View Full Version : Its not illegal to ban you.

Mar 20, 2001, 07:58 AM
Personaly i dont care for cheaters/dupers. But i still have to play with em regardless. But anyways back to the point. Everyone seems to think that its illegal for Sega to ban you. Well its not. Now before you start this terms of service nonsense let me explain. Sega nor any other console company support gs or other devices that allow you to hex edit the memory of a game. The online part of the game is merely a service that is provided. Sega doesnt have to put up servers, they could takem down right now and you are left with jack and shit and jack left town. Also if you read any gs manual it says that its not supported, and use at your own risk/caution. So before you piss and moan just remember sega can do whatever the hell they want. They own the license and the copyright. I realy hope they ban everyone using duped items, or a gs. It would realy lower the population of all these little kids on here. But dont expect bannings to start until pso.v2 comes out. Sega already said they will start removing people when it is released.

Mar 20, 2001, 02:59 PM
be a little more sensitive to the overall population. some people don't cheat and don't want to, but dupers are trading out their stuff to hapless saps who are also being punished for something they may or may not have known about. People for the most part are honest and good. the rest are nazis.

Mar 21, 2001, 01:36 PM
"but dupers are trading out their stuff to hapless saps who are also being punished for something they may or may not have known about.'

How so? So far, the only verifiable server mods have been ones that are apparently screening people at random, looking for obviously-hacked items (such as lvl 999 mags, etc.). So far there are no verifiable reports that people simply in possesion of duped items are being affected.