View Full Version : What is the best Hunter weapon?

Jul 30, 2003, 09:46 AM
What is the best Hunter weapon?(usable by all hunters)And why?

Jul 30, 2003, 09:47 AM
A good Mag.

Jul 30, 2003, 10:26 AM
One that is good for hunting. Why? Because it's good for hunting!

Jul 30, 2003, 10:29 AM
A brain.

All weapons have their uses at specific moments, as do techs. Most HU's should ideally (IMO) carry around three weapon types at all times. A single enemy power weapon (Saber, Dagger, Twin Sword), a Mass enemy damage weapon (Sword, Partisan), and a gun (Handgun, Mechgun). Whatever weapons in those categories you use is up to you.. and try to make only one of them a truely Rare weapon which you equip when piping up, changing levels, warping to the boss.. ect. The rest should be good normal weapons or easily findable common rares. FSOD isn't pretty.

HUmars should also use techs, not as offence, but strategicly.

Jul 30, 2003, 12:37 PM
Ya like resta, good ol resta. Its great to pick ur ass up off the floor and just press a button then ding, ur fixed! i also like Rafoie to blow up all the boxes, alot more effective than slashing.

Jul 30, 2003, 12:40 PM
On 2003-07-30 08:29, _Sinue_ wrote:
A brain.

All weapons have their uses at specific moments, as do techs. Most HU's should ideally (IMO) carry around three weapon types at all times. A single enemy power weapon (Saber, Dagger, Twin Sword), a Mass enemy damage weapon (Sword, Partisan), and a gun (Handgun, Mechgun). Whatever weapons in those categories you use is up to you.. and try to make only one of them a truely Rare weapon which you equip when piping up, changing levels, warping to the boss.. ect. The rest should be good normal weapons or easily findable common rares. FSOD isn't pretty.

HUmars should also use techs, not as offence, but strategicly.

Beautiful, just beautiful.

Jul 30, 2003, 09:37 PM
depends on your fighting syle.

Jul 30, 2003, 09:41 PM
On 2003-07-30 08:29 _Sinue_ Wrote:

A brain.

All weapons have their uses at specific moments, as do techs. Most HU's should ideally (IMO) carry around three weapon types at all times. A single enemy power weapon (Saber, Dagger, Twin Sword), a Mass enemy damage weapon (Sword, Partisan), and a gun (Handgun, Mechgun). Whatever weapons in those categories you use is up to you.. and try to make only one of them a truely Rare weapon which you equip when piping up, changing levels, warping to the boss.. ect. The rest should be good normal weapons or easily findable common rares. FSOD isn't pretty.

HUmars should also use techs, not as offence, but strategicly

I couldn't agree more. That's exactly what any Hunter should have, It should be a rule.

Jul 30, 2003, 09:43 PM
On 2003-07-30 08:29, _Sinue_ wrote:
A brain.

All weapons have their uses at specific moments, as do techs. Most HU's should ideally (IMO) carry around three weapon types at all times. A single enemy power weapon (Saber, Dagger, Twin Sword), a Mass enemy damage weapon (Sword, Partisan), and a gun (Handgun, Mechgun). Whatever weapons in those categories you use is up to you.. and try to make only one of them a truely Rare weapon which you equip when piping up, changing levels, warping to the boss.. ect. The rest should be good normal weapons or easily findable common rares. FSOD isn't pretty.

HUmars should also use techs, not as offence, but strategicly.

this is true

Jul 30, 2003, 10:18 PM
A basic rule of thumb is this:

Forest: saber, dagger, double saber

Caves: same as forest with a sword or partisan for the boss

Mines: sword or partisan (no exceptions anything else will get you overwhelmed and killed in the higher difficulties) saber, dagger, double saber on boss

Ruins: Same as Mines

in forest or caves (or anywhere in the lower difficulties) you can use whatever weapon deals the most damage. keep photon effeciency in mind.

If you have mad skillz you can pretty much use whatever you damn well please.

Jul 31, 2003, 05:38 PM
If you wan't one weopon in particular it would have to be the Double cannon

Jul 31, 2003, 07:26 PM
no no no DB'S SABER! Thats gotta be the best hunter weapon!!