View Full Version : Who thinks Virus Wear: Lafuteria is better for Forces?

Aug 2, 2003, 09:41 PM
I see in the recommended stuff for Forces FAQ, that FOmar, FOmarl, and FOnewearl are recommended Aura Field, and people have followed this, like me.

I also had a Stink Frame, and 99 Photon Drops, and had the time to make myself a Virus Wear: Lafuteria.

Lafuteria is about 20 some DFP lower than Aura Field, along with alot of EVP, but does that really matter? What Forces need is the TP right? Especially FOnewearls, even if the Aura Field saps slowly, it still saps, yes? How about the human FOs, who have lower TP?

I still wear AF now and then, but wear Lafu more. I want to know, in your opinions, if you think Lafuteria is better for FOs, if you should stick to Aura Field, or other.

Aug 2, 2003, 10:09 PM
Lafuteria all the way!!! its been my obsession for quite some time...and...it just looks cool!!!

Aug 2, 2003, 10:14 PM
Who picked that 'why the hell did you make this topic CW?' one? For fun? COME OUT AND TALK TO ME!

Aug 2, 2003, 10:20 PM
I say Lafuteria since A) I already have Vajuilla and B) my TP goes down fast enough as it is, I don't need armor sucking it down any faster.

Aug 2, 2003, 10:38 PM
but what about the fact that lafuteria is just plain cool...i mean...come on...

Aug 3, 2003, 03:18 AM
Aura Field is better because...

-Aura Field has higher DFP and EVP; it's the strongest armor in the game (shame androids can't equip it - though they can't equip Lafuteria, either).
-Aura Field has a lower level requirement to equip.
-Oran can easily find Aura Field off Mil Lilies in the Ultimate VR Temple.
-Aura Field can also be created by combining a Spirit Garment and magic rock "Moola".
-You can find and/or make an Aura Field if you're stuck offline, but Lafuteria can only be created and requires an online connection to buy 4 Parasite Cell D items.
-You have to use roughly 80 Photon Drops to make Lafuteria, the Aura Field in either form can be found.
-The Aura Field TP drain is very slow and makes little to no difference. That's what fluids and/or TP stealing weapons are for.
-The flickering blue flame visual effect on the Aura Field is neat looking (for the Lafuteria: if maggots floating around your character is your bag, that's your decision).

Any questions? http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_wink.gif

Edited for clarity.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: VulpesMundi on 2003-08-03 01:29 ]</font>

Aug 3, 2003, 03:18 AM
On 2003-08-03 01:18, VulpesMundi wrote:
Aura Field is better because...

-Aura Field has higher DFP and EVP; it's the strongest armor in the game (shame androids can't equip it).
-Oran can easily find it off Mil Lilies in the Ultimate VR Temple.
-It can also be created by combining a Spirit Garment and magic rock "Moola".
-You don't have to waste roughly 80 Photon Drops to make it.
-You can find and/or make an Aura Field if you're stuck offline.
-The TP drain is very slow and makes little to no difference. That's what fluids and/or TP stealing weapons are for.
-The flickering blue flame visual effect is neat looking (for the Lafuteria: if maggots floating around your character is your bag, that's your decision).

Any questions? http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_wink.gif

Maggots? Sounds coooooool! -adds to want list