View Full Version : Battle Scene Fanfiction (Not in the contest)

Jul 25, 2003, 04:52 PM
NOTE: I had trouble writing this fanfiction during the contest, and since I was running out of time while this fanfiction that it drove me to the point of near insanity (j/k). Anyway, this fanfiction isn't complete and it is somewhat a spoiler, but I'm posting it early because it will be forgotten when I finally reach this part (hopefully). Comments?


Marina vs. Grey - Friends Forever
By: Ray (Sharkyland)

- "Thank you for bringing me here," said the pinkish orange haired HUnewearl, Marina as she looked at the party that escorted her into the Ruins. The party consisted of a HUmar, HUcast, FOmarl, and RAcast. "You can now go back to the Hunter's Guild and collect your pay for your task is done now."
- "You want us to leave you here in the Ruins?" said the HUmar.
- "Yes, I want all of you to leave me here," said Marina. "There is something that I need to take care of by myself. When you get to the Hunter's Guild, please say the password to receive your pay."
- "Please be careful, Marina," said the FOmarl.
- The RAcast drops a telepipe onto the ground and all of them teleport back to Pioneer 2.

- Marina watched the telepipe as it disappeared into thin air. She sighed and turned around and looked at the door with the green light that stood before her. Marina took a deep breath and closed her eyes. Opening her eyes slowly, she exhaled the air that she breathed in and walked towards the door, which opened when it recognized Marina's presence. She had walked into a room that was pitch black. Fidgeting for her photon flashlight, the lights immediately turn on. The floor had been literally littered with dead bodies of hunter lying on the ground, and by looking at the freshness of the blood; they weren't killed not to long ago. On the other side of the room, Marina found the person she was looking for hunched over a dead body, which was a gray haired HUnewearl.
- "GREY!" cried out Marina to the gray haired HUnewearl.
- The gray haired HUnewearl straightened her back and turned her head towards the direction of the voice. Her face was covered in blood but most of it seemed to be near her mouth. She had been feeding upon the flesh of one the exposed dead bodies. Marina covered her mouth trying to resist the urge to throw up. Grey stood up and unsheathed her Delsaber Sword and Shield, which had been already stained with red blood.
- Grey began to walk towards Marina in a sinister way, but she abruptly stopped in her tracks once Marina whipped out a boomerang-like weapon called the slicer which when turn on produced a golden hue of light on one end. Slashing in the air, golden waves are shot out of the slicer once enough speed had been generated as they home onto their target which was no other but Grey. With her eyes focused on the projectiles she gets into a defensive stance and striking out with the saber at last minute deflecting them into the walls of the room. The last projectile that came towards her and Grey causes it with the flat side of the sword and spins around sending the blade back to the owner. Marina seeing that it was coming towards her, she takes out a purple colored saber and bats it out of her way.
- A smile developed on Grey's face as her walk faded into a full sprint feeling she could strike down Marina in one blow. With her purple colored saber already in her hands, Marina immediately blocked Grey's berserk upward swing towards her chest. The force of the blow pushed Marina into the air and sent her flying backwards a good few feet making her land on her back losing her saber in the process, but she didn't land on the cold hard ground as a dead body cushioned her fall. Usually the blood that comes out from an exposed flesh would be warm, but the blood she felt was cold as it seeped into her clothing tainting it a crimson red over the purple outfit she liked to wear. Opening her eyes she saw Grey with her sword held high above her as she was already in flight. Quickly rolling to the side, Marina avoided the fatal swing and grabbed a partisan off the ground as she scrambled to get to a standing position.
- Marina knew that Grey was extremely powerful, and she had no choice but to defeat her in a battle. The person possessing Grey was like an overpowered Mag whose power and speed were off the charts. Over the past few battles, Marina couldn't figure out Grey's weakness, but she had to give it everything that she had got. Pushing a button on the partisan, a blue blade began to hum on the end, as it looked clean like a Bunsen burner.
- Marina charged towards Grey and thrusts the partisan end towards her midsection, but Grey quickly moves one of the sides and begins to slide the blade down the pole towards Marina's grip. Seeing the outcome of the failed attack, Marina lets go of the partisan and slips out two daggers. Marina steps towards Grey, and uses one hand to push the saber out of harm's way while the she reached towards Grey's body a little bit inward from her shield with the dagger, but the dagger was blocked by the shield. Marina smiled a bit as she fell backwards slowly, but she immediately kicks out of her legs away from Grey and plants her hands on the ground sending the other leg into Grey's chin causing her to fall backwards on the ground.
- Growling like an animal, Grey swiftly got up as Marina took her time.
- "You're going to regret hitting me, girl," said Grey in a demonic voice.

- With fluid like motions, Grey moved her hands and as Marina was entranced with the movements, she first didn't know what she was doing, and then suddenly realized that Grey was casting a spell. It was Rafoie! An explosion erupted from behind Marina sending her into the air towards Grey who was ready to slash at Marina once she was in close range of her saber. Marina loses grip with her daggers and with her teeth clenched from the pain and trying to keep her eyes open, she finds herself in serious trouble. Without haste, she raises her outer part of her lower left arm so it preceded her entire body. Grey seeing what's happening took her sword and swings it leading in with her left leg and aims it for the shield device on Marina's lower left arm destroying it completely while pushing her left arm into her chest. The force of Grey's attack canceled out the total momentum produced by explosion onto Marina's body stalling her a bit in the air. Devoting her strength to her left leg, Grey leaps into the air doing a vertical kick with her right leg sending the tip of her foot deep into Marina's stomach launching her slightly into the air. Grey lands on the ground with one foot then jumps quickly into the air and does a roundhouse kick using her left leg sending Marina far off into the distance causing her body to crash into a nearby wall, which was yards away. From the impact with the wall, Marina's body fell lifelessly to the ground. Her eyes were open wide for she was surprised because she didn't know what happened to her. Extreme pain began to pulsate within her body and something began to bulge within her stomach. Pushing off the ground with her hands, she expelled bile, saliva, and blood from her mouth. The taste was too unpleasant.
- Now in a standing position, she looks at Grey, and Grey was already standing with her left arm extended at her with yellow electricity surging up and down the elongated arm. She smiled and shook her head as if she was saying 'it probably be best if you stayed dead.' The lightning jump from her arm into the air in front of her as it crackled its way towards Marina like an ongoing crack in the ice trying to find an end to its folly. Marina knew that she cast the spell Gizonde, and she tried to move out of the way, but her legs didn't budge. The tip of the lightning slammed into her the middle of the chest as she let out a painful yell, and with the force so great pushing into her, it pushes her back into the wall that she previously slammed into.
- As the Gizonde died out, Marina winced in pain as she could feel numbness and spasms all around her body. But as she looked down to see the damage she received, a shadow was cast upon her. Quickly looking up, Marina sees Grey but it is quickly distorted as Grey's right hand takes a grip onto her neck.
- "It's time for you to die now," said Grey.
- Grey bent her legs slightly and jumped into the air taking Marina with her as her back slide against the wall. Sparks began to develop as her invisible Dragon Frame scratched the Ruin walls. A thin layer developed between the wall and Marina's body but it soon began to squeal as it started to lose energy. Without anymore energy supplying the armor, the armor shatters like glass causing Marina's back now to slide onto the wall as it immediately tears up her clothing and then her skin leaving her exposing her fragile flesh. Luckily for Marina, Grey was at the apex of her jump, which didn't do much further damage to her back.
- Lacking oxygen in her lungs, Marina began to feel faint as her vision blurred as if she was intoxicated with alcohol. Grey rips Marina away from the fall and throws her down at the ground as she brandishes her Delsaber sword for the final kill as her other hand flashes to face the wall to the back as she releases a weak level of foie as she uses it as a booster to fly in towards Marina.
- Marina fell towards the ground with her back getting ready to smash into the ground. Her arms were lagging in the fall as they waved. Grey's sword was point out for Marina's heart, but suddenly Grey's real conscious intervened and forced the sword to divert the attack towards Marina's right arm. The sword reached the web between Marina's ring finger and middle finger as it sears down her lower arm splitting it clean down to the elbow, but the sword didn't go all the way down as Grey pulled her sword back. Marina's limp body slammed into the ground and it tosses and rolled like a rag doll that was thrown from a speeding car until it stopped with her body twisted and her face facing the ground. Grey landed on the ground and put her hands on her hips as she laughed for her defiant victory.
- Marina's Mag that couldn't fly began to worry as it stayed safely in a pouch around Marina's waist. It began to worry about Marina as it could feel she was terribly hurt. Concentrating the photon energy into itself, it sends out a light enveloping Marina healing her with the magic that had been bestowed to it. Marina could feel her pain flowing away like water, and she could tell what was happening to her. The wounds that were inflicted in her closed by some supernatural force and her split lower arm closed restoring back to it originally was.

(Had problems here, so I couldn't finish this fanfiction in time.)


- "Do you remember the password that Marina gave us?" asked the HUmar as he looked over to the FOmarl, RAcast, and HUcast once they entered the Hunter's Guild.
- "Friends forever," stated the FOmarl.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Sharkyland on 2003-07-25 15:04 ]</font>

Jul 25, 2003, 04:58 PM
Oh, yeah, this is also shows how the possessed Grey fights.