View Full Version : I need help playing online with GC please!!

Jul 22, 2003, 09:38 PM
Hey, newbie here, I need help, I just purchased a hunter's license with DSL and a broadband adapter, but here's where I get stuck...Ok, I start the gamecube, it's all hooked up, i select online play, then I put in the serial number and access key,a nd I then made a password. then it took me to a placve with a fixed camera view and told me abotu a new kind a ship or room or sumthing, I'm not sure?? I can press a to take off the window, then there is a view of some sort of ship or sumthing, with trees, and a big green hue to the whole picture,a nd a sort of tower like structure in the middle, but it won't let me do anything, I push all the buttons but it won't do anything. eventually I get a window inthe bottom right corner tat says No.100 disconnected game over push start or sumthign liek that. all i can do is push starya nd it resets it. Is anybody else expweriencing this and can u help me please?? do I need to cancel my hunter's license and not play online?? plkease help!!!

Jul 23, 2003, 10:09 AM
hmmmmm i dont get ya