View Full Version : Fun With Gifoie

Jul 29, 2003, 08:36 PM
Gifoie is an incredibly useful spell. Here's a few neat tricks I've found that you can do with it:

With a low-level Gifoie (at higher levels, this becomes irrelevant), try casting it amongst a pack of Wolves and turning your back to each one you want to hit in turn... they'll dive toward you and get hit, negating any chance they had at damaging you.

And while we're in the Forest, a high-level Gifoie (definitely 15 or above, optimally 20+) can save you a lot of time with Rappies. If you cast Gifoie over a Rappy and then run away from it, when it gets up it'll automatically get hit and drop its item. It's an easy way to get items from a flock of them (like in Fake In Yellow) without having to worry about not hitting any of them before they get away.

More mundanely, you can use Gifoie as a pre-emptive spell. When enemies appear, cast a Gifoie or two to damage and delay them while you get in a better position to switch to the less-powerful Rafoie. I'll admit that Gifoie can be used in close combat without getting hit, but it's a lot harder to do so with Gifoie than Rafoie.

De Rol Le hates Gifoie, did you know that? Not only is it stronger than Rafoie (at higher levels, at least), but it can even hit it as it jumps over the raft or does its rock-dropping attack. Just have the spell in effect as it passes over and every segment will take damage. Nothing beats the stuttering groan the thing makes as it drags its unguarded, fleshy body over three level 27+ Gifoies.

Gifoie's a great trap-prevention mechanism for non-androids (specifically FOs), too! If you cast Gifoie and wander around in its area of effect, any trap that rears its ugly head will be automatically "disarmed." Wonderful in Ult Mines, where traps abound in rooms infested with enemies weak to fire.

"Normal Attack" my foot. =D

Jul 29, 2003, 08:47 PM
Gifoie is also great for ult falzs 2nd form. When he dips down to cast rafoie or rabarta, cast gifoie twice, and the darvants will die as soon as they appear

Jul 29, 2003, 08:49 PM
On 2003-07-29 18:36, Kupi wrote:

If you cast Gifoie over a Rappy and then run away from it, when it gets up it'll automatically get hit and drop its item.

it will work similarly with pouifully, too, after they come up for air. be careful. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/anime1.gif

Jul 29, 2003, 09:23 PM
Gifoie is also very good in the Ultimate Mines with the Gillchichs. Expecially if you have the Gifoie or red merge whatever its called. Maximimum pwnage.

Jul 29, 2003, 09:44 PM
I knew I'd forgotton one, Incognito32! Thanks. Yeah, the damage-stacking ability of simultaneous hits works wonders with Slimes. If your Gifoie is strong enough, you might even burst them the first time they come up, if you get lucky.

Jul 29, 2003, 10:09 PM
I always like Gifoie for Temple. Most of the rooms are so small Gifoie done outside the room will hit everything in them, and thus you can take out everything that's weak to Foie-types before you ever actually go inside the room.
Which is why FOmars completely own Temple, most of the stuff that isn't weak to Foie-types is weak to Grants. >_>;

Jul 29, 2003, 10:18 PM
cool gifoie tips!
i will use the one about the traps with my FO. especially since gifoie i have has a different graphic because its a higher level http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif its soo cool! and plus my rafoie isnt high enough to change graphic so i find myself not using it much because its cooler than rafoie http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif

Jul 29, 2003, 11:06 PM
It's the best in the ruins vs Dimenians.
( and claws, and c sorcerers, c bringers )
It take it you ahve FOmar, they're nice with them....
mmmmmmmm gifoie.....

Jul 29, 2003, 11:17 PM
And besides, Gifoie may not be as strong and Rafoie (if ur not a Fomar) but it sure looks cool at at lvl 15+. Fire balls swirling around the whole room... Just so cool!!!

Jul 30, 2003, 09:18 AM
On 2003-07-29 21:17, FinalHell wrote:
And besides, Gifoie may not be as strong and Rafoie (if ur not a Fomar) but it sure looks cool at at lvl 15+. Fire balls swirling around the whole room... Just so cool!!!

Actually, starting at a certain level Gifoie does more damage as the same level Rafoie. Without taking into consideration the class bonuses.

Jul 30, 2003, 09:27 AM
yah I always loved gifoie for my force. Its ability to last in the time is great.

Jul 30, 2003, 09:30 AM
ya, very good, but only a little slow to cast it XD

Jul 30, 2003, 09:50 AM
When I used to cast with Kanore, I loved Gifoie.. it was so powerful. I never saw why everybody else preferred the ugly Rafoie...

Jul 30, 2003, 10:51 AM
Gifoie is also good at taking out traps.

Jul 30, 2003, 02:29 PM
On 2003-07-30 07:50, ChibiWarrior wrote:
When I used to cast with Kanore, I loved Gifoie.. it was so powerful. I never saw why everybody else preferred the ugly Rafoie...

Because it's cool to cause large thermo explosions... looks kinda like a supernova or something... but Gifoie is a lot more stronger and cooler looking. If only the casting delay were much shorter though...

Jul 30, 2003, 03:59 PM
And if it strong enough use it in battle mode, its like a great unpenetrable wall because it knocks down people a lot.

hehehe, it especially useful on those range impaired hunters who have to get all close to you.

Jul 30, 2003, 04:14 PM
If your a FOmar then it also does even more damage as they have an increased % for GI's

Jul 30, 2003, 04:42 PM
I like to cast it repeatedly and then use Rafoie and foie to make a giant fiery painful...fire type attack^_^

Jul 30, 2003, 04:43 PM
Highly underestimated is gifoie. I love using it. Much stronger, and having a batch of fireballs follow my mage about killing everything in sight is great!

Jul 30, 2003, 05:57 PM
To all believers of Gifoie being useless due to its speed:
As we all know, Gifoie does more damage than Rafoie, without having technique boosts that is.
Know if your force character has high defence, then stand near a group of enemies, cast Gifoie, and since the enemies will hit you after casting Gifoie, you can immediately cast Gifoie again, meaning your taking advantage of the enemy's hit. Of course, this also would work with Rafoie, but since Gifoie does more damage, i recommend doing it with Gifoie.
If defence isnt high enough, cast Deband on your character (a Force should be supported by Deband at all times anyway) and Jellen on the enemies. To make it work pthe right way, your defence should be high enough to not fall when the enemy hits you.

Jul 30, 2003, 06:47 PM
I love running into to a room killing a ton of creautures with lvl 30 gifoies. And keep on casting them so the second batch of creatures are dead before they can touch me.

Jul 30, 2003, 09:03 PM
Mines+Maki Nomiya+Gifoie Merge+Magical Key = Kill Machine http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/anime1.gif