View Full Version : One last Good-Bye.....

Jul 29, 2003, 11:37 PM
My friend for 6 years is moving tomarrow. His dad couldn't find a job here(San Jose) so they're going to move to Arizona(sp?). I'm going to see him off for one last good-bye. I'll still be able to talk to him with AIM ,but still I can't replace someone like that no one can. I'm going to get out of bed, get ready, eat breakfast and head over to his house. I guess I'll say good-bye for all my others that can't say it themselfs. Makes be pretty sad just typing this....ha.......anyway just wanted to see if another people have had this happen before.

Thanks for reading(If you did)

Jul 29, 2003, 11:48 PM
Well I know how this feels, but I haven't seen my friend since he moved away but it is nice to hear from him in letters or on the comp, but last I heard from him was 4 years ago. Its sad when you see someone you grew up with leave and barely hear from them.

Jul 30, 2003, 12:19 AM
Thanks.It makes me feel better some what better knowing someone here has gone throught it. Just hope I can get out of bed instead of staying in and hoping its not the day...

Jul 30, 2003, 12:36 AM
Yea, believe me its not hard but try and stay in touch, don't let a good friendship disappear. I wish I could talk to my friend if I find his phone number.

Jul 30, 2003, 07:13 AM
if it makes you feel better i might mention that tons of people go through that each day ^-^;

then again, its sad, since it depends... i think its true that when you are apart you live yourself apart... but thats no law of nature, its up to you two.

so, best luck

Jul 30, 2003, 09:11 AM
I lost alot of childhood friends when I moved.

Jul 30, 2003, 11:03 AM
I lost a few....

Jul 30, 2003, 11:36 AM
I'm sorry to hear your friend is leaving. I live in Pittsburgh and my "best friend as long as I can remember" lived 6 houses away from me.

In 9th grade (year 10) her dad told announced the news -- he was offered a great job in San Diego. High School was scary enough. All our plans of spending those years together were shattered.

Saying good-bye to her was so difficult. The actual act involved a lot of reminiscing which led to a lot of crying. After she left I felt the emptiness. I cried a lot. We tried talking on the phone a lot and chatting over AIM and talking on the phone.

Throughout our High School life we were able to visit one another for a few days. Those trips were fun but also sad. Even now I'm living in the same house and I realize how much I took for granted I could walk to her house.

The first 2 years that she was gone was the hardest. She had to make new friends and I had to live my life without her. We both made new friends but never lost contact and continued to visit one another as much as possible.

It got easier. I still miss her but the times we do spend together we appreciate more. In some ways we grew closer as we grew older and still far apart. There was a lot of chaos during the transition between High School and College. I lost a lot of friends then that during time but your true friends will shine through. There are some people that even if you don't talk to them for 2 monthes you can randomly call them up or IM or email them and pick up the conversation.

We both travel around a lot and try as hard as we can for our paths to cross. When there were nights I would talk to her and I hated her dad for making her move I'd look up at the sky and know the stars that blanketed me were the same ones that were looking down at her.

You will miss your friend but I hope you two can remain friends. It's not easy. I moved around a lot and I've sadly lost touch with a lot of people, sometimes it was their fault, sometimes it was mine, the lack of effort can ruin a friendship but a little attention and it can sometimes bloom to new levels.

Good luck!

Jul 30, 2003, 11:51 AM
Thank You >
Everyone just had to say it http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif
Todays the day. I'll be going over pretty soon (I think) and say good-bye for 5 of my friends that can't make it or just can't stand good-byes. I really hate good-byes also but its just one of those things you have you do. No need to cry over spilt milk.

Jul 30, 2003, 11:54 AM
On 2003-07-30 09:51, tiltnkirby26 wrote:
Thank You >
Everyone just had to say it http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif
Todays the day. I'll be going over pretty soon (I think) and say good-bye for 5 of my friends that can't make it or just can't stand good-byes. I really hate good-byes also but its just one of those things you have you do. No need to cry over spilt milk.

*hugs* good luck!

And it's not spilt milk! That implies someone accidently did something, it's more like "no need to cry over the natural meandering of rivers and constant changing of basins and waterways ("made out of milk")

Jul 30, 2003, 12:22 PM
Sorry sorry. Wrong figure of speech.

*gives Vanango a 5 dollar bill of pointing out that out*

Jul 30, 2003, 12:49 PM
On 2003-07-30 10:22, tiltnkirby26 wrote:
Sorry sorry. Wrong figure of speech.

*gives Vanango a 5 dollar bill of pointing out that out*

naw, don't be sorry. I just didn't want you to think there was some sort of mistake. Keep your bling bling and spend it on phone cards http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_razz.gif

Jul 30, 2003, 12:53 PM
A few years ago, I lost my best friend when I moved away. We were only about an hour's drive away from each other, though, so we got to see each other every now and then. That is, until his family moved halfway across the country. It was less painful, I think, because of the slower separation. Now, his family is in Atlanta, only a couple hours away, and he came to see us a month ago, right after he moved in. It was cool.

Jul 31, 2003, 01:41 AM
Its been 8 hour. I was going to buy him lunch but he had to pack up the rest of his stuff. So my other friend(pojo here) helped him pack the rest and talk some then watched him go away. Its funny....I thought it would be more painful to see him go, but after hanging with him for 3 hour before he left it made me feel better about the fact that hes gone. Now that this whole thing is over.Now its time to track his best friends ass down and send him on one BIG gilt trip for missing HIS best friends last day in San Jose.Day 1: I found out later thats evening he went to manteca to spend 5 days over there with his 3 week gf(Note: the friend that moved and his best friend have been friends for 11 years).He knew his friend was moving and soon. He never told any of us that he left for manteca(I can't go into big detail about it.Its too much for me to type). I not know why he would do that to his best friend but I'll find out.......