View Full Version : HELP ME

Jul 30, 2003, 05:42 PM
I have a level 64 humar and I am bored out of my misery in the mines on vh... I want to get to ultimate so bad, but I am too bored to try and grow ten more levels... PLEASE HELP ME!!!

Jul 30, 2003, 05:45 PM
Play with some friends or get a new weapon. Then you'll want to play more!

Jul 30, 2003, 06:01 PM
Yeah, new weapons are always fun. Only reason I made my humar was cause I found a stag cutlery. Have you tried to beat vhard to get to ultimate?

Jul 30, 2003, 06:09 PM
so beat the mines, then kill falz and then *bamf* offline single mode ultimate at whatever level you're on... or, if you need to level and need a change of scenery, try some episode two stuff.