View Full Version : Which of these mags is good for a FOmarl?

Aug 1, 2003, 06:53 PM
I can get anyone of these lvl 100 mags:


Those who have used some of these, hopefully with a FOmarl, can you tell me how well it worked for ya?

I kind of want another Nidra, or another Sato, but if you think one of the others is good, please tell me! =^.^=

Aug 1, 2003, 06:59 PM
My sato has saved me some many time today in ult. ruins. 1/10 of my hp and no more pain(most of the time). I like the invincably more then hp or S&D.

Aug 1, 2003, 07:10 PM
On 2003-08-01 16:59, tiltnkirby26 wrote:
My sato has saved me some many time today in ult. ruins. 1/10 of my hp and no more pain(most of the time). I like the invincably more then hp or S&D.

Same here! I also like the way his cute little tail wags up and down!

But I dunno. I kind of want a Pushan or a Rukmin. /two of which I haven't raised yet/

My struggle!!! Get a NEW-new mag, or get anther Sato. /focused on MIND, instead of POW/

Hmm... i'll prolly go with a Sato.. unless someone can convince me otherwise?

The mag timer is ticking too, I should have it to lvl 100 in about half an hour to 45 minutes.

If you guys have something to say about the other mags, please say so ;-;

Aug 1, 2003, 07:33 PM
probably too late, but my Fomar sticks with his Nidra, looks cool and gives u invinvcibility for boss fight and pb full, i think i sometimes revies u when u die too.

Aug 1, 2003, 08:22 PM
On 2003-08-01 17:33, fomar_agito wrote:
probably too late, but my Fomar sticks with his Nidra, looks cool and gives u invinvcibility for boss fight and pb full, i think i sometimes revies u when u die too.

Nidra is more of a bad muthr version of a Sato.

It does the same things Sato does.

Nope, not too late. I miss-calculated... I'll have to decide which one to make in about 10 minutes ;-;

I kinda want a white Sato, as I alread have a white Nidra...

Aug 2, 2003, 12:06 AM
Go for Sato they are cute.

Aug 2, 2003, 12:37 AM
Savitri if your not to ult yet, and a Sato/nidra if in Ult