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Jul 22, 2003, 03:29 PM
What's your favorite Episode 2 boss. Mine is the Barba Ray.

Jul 22, 2003, 03:30 PM
Gol Dragon is freaky, i vote him...er....them!

Jul 22, 2003, 03:33 PM
OLGA FLOW! oh wait, it's not on there.

Jul 22, 2003, 05:58 PM
theres's more than those two. you for got gal gryphon and olga flow. i like the gryphon!!!

Jul 22, 2003, 07:08 PM
How could u Forget Olga Flow, My vote gos to him!

Jul 22, 2003, 08:19 PM
Why did you forget Olga Flow. It's just the elevator stage is just exciting.

Jul 22, 2003, 08:52 PM
Olga Flow is boring. He shoots stuff at you. You stand there and shoot him with your Red Handgun. He swipes you around. You stand there and shoot him with your Red Handgun. He stomps on you. You stand there and shoot him with your Red Handgun. He does his crap that looks like Grants on crack. You stand there and shoot him with your Red Handgun. He turns you into Flowen. You stand there and shoot him with your Red Handgun. He dies. You sit through the ending. Yawn.
I prefer Gal Gryphon.

Jul 22, 2003, 10:12 PM
u sound like the boring one, ever fought him with bare knuckles?? good ol fisty cuffs.... or with a lvl 1 mag?
if ur gonna call him boring at least have a fair reason to call him that not some poor red handgun excuse pffffft!


Jul 22, 2003, 10:20 PM
Um. Yeah. Ok.
Under normal circumstances, unless you're a complete bloody idiot, you usually fight bosses the right way. Decently powerful ranged weapon for Olga Flow = Good. Melee weapon = Bad. Stupid weaponless/Mag tricks = Retarded.

And there's no such thing as a L1 Mag either, Einstein. All Mags start at L5.

Anyways. Fought properly, all bosses are boring as hell. Especially VHard Falz with a L42 FOmar. That's a complete snoozefest. God Falz is boring.

Jul 22, 2003, 11:38 PM
I like olga flow....Theres something about the Boss that is easy to like.

He's not like Dark Falz who is easy as hell to kill,Now THAT battle is boring after you fight it 327547 times.He's too damn predictable.

1st falz fight = Run around while the idiot just sits there spawning little useless minions and rarely using a huge attack.

2nd form = Chase after him attacking his...um...whatever it is,using ice attacks or fire attacks,then making you move slow,then firing that hard to avoid beam attack.then stealing your HP.

3rd form = Hes invincable half the time to Melee attacks,so its hard to get to hit him without using guns or magic,He hits you,then floats around,floats in air,fires that multiple shot,then fires undodgeable grants and rarely megids.Then steals your soul and floats right over to your local HU/BKB ,Ouchies...

Olga gets my vote.Cool looking surrounds,and Some of the best music,and takes way more stratagy.

Jul 23, 2003, 12:00 AM
I guess my vote would go to Olga Flow. But what's this about turning into Flowen? Can't say I've ever seen that... Am I just dense and not recognizing it?

Jul 23, 2003, 12:11 AM
yea for v2 it gotta be the gryphon that guy rocks he flies down and just screams in your face with horns and wings plus his music rocks

Jul 23, 2003, 12:13 AM
I kept dying. I don't remebmer what level i was.