View Full Version : Mag: Rati Question...

Jul 20, 2003, 03:53 PM
Quick question. Is Rati a twin mag like Bhivara and Ila?

Jul 20, 2003, 04:54 PM
Yes, it is. Looks kind of like a pair of wings. I'll spare you my usual Rati gushing. ^_- I love Rati.

Jul 20, 2003, 07:52 PM
On 2003-07-20 14:54, Ian-KunX wrote:
I'll spare you my usual Rati gushing. ^_- I love Rati.

LoL. Though the thought is appreciated, I'm sure, your signature says more than enough. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif

Don't get me wrong, Rati are awesome!

Jul 20, 2003, 09:00 PM
On 2003-07-20 17:52, Sasarai wrote:

On 2003-07-20 14:54, Ian-KunX wrote:
I'll spare you my usual Rati gushing. ^_- I love Rati.

LoL. Though the thought is appreciated, I'm sure, your signature says more than enough. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif

Don't get me wrong, Rati are awesome!

I so totally agree with you. I got one but dunnohow exactly though! I just kept feeding it with Moon Atomizers since it's one of the items which increase your stats the most. I'm a ORAN HUmar btw. I'm planning to raise another one soon. I know there are all these guides about what to feed them but they don't specify exactly how many of a particular item and when to change items. It's seems you need something like DEF+POW=DEX+MIND (can't remember) but I dunno how the hell I managed to get it that absolute.

Jul 20, 2003, 11:27 PM
Here's the abridged version of raising the best mag ever. This is for an ending Rati with 5/145/50/0 with the photon blasts Mylla & Youlla/Estlla/Pilla.

Grab a RAcaseal, grab a mag, and get your credit card ready.

Step 1: Feed the baby mag 10 Antidotes. You'll now have a Kalki (5/1/4/0) and the PB Estlla. Easy!

Step 2: Now, this is going to take some time. You have to feed the Kalki nothing but more Antidotes until it hits level 35 and evolves into Mitra. At this point you'll have Mitra (5/7/23/0) with Estlla and Pilla.

Step 3: Halfway there! Take your new little Mitra and feed him nothing but Antiparalysis until level 50. At 50 it becomes Kaitabha (5/7/38/0)and learns Mylla & Youlla.

Step 4: Ok, now you have Kaitabha and he likes Antidote. Feed him nothing but antidote until you get his DEX to 50.

Step 5: This is where it starts to get a bit more expensive. You need to get the shop keeper to sell you Sol Atomizers and Monomates (A level 35 character has a pretty easy time doing this).

Step 6: Feed away! Switch between Sol Atomizers (boost POW and DEF) and Monomate (boost POW, lowers DEF) until level 99. You can make this process faster by taking DEF to 10 (final stats of 10/140/50/0).

Last step!: Now, get your 100th level inside one last feeding and hand him over to a Yellowboze, Skyly, or Pinkal HUmar or HUcast. Give him that last Monomate or Sol and congrats! you have a beautiful new Rati. All that's left is to follow the feeding guide on this site and take his POW up another 100 levels.

This is only one way of raising a Rati, but arguably the best way to raise one for an Android character. Good luck!

Jul 21, 2003, 01:16 AM
Make sure it's a B Ranger if you're doing that, A Rangers get Pilla on the L50 evo for DEX>POW>MIND and for POW>DEX>MIND

If you don't mind Farlla, or you don't have space for an A-type section ID Ranger, you can do it entirely with a Skyly or Yellowboze HUmar or HUcast. Simply feed it Dimates until DEX=50, and then feed the Ila you'll have at that point Dimates, which are more effective on an Ila than a Kaitabha... Once it turns into a Varaha you can switch to the Sol/Monos if you want, or just keep feeding it Dimates, either way, since you only have a few levels left at that point. This is also marvellously effective if your characters are no longer able to buy Monomates, since you can't once you hit L43... *shrug* There are lots of ways to go about it. Now if you'll excuse me, I've got a couple of Kalkis waiting to be fed so they can grow up to become lovely 5/145/50 and 5/0/50/145 Rati. ^_- I am so not raising the 50/0/0/150 Rati until I've lost all my sanity and figured out exactly how it can be done. @_@
But of course my favorite Rati is still 17/115/8/60, and still the same annoying girly hot pink colour he was when I first saw him floating behind Ian-Kun X's left shoulder. ^_^ *cuddles Fluffy*

Jul 21, 2003, 05:28 AM
I'm sure I'm not the only person that's aware of this, but here's a group to pay attention to: Apsaras, Vayu, Varaha, Ushasu, Kaitabha, Kumara, Bhirava, Kama

They all belong to the same mag-feeding group. The reason why I mention them is because they are the only group that has one item that you can feed that can raise only one stat at time. Other groups, usually have items that increase/decrease 2 stats at once. You can use this group in designing a rare mag. I've used them for almost all the rare mags I've made and currently still making. It's nice to have 4 different options at your disposal (i.e. antidotes raise only DEX, anti-para raise only DEF, dimates raise only POW, difluids raise only MIND).
Almost always, when I use one of these mags in designing a rare mag, I end up with max sync and IQ from lvl 100+ (soon as it turns rare). Then again, I've been farming mags since the DC days (around 80 mags raised), so I've had practice in designing mags.

Yes, Ian, the Rati is one of my faves.

Jul 21, 2003, 11:55 AM
Do rare mags evolove and change into something else if you change there stat alignment like normal mags. I want to try raising a Rati that has some mind and power instead of just power or mind.

Jul 21, 2003, 12:03 PM
On 2003-07-20 21:27, dropslash wrote:
Here's the abridged version of raising the best mag ever. This is for an ending Rati with 5/145/50/0 with the photon blasts Mylla & Youlla/Estlla/Pilla.

Grab a RAcaseal, grab a mag, and get your credit card ready.

Step 1: Feed the baby mag 10 Antidotes. You'll now have a Kalki (5/1/4/0) and the PB Estlla. Easy!

Step 2: Now, this is going to take some time. You have to feed the Kalki nothing but more Antidotes until it hits level 35 and evolves into Mitra. At this point you'll have Mitra (5/7/23/0) with Estlla and Pilla.

Step 3: Halfway there! Take your new little Mitra and feed him nothing but Antiparalysis until level 50. At 50 it becomes Kaitabha (5/7/38/0)and learns Mylla & Youlla.

Step 4: Ok, now you have Kaitabha and he likes Antidote. Feed him nothing but antidote until you get his DEX to 50.

Step 5: This is where it starts to get a bit more expensive. You need to get the shop keeper to sell you Sol Atomizers and Monomates (A level 35 character has a pretty easy time doing this).

Step 6: Feed away! Switch between Sol Atomizers (boost POW and DEF) and Monomate (boost POW, lowers DEF) until level 99. You can make this process faster by taking DEF to 10 (final stats of 10/140/50/0).

Last step!: Now, get your 100th level inside one last feeding and hand him over to a Yellowboze, Skyly, or Pinkal HUmar or HUcast. Give him that last Monomate or Sol and congrats! you have a beautiful new Rati. All that's left is to follow the feeding guide on this site and take his POW up another 100 levels.

This is only one way of raising a Rati, but arguably the best way to raise one for an Android character. Good luck!

Thanks! Even though most of the stats are POW and none for MIND at all, at least it's one thorough way of raising a Rati! It's really hard getting those Rati requirements to be exactly since you don't know how many of an item to use! I guess I'll have to collect as much money as possible on Ultimate.
Why do I need a credit card? And what Section ID should my RAcaseal be?

Jul 21, 2003, 12:07 PM
On 2003-07-21 09:55, Aeryn wrote:
Do rare mags evolove and change into something else if you change there stat alignment like normal mags. I want to try raising a Rati that has some mind and power instead of just power or mind.

The only requirement for a rare Mag is that at L100 they must match the stat ratio for the section ID block of the person evolving them. For example, 5/45/50/0, while it will work as a stat ratio for SKYLY/YELLOBOZE/PINKAL and result in a rare Mag for someone of those IDs, for ORAN/GREENILL/PURPLENUM and WHITILL/REDRIA/BLUEFULL/VIRIDIA it will simply result in a normal Mag. Once it's hit the rare evo, it stops there and will never again change. It doesn't matter what stats it has when it hits L100, as long as it meets the requirements. A 15/48/2/35 Mag for, say, an ORAN HUmar, will still become a Rati. It had better, at any rate, else I don't know how I raised Fluffy. ^_-;;; But yeah, a rare Mag is that Mag forever.

Jul 21, 2003, 01:03 PM
Thanks for all of the help. The feeding guide was very helpful and so was the information that rare mags don't change. Hopefully I should be using a (5/72/50/73) Rati soon. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif

Jul 21, 2003, 01:35 PM
w00t!!! Go rati!!!

Jul 21, 2003, 01:43 PM
Ya, im working my way to a Rati. I wanna get all stats to 25, then go crazy on power. Its gonna rock!

Jul 21, 2003, 01:46 PM
I just did like


or sumthin like that, and it evolved into my sexy rati! Then i went nuts on Trimates