas so exhausted i couldnt even eat, and i usually callasped on my bed with my cloths on. I guess my feet couldnt keep taking it, after 4 days of this, i fell asleep with my boots still on from the exhaustion for about 2 and so days. Having my feet sweat in this cold weather, the effect was not good, i took my boots off after i awaoke cause icould not feel them, it was weird. there was 15+ little black spots on the bottom of my feet. I do not knowif this was frostbite or not, but not really having the ability to just go to the doctor or hospital, i got out my buck knife and carved the black holes out until isaw blood and felt pain in each hole. I would soak my feet in water, offand on, thankfully it worked and my feet were fine. I still cannot feet majority of my feet on the bottom but oh well, its life i guess.

4. That same gosh darn friend was playing around once AGAIN in class. Well i was standingup, he was putting fake wreastling choker holds on everyone. Well his height and mine didnt add up exackly right and he got my vein. When he applied pressure i went right out. I was told all air came out of mylungs, i slumps back and with only his arms supporting my body, if he held on he broke my neck possably. Such i fell straight back and the back bulge on myhead <feel the backof your skull near the base> took the brunt force of the smash of the concrete floor. I also went into cunvulsions, and remember hearing me say "what the ****" as it slowly went from a ringing to my words. Having called mymother, i waited at school for the rst of the day as they slowly came to get me.. 5 and half hours acually. Did not take me to the hospital, nor did the school send me. I then suffered for many months with sevrere migrains, i couldnt drive at night or see headlights, itmake me almost black out. I couldnt stand the light of the sun, nor could i remember alot of things i had been learningin school for years or some pastevents in my life. The phyical pain was pretty bad...

Yet i think my worst pain is knowing how to do something but its not the beginning or the end, its the middle. Having people come up to youfrom younger days and not know who they are <not even a hint>. Friends retell some of my stories i told them many years back to other friends, yet i dont remember most of the stories i even freaken told! Most pain i felt was not remember some of what you were.....

Note: they were listed i felt in severity, not exackly order, 3 took place after 4.

Well i got some others but maybe another reply ^_^.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Creasian on 2003-07-22 05:52 ]</font>

Jul 22, 2003, 07:58 AM
On 2003-07-20 18:06, Elentari wrote:
Id have to say breaking my tail bone..no contest.

Same here... That was indeed a very sharp pain in the ass...

Emotionally... I'm not even going to try recalling those memories...