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View Full Version : Stupid game just killed my character.

Aug 4, 2003, 06:53 AM
While entering a game on Sunday with my level 147 RAcast EGO-BOT, the game fsod on me, during the save.

The Only thing I could do, is switch off the console, and when I turned it back on, I got the message:

The system file, character file and guild card files on Slot A are corrupt and must be deleted. OK?


If I answer NO, the message remains on the screen?

I tried to delete the Guild card file, to see if that worked, but it didn't.

I even tried to swap memory cards around, during the options screen (it picks up my corrupted card's BGM list when I do... but that's is all )

And so I guess that's it.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not devastated: I can rebuild my character over time. And people I know online, have ofered to help me with that.

But, I spent 580plus hours levelling and just playing this game over the last few months, only for that to happen? It just stinks.

To think I paid for the modem, the game, an ISP AND a hunters licence, all so this can happen at anytime... seriously, I can see now why so many have quit this game so far.

Sega really do need to fix this... because this double save thing is nothing but a complete joke, it was there to stop dupeing..but people can still dupe anyway, so its just there increasing the chances of corruption.

And the worst thing is, it isnt some minor thing that sega (even though they try) can overlook... it happens all too much on this game and players of all kinds have had their many characters just go like that.

Ah well, back to Forest on normal I go lol

Aug 4, 2003, 07:07 AM
I know what you mean. I think all of us have suffered it at some point in time.
But a Lvl 147? Jeez, I'd be so peed right now.

Aug 4, 2003, 07:21 AM
I feel sorry for ya man. My little brother was in tears after his character got hit by that damn double save fsod. I've avoided forever now.....maybe I'm next...http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_disapprove.gif

Aug 4, 2003, 07:40 AM
Ok. I'm not an online player, seeing how I have no modem adapter, so my questions are...

1) What is an FSOD?

2) What is double saving?

3) Shouldn't this thread be somewhere in Tech Support and not General?

Aug 4, 2003, 08:31 AM

I know what you mean. I think all of us have suffered it at one some point in time. But 147? Jeez I?d be so peed right now.

Yeah I really was at the time it happened and the only reason I stayed and didn't quit, was because some people I know helped me out. I did a quick run trough endless 4 with my newly made level 1 character, and gained 11 levels, so I kind of realised I can rebuild my levels a lot faster this time.

Sonic646, I'm sorry to hear about your little brother and I too avoided corruption somehow for ages,I lasted about 4 months, but I just knew this was gonna happen! I've slowly seen one by one, people I know online lose their high level characters...

Gigawatt said:

1) What is FSOD

It stands for frozen or freezing screen of death, its when the game just freezes, making this horrible noise.

You can't reset the game from the console itself or by using the soft reset from the controller. It all has no effect what so ever, opening the lid of the game also has no effect.

So the only thing you can do is switch off the console. However, doing this means that the game did not save.

So when you go back to your character on the character select, at the bottom of the screen is says something about how all unequipped items have been lost.

The problem lies if you FSOD while the game is saveing (such as when you enter a game) that's when all you PSO data on you memory card gets corrupted and you lose everything.

2)What is double saving

From what i've read, when pso was first released in Japan, it was very easy to dupe weapons, so when sega released PSO in other countrys (and re-released it in Japan), they added the 'double save'to prevent this...which basically means that when it saves now, it takes twice as long to save then what it should.

This leaves you at risk from corruption for double the time.

3)Shouldn this thread be somewhere in tech suport, and not general.

Sorry, my bad on that, this is my first ever post. But its been moved now http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif

Aug 4, 2003, 08:41 AM
Moved to Rants. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_razz.gif

Never got corrupted, but I see you may have overlooked something. If the game freezes because of something, pull out the network cable. Your game will most likely notice and then allow you to save. I know I did this multiple times when my game froze earlier today when either trying to log on or while playing the game.

Report this corruption to Sonic Team. There's a thread somewhere on this board that links to a page where you must email or fill a form to report your corruption. It's better than nothing. Just do it.

Aug 4, 2003, 09:35 AM
Thanks Benoit,I'll check that out.

One of the first things I asked when I went back online, was if there was a contact for sega. People say they don't care and its a waste of time...and they're probably right, but I still feel that I have to let SEGA know what I think of this rubbish.

Because it would be great to hear that they reseived loads of complaints about FSODX, and were doing something about it, rather than no comment.

I live in the UK and on the UK Hunters licence web page theres a small survay to fill out, and you can tell them any comments about PSO that you think they should know. But theres limeted space as to what you can right. So emailing them would be a lot better.

BTW, I did pull the chord at the time, and left it for about five minutes, but nothing happened http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_frown.gif

Aug 4, 2003, 09:56 AM
Excuse me, but what you are saying in addition to losing your character is that playing on-line is always a risk for the losing of one's character? And how does pulling out the Network Cable help you re save?

Aug 4, 2003, 10:42 AM
BTW, I did pull the chord at the time, and left it for about five minutes, but nothing happened

And how does pulling out the Network Cable help you re save?
In most cases, when pulling out the network cable, the game will detect the disconnection and quit the game, and let you save.

Aug 4, 2003, 11:00 AM
Well, I'm only speaking from my personal experience on PSO, but I have only ever frozen (fsod) while online, and that's over the space of 4 months offline and online play.

I have never FSOD offline. I'm pretty sure FSOD is a connection issue, and not even possible offline. But I said its just from what I've seen

It doesn't happen that often to me, but when it does, because you are stuck on a frozen screen, all you can do is cut the power going to the gamecube. The game just reads it, as you didn't save last time you played, and you lose all unequipped items.

Sometimes if your very lucky, pulling out the cable, or even just opening the lid of the gamecube, can make the game cut to the saving screen and you lose nothing and everything's fine, you just disconnect. But I only got that to work once out of the times I've ever frozen online.

But, when you're online the game saves a lot (when you enter a game, when you leave the shops, when you leave the bank, when you enter a level, when you leave a level).

So couple that with the fact that you may FSOD during a save and I would say yes, there is always a risk that you will lose your character when online.

But as I said, I lasted 4 months without that happening, and there more people who have played longer than I have and never got corrupted ever, and still play happily online.

Its just luck I guess, on when and if it FSOD.

Aug 4, 2003, 11:29 AM
EGO-BOT this happened on your GC right?

Aug 4, 2003, 11:38 AM
Yes, I'm on GC pso http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif