View Full Version : did i deserve this?

Jul 27, 2003, 09:23 PM
I was a victim to fsodx. no biggie, im a duper. i made a room titled fsodx rehab in antares 8 and gave my new character 150 power materials, 195 pow dreamcast, and TJS, with armor and units.

Then a guy named kireek joins. he said 'are you legit'? i replied truthfully. "not entirely". he said i deserved fsodx. now here lies the problems...(keep in mind this: there is only ONE hucast and ONE fomar in what I am about to say:)

A) on my hucast before fsodx, he was level 113, all mats used. I went and found EVERY SINGLE material. maybe not the exact type, but a mat is a mat to me.

B) at that point my legit stuff was AWESOME. i had a legit sealed j, from my previously corrupted fomar. i gave it to my hucast on the other card, the hucast which corrupted had also found guard wave. (luckily i duped a backup sealed j). i had found a god/tp, a god/arm, and 2 god/minds once again, on my FO. plus i traded them in for god/powers, so even if you corrupt, dont you deserve to have reincarnations of the items you lost? EVERYTHING about my hucast was made up for, besides the exp earned with dupes, which i'll have plenty of time to make up.

So my question is: did i deserve fsodx? my hucast was the only thing that corrupted. i duped the stuff but made it all up. doesnt that mean i'm legitified on that certain character?

once you cheat, you CAN go back.

Jul 28, 2003, 01:44 PM
you still duped.

so yeah, you deserved it.


Jul 28, 2003, 01:47 PM
Geez, I don't agree with duping but I don't believe that means you deserve fsodx!

Jul 28, 2003, 04:26 PM
No, I don't think you deserved it.

Jul 28, 2003, 04:47 PM

Jul 28, 2003, 05:37 PM
Alright, micah... heres what i have to say. i duped mats to up my character. i raised my own mag, found my own gods, and my own sealed J, AND mw own 4 slot brightness circle. once i was 113, i had already found AT LEAST 275 mats, and thats the number i had used on my character. so... all was legitified. now F U and i didnt use hacks, person with lots of 7's in the name. and to that same person, RE-VENGE ROCKS!

Jul 28, 2003, 05:40 PM
no, no one deserves to corrupt. well, very few anyway. my condolances to you. but this time around, why not try playing pure legit? it's way more fun, truely.

Jul 28, 2003, 05:53 PM
i will. i have a reincarnation of my corrupted character which is now illegitamite (LOL spellcheck!)
but a character that is legit also. that way i can have fun fun fun, 2 different ways! legit is awesome, but so is illegitamite, i just play both ways.

Jul 28, 2003, 06:20 PM
FSOD is not the punishment for heck or dupe, ST team never said if u dope or heck, u will be FSOD as a punishment. Therefore no one should deserve to be FSOD.

But yes!! dupe and heck r both against the rule of PSO, so if u been flame, its better not fight back^.^

Jul 29, 2003, 12:39 AM

Why are we giving fresh new characters buttloads of POW materials?! If it gonna be so exciting to just mow down Normal and Hard mode with fairly no amount of difficulty?!

Sigh... I don't understand.

Jul 29, 2003, 01:03 AM
No, no one deserves to loose their earned character data(time/level).

Jul 30, 2003, 09:43 PM
as for whether you should have been fsodxed, no. users do not have the right to be server admin. it would be like if i banned someone on psow even thought im not a mod

as for twinking and duping mats,i agree with FObilix. it takes all the challenge out of the game

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: monkeyfist on 2003-07-30 20:04 ]</font>

Jul 31, 2003, 02:27 AM
The only people who deserve corruption are the ones who use leveling tricks, since their characters are pretty much false anyway. While I don't agree with your duping, I also think corruption is WAY too harsh. The person you met was just mean for no apparent reason, don't take it to heart.

Jul 31, 2003, 03:57 AM
You desrved it. Im 10000000% legit. Cuz i only play battle mode rules 2 3 and 6. And i only got 50+ wins. I more legit than the legitiest person ever. I mean. If you corrupted. You mustve been doin some super duper caluper code or cheat trick hack... You just had to feel the fury at some time. We all do.
I just havent felt it yet and I owned PSOgc since its very first release in japan. Trail ver included. Right now im playing card revolution and i need to know where are my PSOW-peoples at? Cuz I have my love for the game and my peoples wanna give it back. So far, Trail ver goin smoothily but. Myria (the fat one) has said that a hack will be coming soon once the release comes out. So PSO CARD will also have the same little problem. Most likey, itll still become just another PSO. = (

Jul 31, 2003, 07:30 AM
You didn't deserve it. Take what you've duped and use it, but don't take/make anymore dupes. Simple as that. In fact, the only way I can justify duping is as back ups on another card. Not to hack or abuse, but to make up for corruption later.

Jul 31, 2003, 07:37 AM
Although I don't agree with duping/dupers, no one deserves to be corrupted, especially if it was caused by the stupid double save Sonic Team won't take away >_<

I can play with dupers, but I won't trade to them...

Aug 1, 2003, 01:20 PM
No one deserves to corrupt except maybe people who corrupt others.

Aug 1, 2003, 03:53 PM
As long as you dupe I hope all of your players are corrupted.

LoL I'm only kidding. Dupers dupe, what's done is done, so play how you see fit, nothing anyone does anymore can really affect anyone else.

Aug 1, 2003, 04:03 PM
I don't believe in PSO karma...

so no, you don't 'deserve' something for duping/hacking/or being a general cranky-big-headed-mousey.

Though it's nice when cranky-big-headed-mouseys get what's comeing to them...

(note- not implying that you were a cranky mouse at any time, I'm just refering to that general attitude of generic people that makes people feel good and guilty when someeone they don't like gets 'it')

Aug 1, 2003, 05:26 PM

No one deserves FSODX. No hacker, no duper, no legit. End of Story.

Aug 2, 2003, 07:45 AM
On 2003-07-28 22:39, FObilix wrote:

Why are we giving fresh new characters buttloads of POW materials?! If it gonna be so exciting to just mow down Normal and Hard mode with fairly no amount of difficulty?!

Sigh... I don't understand.

It's not going to be exciting but it's going to be a lot less boring. Twinking in itself is a perfectly legitimate tactic, (as long as all the items you use for twinking were obtained legitimately) and it makes the early hours of the game a lot less dull and/or frustrating. (I mean really, is it THAT much fun to be taking 10 minutes to clear a roomfull of Boomas when each and every one is guaranteed to drop absolutely sod-all that's worth anything? At least on Ultimate you have a chance of getting rares and then there's the meseta, mates and fluids which can be made use of, plus the experience) Test it out. Make a L1 character and take them to Normal mode and see how fun it is. Then recreate them and give them a L200 MAG and see how much fun THAT is. It won't be more fun but it'll be less irritating.

In short, twinking may be frowned upon but it makes the tiresome early hours of the game much more tolerable.

Aug 2, 2003, 12:44 PM
ugh ... i can't believe some people still think that cheaters get corrupted because they cheat ...

everyone can be corrupted, it has nothing to do with whether you're cheating or not, it has to do with your memory card and connection, more specifically, if your game locks up while you're saving, mostly during the double save

and whether or not you deserved it depends on if you ruined the fun of someone else's playing experience

no one likes getting corrupted, but as long as you play the game, you are at risk of it happening, no matter who you are

Aug 3, 2003, 04:01 PM
If anyone tries to say i dupe/hack/anything illegit, fuck you, i have a level 35 FOMARL for gods sake. I play as fair as it can be and don't even go online for a reason called money. I don't have it.