View Full Version : GC-Item: Delsaber Equipment

Jul 24, 2003, 06:53 PM
My friends and I have theory about getting enemy body parts. If U use Photon Blast(Pilla has worked for me) the enemy tries to resist the blast and dislocates(or severes) its limb. But you have to kill the enemy in like 5 seconds after the blast. Because once I did Photon Blast Pilla and it usually killed the Delsabers on that mode, but it didn't die. And I killed it really fast and got Left Arm of Delsaber. Once in VHard Caves I did Photon Blast Pilla(only photon Blast I usually do) and killed the mosters Quickly after that and got Grass Assassin's Arms. And on VHard Ruins my friend did Photon Blast Pilla on a couple of Delsabers and killed them with Gibarta, and he got Right Arm of Delsaber. After he went to my room to revive me I used Photon Blast Pilla and he killed the Delsabers really fast and got another Right Arm of Delsaber. We think it's a coincidence.