View Full Version : Best Prize to Pick in Challenge

Jul 30, 2003, 03:01 AM
What prize should i pick in challenge mode? i'm a HUcast. Should i pick the s rank saber, the toy hammer, the crazy tune....and don't just post some article please, just tell me. XP

Jul 30, 2003, 03:47 AM
which are you talking about? you can get srank weapons (the kind you name) from doing online cmode. you can get things like your crazy tune from doing offline cmode. you are talking about 2 completely different things here. specify!

Jul 30, 2003, 12:27 PM
online: twin for hunters, shot for rangers
offline: i want a toyhammer...

Jul 31, 2003, 01:51 AM
I'll get you a Toy Hammer, rena-ko... I just need to get my friends to sit down and play all Cmode stages without complaining. ^-^;;

Back to topic:
Twin for Hunters and Shot for Rangers... for Forces, it's really up to you. But don't just try to get the BEST Srank, try to get one that you'd like more.
CMode ain't just there for Sranks, you know.

Aug 1, 2003, 12:20 PM
master joel, calm down. I never heard that the sranks were only online, and that sucks. my bad. so the best weapon to get OFFLINE is...toy hammer?

Aug 1, 2003, 03:11 PM
not necessarily, but its my personal favorite ^-^

here, pick yours:

(on a second view, yes, seems like the toy hammer would be the best one - at least for hunters, forces are better off with a flower cane or broom)

Aug 2, 2003, 03:33 AM
On 2003-08-01 10:20, Splitter wrote:
master joel, calm down. I never heard that the sranks were only online, and that sucks. my bad. so the best weapon to get OFFLINE is...toy hammer?

i'm sorry, i have two moods... happy-go-lucky and angry... i have been so cranky lately, and its your turn.

actually, there is no "best" for offline cmode. in fact, they all suck. there are so many better items from just playing. however, they do look really cool, and they are fun to use. it all comes down to your favorite looking and its special. with my fomar, i really enjoy the crazy tune, because it works like a sword. but that chameleon scythe is so tempting! and the maracas! and, ooh, the wok. i also like the toy hammer because of its comical sound.

i'm angry. >=P