View Full Version : Its probably been done, but what *exactly* is your fave char

Jul 23, 2003, 11:30 AM
The title says it all... what exactly is your favourite class? Ive only just startedand got my Lv.26 HUnewearl, so I can't really answer this myself, but what do you think?

Jul 23, 2003, 11:48 AM
I love their feminity and style.
The way they wield sabers too.

RAcaseal close after them.

Jul 23, 2003, 12:05 PM
Hunewarls, my harem. They look so cute and you can makem any size. *hugs the group and gets stomped into the ground immediatly after*

Jul 23, 2003, 12:06 PM
*points to avatar*

Jul 23, 2003, 12:16 PM
*points to the avtar above his and then skips one avtar and points again. then speaks*

Fomars look freaking sweet they have kick ass hair styles colored clothing and their powerful with the right customization and how you bring the up and what mats to use on them, well realy any FOrce is unstopable.

I dont make female classes but female forces Shifta and Deband is freaking amazing it covers more range.

Jul 23, 2003, 12:45 PM
*cuts, pastes, and paraphrases text from a post she did in a different forum, too tired to explain herself again*

I'm an Android person. Always have been, always will be. At the time, PSIII gave me a particular thrill, what with it being the game that introduced mechanoids as playable characters into the PS saga. I still get a smile out of watching Shiren transform. I like Mieu, but not in the same way (might have something to do with the fact that I'm female, eh?). Both Siren and Miun are suitably tragic characters; I identify with them quite a bit (to the point of taking Siren's name as my own; anyone here remember the reign of Lord Siren over at GameSages.com a few years back? Yeah, that was me...).

Fuoren and Demi... where to start? The bizzare father-daugher bond? The beautiful character design? The controversial (to say the LEAST) treatment of Demi at the hands of Zio? They remain close to me, even now.

I played a RAcaseal in the DC version of PSO. Now it's a HUcaseal on the GC (although a new version of the same RAcaseal is waiting for internet access).

...heh. So, does that suitably answer your question? http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_razz.gif

*listens to screams of "TMI! TMI!" and chuckles*

Jul 23, 2003, 12:49 PM
how about my favorite HU, RA, and FO...

Hunter: HUcaseal...just made one but shes cool and fun to play with.

Ranger: Havent really played with Rangers at all. I guess the RAmar.

Force: Definately FOnewms. I have played with all of these and my FOnewm owned even on ultimate. I would Ra the hell outta things....with my stuff to make it more effective. It was good. FOnewearls are good but there Ra techs arent that good. FOmars are good but only for meleeing which is kinda fun. I liked doing more damage then hunters with my FOmar..lol. FOmarl are like the balanced forces. So they are ok but not great.

Jul 23, 2003, 01:01 PM
RAcaseal/cast-Has potential do be the most damaging class with enough money and an awesome baranze launcher. Fun not having to run around all the time.

HUcast-Most damaging class with the right circumstances and weapon. Androids have a hard time lvling up though.

FOnewearl-Nice class during the normal-vhard stage. Total suck after. Wow let me just follow you guys and cast shifta and deband and jellen and zalure while i finger my bum because that is all im good for. Unless wearing merges and weapons boosting your innate tech boost your damage will be pitiful compared to a RA or HU regardless of lvl. Lvl the SLOWEST in the higher lvls because of lack of getting the final hit.

Thats how i rate them after giving 120+ lvls on each class. I have now retired my FOnewearl and only play her when we do a seabed run since at least then i can get kill shots.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: K9999 on 2003-07-23 11:02 ]</font>

Jul 23, 2003, 01:04 PM
androids have a hard time leveling....

not if you do the kings mechs trick. Androids get more exp from it.

Jul 23, 2003, 01:22 PM
HUcaseals are kick ass.

Jul 23, 2003, 01:35 PM
Yes but people who play androids (like me) know of the little xp tricks but i don't know if it would be considered cheating. PS flight fan owns

Jul 23, 2003, 01:39 PM
HUmar, Because they can use Resta, and have high ATP.

Jul 23, 2003, 02:31 PM
i like all my charas...

(sorry, cant pick one that i like best)

Jul 23, 2003, 02:37 PM
Well as most things point for me, I like FOmarls the best. They are excellent support players, and I like playing support. They have such sleek style, and nice feminine elegance. They are just so pretty I want to..... *ahem*... a-a-a-anyways... FOmarls are my choice of class, next come the FOmars, then HUnewearls....

Jul 23, 2003, 02:41 PM
RAmarl. Best stats in the game. She's not boring like a support force and not ineffective like a hunter

Jul 23, 2003, 02:45 PM
Ramar and Ramarl they both have high ata decent power and can shifta and deband.

Jul 23, 2003, 02:50 PM
I really like my FOmar, he can do just about anything really well and just completely demolishes anything he comes across in early Ultimate mode.

I also like the HUnewearl because of the better selection of weapons and she's the only hunter with access to level 20 techniques, and right now, she just plows through anything that gets in her way.

Jul 23, 2003, 03:52 PM
Im with Kent when I 1st created my Fomar He sucked in early stages of ulti for some reason, but then I lost my cube for a couple of months so I had to everything back and I created a Fomar once again but this time he was perfect as soon as level 80 I stood a good chance with no help in ulti then at level 90 I could hold my ground by myself through forest and caves I love my FO and Kent is right just about everything he comes across he can demolish it.

Jul 23, 2003, 04:37 PM
RAmarls, they can kill stuff from real far away, and can easily gain experience without necessarily killin stuff, shot support fire can be very useful to your team as well, and in a pinch if you dont have a support force or no force at all the RAmarls high MST can make her an excellent substitute. . .RAmarls all the way!!!!

Jul 24, 2003, 06:58 AM
I like a challenge, and I like to have something different...hence my red Racaseal http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif

Jul 24, 2003, 07:09 AM
I've gotta say I like the 'mars best. All three of 'em. I love my HUmars. I -really- love my FOmars. As I've gotten used to how fugly he is, I've really started to love my RAmar. Sure, the only one out them that even comes close to excelling in their field is the RAmar, what with having the highest ATA period and all, while the HU and FOmar are both completely average, with a stat or three set to 'Suck', but they suit my preferred play style, aren't whores, small children, bitchy, blah or 'droids, and HUmars and FOmars can be cute if done right. ^_- ...RAmars are hopeless, but eh. >P

...AndyPandy, for some reason your .sig just cracks me up. I think it's the "..." Heh.

Jul 24, 2003, 07:32 AM
RAcast by far.
Not suprising since I play online only.
And i don't need tech since Forcers heal me and I have plenty of meseta so I don't mind using mates.
Oh, and of course i choose him out of the Rangers since he has far more atp than the other Rangers.
And of course i like his HP, I currently have 2007.
And although it's a dupe, i maxed my ata so i have no problem with my HP since i just drain HP with Guld milla(Haven't bought any Trimates for a week or two).

Next is FOnewm since attack spells is more useful than Support spells since you almost never use them...
And because I'm one of those who just wants to go for the last hit.

Jul 24, 2003, 09:20 AM
On 2003-07-24 05:09, Ian-KunX wrote:
I've gotta say I like the 'mars best. All three of 'em. I love my HUmars. I -really- love my FOmars. As I've gotten used to how fugly he is, I've really started to love my RAmar.

Heh, I made a pretty good looking RAmar. Lifted him wholesale from another guy's avatar that I saw on the game, I was playing my FOmar at the time and I flipped, going "OH MY GOD IT IS A GOOD LOOKING RAMAR! RUN FOR THE HILLS, THE WORLD IS ENDING!"

Anyway, at that point I decided to make a RAmar. I'm gonna have to hide him from my boyfriend because I made a lot of noise about how much Rangers sucked and how ugly RAmars were when I saw his. Mind you, he put a beard on his. Ick. And he gave his FOmar bright green luminous hair - the silly girly style cropped at the shoulders with a stupid hat with bobbles on it, dead fish pale white face and awful red flamed dress. I think he's mocking me.

My favourite class is the FOmar, and not because I'm completely shallow, and also not because I can make him fall over in the lobby and look up his skirt.
It was my decision to make one after I got COMPLETELY bored with my HUnewearl. Basically she got to ult, couldn't hit a thing, and I found myself using techs more than anything. After a long spell of acting the FO on numerous games, I decided to actually BE a FO.

My reasons for going for FOmar are thusly:

1. I hate button masher charas. IMO there is no real skill to a char with huge MST, and crappy ATP. They have to run around avoiding everything and hitting buttons for RA techs over and over again.

2. A RA is the same, without the added skill requirement of running around avoiding everything.

3. I already have a HUmar, but I hate his techs. They suck, and are therefore pointless. I like to have useful techs to back me up.

4. Androids have no techs, period. They require more skill than any of the other chars I mention, but I like to have techs, otherwise the game gets tedious if you are in a tight spot.

IMO the FOmar is more fun to play with and harder to use than a newman force. I can also get out of being a support FO if people are annoying. He's still my best character and his level surpassed my HUne's long ago. If anyone wants to disgree with me though, I do have all the following chars, and IMO,

FOmar>HUnewearl>HUmar>FOnewearl>RAmarl+RAmar (undecided on which I prefer)

- Shimarisu