View Full Version : Mark 3 amazing or terrible

Jul 31, 2003, 02:45 AM
In order to max all the stats of my character I need a Mark 3 because I made some dumb mistakes with materials and mags. However if I create a Mark 3 with a Kit of Mark 3 I can have the ideal mag unfortunatly Mark 3 you have to fuse with a level 5 to 9 mag meaning it will have no Photon Blasts. This is a problem because I want to be able to take part in Chain PBs as well as boost others doing PBs. Anyway I heard a rumor once or twice from different people saying that there is a way to put Photons Blasts onto Mark 3 if anyone has information or a link that can provide me with some information I would be gratful.

Jul 31, 2003, 03:02 AM
Hmm really thats interesting,because i have never heard of this before unless maybe its the latest hack http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_frown.gif hmmm if the Mark 3 mag is ideal for your char i believe that, you should be able to match those stats with just about any none rare mag what are the stats that you are trying to recieve??

Or are you just trying to get a mag that lvs faster http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_lol.gif

Jul 31, 2003, 05:19 PM
A mark 3 doesn't need any additional def or dex, and so can be a 5 195 0 0, or a 5 0 0 195

Jul 31, 2003, 05:58 PM
You can also try to use a new glitch that will reset all the mats used (along with some other things).

Jul 31, 2003, 11:41 PM
i am intrigued kalonera. what new glitch is this?

Aug 1, 2003, 12:35 AM
well you see I don't know if it a hack or not but my mag need 5/180/12/3 and it is impossible to make on a normal mag cause every item raises def and dex therefore I need a mark 3

Aug 2, 2003, 12:17 AM
Hmm....indeed it would seem no one gives a care to topics that are not on page one how unfortunate for me I am never popular.

Aug 2, 2003, 01:51 AM
On 2003-07-31 21:41, Mildewman1 wrote:
i am intrigued kalonera. what new glitch is this?

It's a glitch/trick that causes an error to occur when you go online that results in most of the things on the loaded character to reset, including mat usage.

On 2003-07-31 22:35, Aero_Ruisu wrote:
well you see I don't know if it a hack or not but my mag need 5/180/12/3 and it is impossible to make on a normal mag cause every item raises def and dex therefore I need a mark 3

It may be possible to get a mag like that, but I'm not sure. I've made plenty of mags with only 5 DEF, but they also had a good amount more DEX.

Aug 2, 2003, 03:10 AM
It is perfectly possible, especially so for Aero_Ruisu, who has Skyly RA and HU classes.

He will be going through charts #1, (2 or 3), and #4

All of those charts allow for raising stats without gaining unwanted def.

But, as with the 50/0/0/150 FO mags, it is time and patience consuming to do it...

Aug 2, 2003, 12:48 PM
Just raising the DEF to 50 is a time consuming task. I know since I just made a mag with that much DEF. It took me nearly a half a day of constant feeding to go from the low 20's to 50 with DEF.